2011-06-10 30 views






Documents(ActiveDocument.FullName).Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges 

'Values for objFSO 
Const ForReading = 1 
Const ColourYellow = 65535 

Dim doc As Document 
Dim DocRange As Range 

'allows us to change the document in use 
Set ObjCD = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog") 
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 

'Relevant path to the Dictionary txt file, change this to point to the dictionary list if different to this 
DicFilePath = "O:\IPS\PDU\KIS\Intranet\consistency-with-styleguide-project\styleguidelist.txt" 

'Set the parameters for the Common Dialog 
ObjCD.Filter = "Word Documents|*.docx" 'Filter only docx files 
ObjCD.FilterIndex = 3 
ObjCD.InitialDir = "" 'Set the initial path for the Common Dialog to the same folder as the script 

'Display the File open dialog 
InitFSO = ObjCD.ShowOpen 

If InitFSO = False Then 
    'No file was selected so Error 
    MsgBox ("No file was selected") 
    'ScanFilePath = the full path and filename if the file 
    ScanFilePath = ObjCD.FileName 

    Set doc = Documents.Open(ScanFilePath) 'store the document we want to check as doc 
    Set objDicFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(DicFilePath, ForReading) 'open the dictionary file 

    With doc 
     MatchFound = False 'initially have no matches found as haven't searched yet 
     Set DocRange = .Range 'this represents the entire document 
     DicWordCount = 0 

     DocRange.InsertAfter (Space(1)) 
     DocRange.InsertBefore (Space(1)) 
     'do this to pad the start and end with spaces to allow matches for the first and last word 
     'this is done as it's easier than having it look for start and end of file markers and still only find 
     'whole words 

     'Loop though each word in the dictionary and check if that word exists in the word doc 
     Do While objDicFile.AtEndOfStream <> True 
      'reset so EACH word in dictionary is checked for 
      DicWordFound = False 

      'Read the next word from the dictionary 
      DicWord = objDicFile.ReadLine 
      DicWord = Space(1) & DicWord & Space(1) 'add a space to both sides to find whole words only 

      DicWordFound = DocRange.Find.HitHighlight(DicWord, ColourYellow) 
      'is true if it was found at least once, else false. If any are found they are highlighted in yellow 

      If DicWordFound Then 
       MatchFound = True 'MatchFound if used to check if any match was found for any words, only false if none are found 
      End If 

     'this is done to remove the superfluous space at the end. 

    End With 

    If MatchFound Then 
     'If a Match is found 

     'Display OK message 
     MsgBox ("Complete: MATCH FOUND!" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "Matches are highlighted in yellow.") 
     'If a Match is NOT found 
     MsgBox ("No Match") 
    End If 
End If 

如果有人知道我怎麼能刪除我加了一次,我做了搜索,這將是非常有幫助的填充。另外,如果有人可以建議更有效的方式,將不勝感激。 (例如,我確定應該有一種方法來檢查整個單詞只有當搜索,但我不知道它,因爲我是新的宏)

此外,如果有人知道肯定是否相同的功能被複制到Word 97-2003使用相同的方法和對象讓我知道,這樣我可以將它擴展到.doc文件沒有任何額外的單詞。






DicWordFound = DocRange.Find.HitHighlight(DicWord, ColourYellow, MatchWholeWord = True) 






完美的,我知道,會是一個更好的方式來做到這一點,這是非常令人沮喪的知道,一定有一個正確的方法來做到這一點,但由於缺乏對宏的練習,必須以一種愚蠢的方式去做。 它找到正確的詞到處都包括開始和結束,並僅限於整個單詞。非常感謝。 – WizzPhiz 2011-06-20 00:17:03