2016-02-27 64 views



我只能用一個generic param解決一個服務[見SingleOpenGenericResolveTest]。是否可以註冊&解決許多服務與許多T-params [見MultiOpenGenericResolveTest]?

我只爲IService添加了一個具體類,但它可能是許多類T。 (TRegion : Region, TRegion : BigRegion,等...)


using System; 
using NUnit.Framework; 
using Autofac; 
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Linq; 

namespace AutofacResolveTests 
    public class Address<TCity, TRegion, TSomethingElse> 
     where TCity : City<TRegion>, new() 
     where TRegion : Region, new() 
     where TSomethingElse : SomethingElse, new() 
     public int Id { get; set; } 
     TCity City { get; set; } 
     TRegion Region { get; set; } 
     TSomethingElse SomethingElse { get; set; } 

    public class City<TRegion> 
     where TRegion : Region, new() 
     public int Id { get; set; } 
     TRegion Region { get; set; } 

    public class Region 
     public int Id { get; set; } 

    public class SomethingElse 
     public int Id { get; set; } 

    public interface IService<T> where T : class 
     void DoSomething(T entity); 

    public class AddressService<TAddress, TCity, TRegion, TSomethingElse> : IService<TAddress> 
     where TAddress : Address<TCity, TRegion, TSomethingElse> 
     where TCity : City<TRegion>, new() 
     where TRegion : Region, new() 
     where TSomethingElse : SomethingElse, new() 
     public void DoSomething(TAddress entity) 
      Console.WriteLine("Hello from address service"); 

    public class CityService<TCity, TRegion> : IService<TCity> 
     where TCity : City<TRegion>, new() 
     where TRegion : Region, new() 
     public void DoSomething(TCity entity) 
      Console.WriteLine("Hello from city service"); 

    public class RegionService<TRegion> : IService<TRegion> 
     where TRegion : Region 
     public void DoSomething(TRegion entity) 
      Console.WriteLine("Hello from region service"); 

    public class OpenGenericResolveTests 
     IContainer _ioc; 

     public void Setup() 
      var container = new ContainerBuilder(); 
     //manual types registration - works 
     container.RegisterType(typeof(CityService<City<Region>, Region>)).As(typeof(IService<City<Region>>)).AsImplementedInterfaces(); 
      Address<City<Region>, Region, SomethingElse>, City<Region>, Region, SomethingElse 
      Address<City<Region>, Region, SomethingElse> 

      var type = typeof(IService<>); 
      //just get all services which implements IService 
      var generics = type.Assembly.GetTypes().Where(x => 
      && x.Name.Contains("Service") 
      && x.IsGenericType 
      && x.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == type) 

      foreach (var svcType in generics) 

      _ioc = container.Build(); 

     public void SingleOpenGenericResolveTest() 
      var reg = new Region { }; 

      var actual = _ioc.Resolve<IService<Region>>(); 
      Assert.That(actual != null); 


     public void MultiOpenGenericResolveTest() 
      var actual1 = _ioc.Resolve<IService<Region>>(); 
      Assert.That(actual1 != null); 

      //works only with manual registration 
      var actual2 = _ioc.Resolve<IService<City<Region>>>(); 
      Assert.That(actual2 != null); 

      //works only with manual registration 
      var actual3 = _ioc.Resolve<IService<Address<City<Region>,Region,SomethingElse>>>(); 
      Assert.That(actual3 != null); 





好的。我理解它。但是可能有可能通過根類型(TCity:City)找到所有類型(TRegion:Region),並在Autofac中使用反射或某個事件註冊服務:OnActivating,OnPreparing ...? –