2017-10-14 68 views


Player p = new Player(); 
p.Avatar = go; 
p.PlayerName = playerName; 
p.ConnectionId = cnnId; 
p.Avatar.GetComponentInChildren<TextMesh>().text = pName; 
players.Add(cnnId, p); 


public class Player 
    public string PlayerName; 
    public GameObject Avatar; 
    public int ConnectionId; 


Player p = new Player(playerName, go, cnnId); p.Avatar.GetComponentInChildren<TextMesh>().text = pName; players.Add(cnnId, p);


using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using UnityEngine; 
using UnityEngine.UI; 

public struct Player { 

    Client client; 

    public string PlayerName { get; set; } 
    public GameObject Avatar { get; set; } 
    public int ConnectionId { get; set; } 
    public byte[] Tex { get; set; } 
    public string Type { get; set; } 
    public string Id { get; set; } 
    public int Strength { get; set; } 
    public int Hitpoints { get; set; } 
    public bool IsAlive { get; set; } 

    // Initial method takes base arguments for testing 
    public Player(string playerName, GameObject avatar, int connectionID) : this() 
     this.PlayerName = playerName; 
     this.Avatar = avatar; 
     this.ConnectionId = connectionID; 

     client.infoDisplayText.GetComponent<Text>().text += playerName + " " + ConnectionId + " " + "\n"; 

    // Overload method takes all player arguments 
    public Player(string playerName, GameObject avatar, int connectionID, byte[] tex, string type, string id, int strength, int hitpoints, bool isAlive) : this() 
     this.PlayerName = playerName; 
     this.Avatar = avatar; 
     this.ConnectionId = connectionID; 

     this.Tex = tex; 
     this.Type = type; 
     this.Id = id; 
     this.Strength = strength; 
     this.Hitpoints = hitpoints; 
     this.IsAlive = isAlive; 

     Debug.Log(id + " : " + type + " created with strength " + strength + ", hit points " + hitpoints + ", and a texture the size of " + tex.Length); 

     client.infoDisplayText.GetComponent<Text>().text += playerName + " " + id + " : " + type + " created with strength " + strength + ", hit points " + hitpoints + ", and a texture the size of " + tex.Length +" \n"; 

當我嘗試使用類的構造方法,雖然它不工作 - 我的球員的名字沒有出現,我的球員的跑動沒有更新整個網絡了。我需要做些什麼改變來讓我的構造函數工作?



private void SpawnPlayer(string pName, int cnnId) 
     GameObject go = Instantiate(playerPrefab) as GameObject; 

     // Is this our player? 
     if (cnnId == ourClientId) 
      // Add mobility 
      go.AddComponent<Movement>(); // Add Movement.cs Script 

      // Remove Connect Button 
      if(GameObject.Find("Canvas").activeInHierarchy == true) 

      isStarted = true; 

     Player p = new Player(playerName, go, cnnId); 
     p.Avatar.GetComponentInChildren<TextMesh>().text = pName; 
     players.Add(cnnId, p); 

你爲什麼要用struct?如果你切換到一個班級,它是否能解決你的問題? –


您確定沒有收到任何NullReferenceException,尤其是在設置頭像遊戲對象時? –


@ScottChamberlain切換到類似乎不能解決問題。 – greyBow



當我嘗試使用類的構造方法,雖然它不工作 - 我 球員的名字沒有出現,我的玩家移動不再通過網絡更新 。爲了讓我的 構造函數能夠正常工作,需要做些什麼改變?



。問題是該類中使用的{ get; set; }。 Unity無法序列化/反序列化自動屬性。從class中的每個變量中刪除它們,它應該可以工作。



刪除{get;組; }不幸地修復了這個問題。我發佈了我用來產生上面我的播放器對象的整個函數。那裏還有別的東西,我可能錯了嗎? – greyBow


請使用您未初始化的變量來閱讀我答覆的第二部分.... – Programmer


對不起,我錯過了那部分。我初始化變量,一切正常。謝謝! – greyBow