2013-04-11 49 views


我看了一眼mercurial的鉤子列表,我似乎無法找到(或得到一個工作),執行一個腳本後,你給了hg pull命令。




hgrc docs section on "hooks" -

    Run after a changeset has been pulled, pushed, or unbundled into the 
    local repository. The ID of the newly arrived changeset is in 
    "$HG_NODE". URL that was source of changes came is in "$HG_URL". 


    Run after successful invocations of the associated command. The contents 
    of the command line are passed as "$HG_ARGS" and the result code in 
    "$HG_RESULT". Parsed command line arguments are passed as "$HG_PATS" and 
    "$HG_OPTS". These contain string representations of the python data 
    internally passed to <command>. "$HG_OPTS" is a dictionary of options 
    (with unspecified options set to their defaults). "$HG_PATS" is a list 
    of arguments. Hook failure is ignored. 



還有'pretxnchangegroup'這是在變更集被拉出之後運行,但在它們在本地回購庫中永久化之前運行。如果您需要在接受變更集之前對其進行驗證,這非常有用。 – 2013-04-11 16:02:30


我確實有機會閱讀此內容,但只有在找到新的更改集時纔會拉取。如果我想每次執行hg pull時運行一個鉤子,該怎麼辦?即使在發生沒有發現變化的情況下 – Muradin007 2013-04-11 16:54:23


做了我正在尋找的東西,但我沒有立即意識到它。 – Muradin007 2013-04-11 19:23:22