2012-02-24 124 views


  1. 當我點擊「開始」,如何填寫日期行的日期範圍內的所有日期的兩個文本框
  2. 如何保持文本所有IN和OUT行

當我點擊 '提交',保存到數據庫中進行文本絕:

if (!$_SESSION['uname']) { 
<html><head><title>Attendance sheet</title> 
<link rel="stylesheet" href="att_style.css" type="text/css" > 
<script src="datetimepicker.js"> </script> 
<script type="text/javascript"> 

function IsNumber(strFieldValue, size, strAlert) 
for (var i=0; i < size; i++) 
if(strFieldValue.charAt(i) < "0" || strFieldValue.charAt(i) > "9") 
if(strAlert != "")alert(strAlert) 
return false; 
return true; 

function IsValidTime(timeStr) { 
var timePat = /^(\d{1,2}):(\d{2})(:(\d{2}))?(\s?(AM|am|PM|pm))?$/; 

var matchArray = timeStr.match(timePat); 
if (matchArray == null) { 
alert("Time is not in a valid format."); 
return false; 
hour = matchArray[1]; 
minute = matchArray[2]; 
second = matchArray[4]; 
ampm = matchArray[6]; 

if (second=="") { second = null; } 
if (ampm=="") { ampm = null } 

if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) { 
alert("Hour must be between 1 and 12. (or 0 and 23 for military time)"); 
return false; 
if (hour <= 12 && ampm == null) { 
if (confirm("Please indicate which time format you are using. OK = Standard Time, CANCEL = Military Time"))  { 
alert("You must specify AM or PM."); 
return false; 
if (hour > 12 && ampm != null) { 
alert("You can't specify AM or PM for military time."); 
return false; 
if (minute<0 || minute > 59) { 
alert ("Minute must be between 0 and 59."); 
return false; 
if (second != null && (second < 0 || second > 59)) { 
alert ("Second must be between 0 and 59."); 
return false; 
return false; 
<form name="timeform" method="post" action="" > 

<label for="range_start">Start range:</label> <input name="from" id="frm_date" type="text" > 

<a href="javascript:NewCal('frm_date','ddmmyyyy')"><img src="cal.gif" alt="pick a date"></a> 

<label for="range_end">End range:</label> <input name="to" id="dpk" type="text" > 

<a href="javascript:NewCal('dpk','ddmmyyyy')"><img src="cal.gif" alt="pick a date"></a> 

<input name="date_but" type="submit" value="Go"> 
<a style="float:right" href="logout.php">Logout</a> 
if (isset($_REQUEST['date_but'])) { 
$fromDate = $_REQUEST['from']; 
$toDate = $_REQUEST['to']; 

$dateMonthYearArr = array(); 
$fromDateTS = strtotime($fromDate); 
$toDateTS = strtotime($toDate); 

for ($currentDateTS = $fromDateTS; $currentDateTS <= $toDateTS; $currentDateTS += (60 * 60 * 24)) { 

$currentDateStr = date("d-M-Y",$currentDateTS); 
$dateMonthYearArr[] = $currentDateStr; 


echo "No of days: " . count($dateMonthYearArr); 
<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="center"> 
<th scope="row">DATE</th> 
<div class="dat_row"> 
<td><?php print_r($dateMonthYearArr[0]); ?></td> 
<td><?php echo $dateMonthYearArr[1]; ?></td> 
<td><?php echo $dateMonthYearArr[2]; ?></td> 
<td><?php echo $dateMonthYearArr[3]; ?></td>   

<th scope="row">IN</th> 
<td><input name="time" type="text" ></td> 
<td><input name="r2_in" type="text" ></td> 
<td><input name="r2_in" type="text" ></td> 
<th scope="row">OUT</th> 
<td><input name="time" type="text"></td> 
<th scope="row">Leave</th> 
<input name="submit" type="submit" onClick="IsValidTime(document.timeform.time.value);" value="Submit"> 

} ?> 

歡迎來到Stack Overflow! SO並不意味着成爲「爲我編寫代碼」的網站 - 如果您正在尋找這個網站,您應該聘請專家爲您做。如果您在處理此問題時遇到*特定技術問題,請隨時編輯相應的問題。 – 2012-02-24 09:30:33




function GetDays($sStartDate, $sEndDate){ 
    // Firstly, format the provided dates. 
    // This function works best with YYYY-MM-DD 
    // but other date formats will work thanks 
    // to strtotime(). 
    $sStartDate = gmdate("Y-m-d", strtotime($sStartDate)); 
    $sEndDate = gmdate("Y-m-d", strtotime($sEndDate)); 

    // Start the variable off with the start date 
    $aDays[] = $sStartDate; 

    // Set a 'temp' variable, sCurrentDate, with 
    // the start date - before beginning the loop 
    $sCurrentDate = $sStartDate; 

    // While the current date is less than the end date 
    while($sCurrentDate < $sEndDate){ 
    // Add a day to the current date 
    $sCurrentDate = gmdate("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 day", strtotime($sCurrentDate))); 

    // Add this new day to the aDays array 
    $aDays[] = $sCurrentDate; 

    // Once the loop has finished, return the 
    // array of days. 
    return $aDays; 