2016-05-16 41 views

我只需要在文本文件中包含id,內容以及每個推文的標籤和時間,並且我不知道如何將信息存儲在推文列表中, 我創建了一條推文類,如下所示:從文件獲取數據 - Buffered Reader

  public class Tweet { 
private String type; 
private String origin; 
private String tweetText; 
private String url; 
private String tweetID; 
private String tweetDate; 
private int retCount; 
private String favourit; 
private String mEntities; 
private String hashtags; 

public Tweet(String tweetID,String origin) { 
    this.tweetID = tweetID; 
    this.origin = origin; 

public Tweet(String type, String origin, String tweetText, String url, String tweetID, String tweetDate, int retCount, String favourit, String mEntities, String hashtags) { 
    this.type = type; 
    this.origin = origin; 
    this.tweetText = tweetText; 
    this.url = url; 
    this.tweetID = tweetID; 
    this.tweetDate = tweetDate; 
    this.retCount = retCount; 
    this.favourit = favourit; 
    this.mEntities = mEntities; 
    this.hashtags = hashtags; 

public String getType() { 
    return type; 

public void setType(String type) { 
    this.type = type; 

public String getOrigin() { 
    return origin; 

public void setOrigin(String origin) { 
    this.origin = origin; 

public String getTweetText() { 
    return tweetText; 

public void setTweetText(String tweetText) { 
    this.tweetText = tweetText; 

public String getUrl() { 
    return url; 

public void setUrl(String url) { 
    this.url = url; 

public String getTweetID() { 
    return tweetID; 

public void setTweetID(String tweetID) { 
    this.tweetID = tweetID; 

public String getTweetDate() { 
    return tweetDate; 

public void setTweetDate(String tweetDate) { 
    this.tweetDate = tweetDate; 

public int getRetCount() { 
    return retCount; 

public void setRetCount(int retCount) { 
    this.retCount = retCount; 

public String getFavourit() { 
    return favourit; 

public void setFavourit(String favourit) { 
    this.favourit = favourit; 

public String getmEntities() { 
    return mEntities; 

public void setmEntities(String mEntities) { 
    this.mEntities = mEntities; 

public String getHashtags() { 
    return hashtags; 

public void setHashtags(String hashtags) { 
    this.hashtags = hashtags; 


      Origin: Here's link to listen live to our discussion of #debtceiling #politics : 
      Text: Here's link to listen live to our discussion of : 
      ID: 96944336150867968 
      Time: Fri Jul 29 09:05:05 CDT 2011 
      RetCount: 0 
      Favorite: false 
      Hashtags: debtceiling politics 
      Origin: Now we're talking #debtceiling w/ Dick Polman @NewsWorksWHYY @PhillyInquirer & Bill Galston @BrookingsInst @NoLabelsOrg 
      Text: Now we're talking w/ Dick Polman & Bill Galston 
      ID: 96943803600089088 
      Time: Fri Jul 29 09:02:58 CDT 2011 
      RetCount: 1 
      Favorite: false 
      MentionedEntities: 136337303 151106990 14495726 15161791 
      Hashtags: debtceiling 


  public static List<String> readTweets(File file) throws IOException { 
    List<String> tweets = new ArrayList<String>(); 
    //logger.info("Read tweets from {}", file.getAbsolutePath()); 
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); 
    String line; 
    String[] fields; 
    while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { 
     fields = line.split(","); 
     if (fields.length > 1) 
    return tweets; 

爲什麼你的 「」 拆呢? 據我可以看到,你必須閱讀每一行,當你達到***/n ***你將信息存儲在Tweet類中,然後將其添加到列表 – Arctigor


當我做field = line.split(「 \ n「);它給我[] – Nada


只是寫出行到控制檯,並告訴我它打印出來什麼 我相信會給你一個空的數組,因爲行不會在末尾 – Arctigor




public static List<String> readTweets(File file) throws IOException { 
    List<String> tweets = new ArrayList<String>(); 
    List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(file.toPath()); 
    for(int i = 0; i < lines.length(); i++){ 
     String line = lines.get(i); 
     String[] part = line.split(","); 
     if(part.length < 1) tweets.add(part[i]); 



package Testers; 

import java.io.BufferedWriter; 
import java.io.File; 
import java.io.FileWriter; 
import java.io.IOException; 
import java.nio.file.Files; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List; 

public class TweetReader { 

    public static List<Tweet> readTweets(File file) throws IOException { 
     boolean processEnd = false; 
     String type = ""; 
     String origin = ""; 
     String tweetText = ""; 
     String url = ""; 
     String tweetID = ""; 
     String tweetDate = ""; 
     int retCount = 0; 
     String favourite = ""; 
     String mEntities = ""; 
     String hashTags = ""; 
     List<Tweet> tweets = new ArrayList<Tweet>(); 
     List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(file.toPath()); 
     for(int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++){ 
      String line = lines.get(i); 
      line = line.trim(); 
        Tweet tweet = new Tweet(type, origin, tweetText, url, tweetID, tweetDate, retCount, favourite, mEntities, hashTags); 
        processEnd = false; 
       }else processEnd = true; 
        String header = line.substring(0, line.indexOf(":")); 
        //System.out.println(header); //You can uncomment this for troubleshooting 
        if(header.equals("Type")) type = line.substring(line.length() > 5 ? 5 : line.length()); 
        else if(header.equals("Origin")) origin = line.substring(line.length() > 8 ? 8 : line.length()); 
        else if(header.equals("Text")) tweetText = line.substring(line.length() > 6 ? 6 : line.length()); 
        else if(header.equals("URL")) url = line.substring(line.length() > 5 ? 5 : line.length()); 
        else if(header.equals("ID")) tweetID = line.substring(line.length() > 4 ? 4 : line.length()); 
        else if(header.equals("Time")) tweetDate = line.substring(line.length() > 6 ? 6 : line.length()); 
        else if(header.equals("RetCount")) retCount = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(line.length() > 10 ? 10 : line.length())); 
        else if(header.equals("Favorite")) favourite = line.substring(line.length() > 11 ? 11 : line.length()); 
        else if(header.equals("MentionedEntities")) mEntities = line.substring(line.length() > 19 ? 19 : line.length()); 
        else if(header.equals("Hashtags")) hashTags = line.substring(line.length() > 10 ? 10 : line.length()); 
        else throw new IOException("Line cannot be identified as part of a tweet:" + line); 
       }else throw new IOException("Line cannot be processed:" + line); 
     return tweets; 

    public static void main(String[] args){ 
     File log = new File("log.txt"); 
     List<Tweet> tweets = new ArrayList<Tweet>(); 
     try { 
      File f = new File(".").getAbsoluteFile(); 
      File[] array = f.listFiles(); 
      for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ 
       File tweet = array[i]; 
       if(tweet.isFile() && !tweet.getName().contains("log.txt") && !tweet.getName().contains(".jar")){ 
        log("Reading file: " + tweet.getAbsolutePath(), log); 
        List<Tweet> tweetlist = readTweets(tweet); 
      System.out.println("Reading tweets now"); 
      for(int i = 0; i < tweets.size(); i++){ 
       Tweet t = tweets.get(i); 
       log("Type = " + t.getType(), log); 
       log("Origin = " + t.getOrigin(), log); 
       log("Text = " + t.getTweetText(), log); 
       log("URL = " + t.getURL(), log); 
       log("ID = " + t.getTweetID(), log); 
       log("Date = " + t.getTweetDate(), log); 
       log("Ret count = " + t.getRetCount(), log); 
       log("Favourite = " + t.getFavourite(), log); 
       log("Mentioned entities = " + t.getMentionedEntities(), log); 
       log("Hashtags = " + t.getHashtags(), log); 
       log("Tweet finished", log); 
     } catch (IOException e) { 
      log(e, log); 
     log("Finished reading tweets.", log); 

    private static void log(IOException e, File log) { 
     log(e.getMessage(), log); 
     StackTraceElement[] array = e.getStackTrace(); 
     for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ 
      log("  " + array[i], log); 

    private static void log(String string, File log) { 
     try { 
      BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(log, true)); 
     } catch (IOException e) { 



package Testers; 

public class Tweet { 
private String type; 
private String origin; 
private String tweetText; 
private String url; 
private String tweetID; 
private String tweetDate; 
private int retCount; 
private String favourit; 
private String mEntities; 
private String hashtags; 

public Tweet(String tweetID,String origin) { 
    this.tweetID = tweetID; 
    this.origin = origin; 

public Tweet(String type, String origin, String tweetText, String url, String tweetID, String tweetDate, int retCount, String favourit, String mEntities, String hashtags) { 
    this.type = type; 
    this.origin = origin; 
    this.tweetText = tweetText; 
    this.url = url; 
    this.tweetID = tweetID; 
    this.tweetDate = tweetDate; 
    this.retCount = retCount; 
    this.favourit = favourit; 
    this.mEntities = mEntities; 
    this.hashtags = hashtags; 

public String getType() { 
    return type; 

public String getOrigin(){ 
    return origin; 

public String getTweetText(){ 
    return tweetText; 

public String getURL(){ 
    return url; 

public String getTweetID(){ 
    return tweetID; 

public String getTweetDate(){ 
    return tweetDate; 

public int getRetCount(){ 
    return retCount; 

public String getFavourite(){ 
    return favourit; 

public String getMentionedEntities(){ 
    return mEntities; 

public String getHashtags(){ 
    return hashtags; 


我編譯了這兩個類並把它作爲一個應用程序。完美的作品。 – JD9999


它woooorks ..謝謝youuu – Nada


沒有問題。如果你需要更多的幫助來閱讀文件,工作日期等,我寫了一個名爲[Shared Packages]的庫(https://github.com/JD9999/Shared-Packages)。我現在實際上正在更新它。 – JD9999

//global attribute 
List<Tweet> tweetList = new ArrayList<>(); 

String line = ""; 
String[] fields; 
while (line != null) { 
    line = reader.readLine(); 
    line = reader.readLine(); 
    //these two are for *** 
    for(int i = 0;i<10;i++){ 
     line = reader.readLine(); 
    // these are for the other data 
    Tweet tweet = createTweetFromList(tweets); 

,所以tweets必須具有10個元素,createTweetFromList將爲每個元素定義一個tweet屬性?好吧,我會嘗試 – Nada


不,大小無關緊要。之所以我從0到10是因爲在文件中,我得到10類型的數據爲單個推文 – Arctigor


是的,我知道,好吧,我正在嘗試它 – Nada