2012-02-27 234 views



var howToPlayDiv = document.createElement('input'); 
howToPlayDiv.type = "button"; 
howToPlayDiv.style.height = '48px'; 
howToPlayDiv.style.width = '412px'; 
howToPlayDiv.style.background = "rgba(0,0,255,0.5)"; 
howToPlayDiv.style.position = "absolute"; 
howToPlayDiv.id = "howToPlayDiv"; 
howToPlayDiv.onmouseenter = "changeMenu('howToPlayDiv', 'mouseenter')"; 
howToPlayDiv.onmouseleave = "changeMenu('howToPlayDiv', 'mouseleave')"; 
howToPlayDiv.onclick = "changeMenu('howToPlayDiv', 'mouseclick')"; 

但是,這是行不通的。我嘗試了許多上述代碼的變體 - 但無濟於事。有時,我只能點擊按鈕的兩側(那些不透明)。有時候,我甚至無法做到這一點。



編輯:啊哈!我發現,現在的問題在於一個事實,即事件處理程序不開火 - 基本上,這有什麼好做的按鈕的不透明度。所以現在:我如何創建按鈕的事件處理程序?


小提琴:http://jsfiddle.net/Kxn26/ – 2012-02-27 21:53:47


..它看起來是透明的我。我們可能需要看到,其產生應該下方顯示圖像或其他內容的代碼。如果它在DOM之上,可以解釋爲什麼按鈕不可點擊或者你沒有看到你期望的。 – 2012-02-27 21:54:59


哇......那太瘋狂了。在30分鐘內,有3個答案,1個更新的答案,7個評論,對問題的編輯以及解決的答案。我只需要愛StackOverflow。當然,感謝Madbreaks的編輯解決了這個問題。 – JavaAndCSharp 2012-02-27 22:23:06




howToPlayDiv.style.background = "none"; 
howToPlayDiv.style.border = "none"; 


<button type="button" style="background:url('/url/to/image') no-repeat left top; height:48px; width:412px;"></button> 




howToPlayDiv.onmouseenter = function(){changeMenu('howToPlayDiv', 'mouseenter')}; 
howToPlayDiv.onmouseleave = function(){changeMenu('howToPlayDiv', 'mouseleave')}; 
howToPlayDiv.onclick = function(){changeMenu('howToPlayDiv', 'mouseclick')}; 



沒有事件被解僱。它是如何爲你工作而不是爲我工作的? – JavaAndCSharp 2012-02-27 22:03:31


@JavaAndCSharp - 我誤解了你的意思,但這不起作用 - 回答更新 – Madbreaks 2012-02-27 22:16:31


Woo!有用!我前段時間嘗試過類似的方法,但我可能沒有注意到它的工作原理。哎呀。不管怎樣,謝謝。 – JavaAndCSharp 2012-02-27 22:18:38






@Madbreaks,因爲*透明*按鈕不是一個典型的按鈕。 – bfavaretto 2012-02-27 22:04:23


當然可以。它的透明度只是一個造型細節。從行爲的角度來看,透明與黑色,白色,紅色等沒有區別。 – Madbreaks 2012-02-27 22:27:58



     /* Create a copy of all the .my-btn rules for each type of button and adjust the values */ 

     .my-btn span { 
      background-image: url(img/transparentButton.png); 
      height: 50px;    /* Set this to the height of the image */ 
     .my-btn { 
      line-height: 50px;  /* Adjust this so the text is vertically aligned in the middle of the button */ 
      padding-left: 20px;  /* Can be any value. It's the distance of the button text from left side */ 
      margin-right: 30px;  /* Make this as wide as the width of the span */ 
      color: white;    /* The color of the button text */ 
      text-decoration: none; 
     a.my-btn:hover { 
      color: black;    /* The color of the button text when hovering */ 
      font-weight: bold;  /* This example has a bold text when hovering. Can be anything, really */ 
     .my-btn span { 
      margin-right: -30px;   /* Make this as wide as the witdh of the span */  
      width: 30px;    /* The width of the right edge of the button */ 

     /* These .btn classes are generic for all button styles and should not be changed */ 

     .btn span { 
      display: block; 
      background-position: left top; 
      background-repeat: no-repeat; 
     .btn { 
      white-space: nowrap; 
      float: left; 
      position: relative; 
      text-align: center; 
     .btn span { 
      position: absolute; 
      background-position: right top; 
      top: 0; 
      right: 0; 
      *right: auto;    /* IE 6 and 7 hack - right does not work correctly in IE6 and7 */ 
      float: right;    /* IE 6 and 7 hack - alternative for right, works only in IE6 and IE7 */   
     a.btn span { 
      cursor: hand;    /* IE hack - To make the mouse pointer change in IE on hover as well */ 

     #demo-box { 
      padding: 40px; 
      height: 300px; 
      background: transparent url(css/img/pageBackground.png) top left repeat; 

    This demo shows examples of a semi transparent button on a background. 
    <div id="demo-box"> 
     <a href="\" class="btn my-btn">Shrt text in link<span></span></a> 
     <a href="\" class="btn my-btn">Loooooooooooong text in a link element<span></span></a><br><br><br> 
     <div class="btn my-btn">text in a div<span></span></div> 