2017-09-12 70 views

對於此問題,我需要編寫一個程序,提示並詢問用戶以英寸爲單位的球體寬度,然後計算以英寸爲單位的面積,以英尺爲單位的面積,體積以英寸爲單位,以英尺爲單位的體積和加侖水.Pi和加侖轉換變量(7.48)是常數。用於得到這些計算的公式如下:在水塔計算器程序中計算球體積 - Java

A = 4*pi*r^2 
AFt = A/12 
V = 4/3 * pi * r^3 
VFt = V/1728 
Gallons of water = VFt * 7.48 
The test width value is 400. This should give me the output of 
A = 502,400.00 
AFt = 41,866.67 
V = 33,493,333.33 
VFt = 2,791,111.11 
Gallons of Water = 20,877,511.11 


import java.util.Scanner; 

    public class WaterTowerCalculator { 

     public static void main(String[] args) { 
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub 

      Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); 
      System.out.println("Enter the width of the sphere"); 
      int width = scan.nextInt(); 

      final double PI = 3.14; 
      final double C_VARIABLE = 7.48; 
      double w = width; 
      double r = w/2; 
      double A = 4*PI*r*r; 
      double AFt = (double) A/12; 
      double V = (4/3)*PI*(r*r*r); 
      double VFt = (double) V/1728; 
      double gallons = (double) VFt * C_VARIABLE; 

      System.out.printf("Area in inches " +"%,.2f\n", A); 
      System.out.printf("Area in feet " + "%,.2f\n", AFt); 
      System.out.printf("Volume in inches " + "%,.2f\n", V); 
      System.out.printf("Volume in feet " + "%,.2f\n", VFt); 
      System.out.printf("Gallons of water " + "%,.2f\n", gallons);     



說*我遇到了麻煩*作爲問題描述完全沒用,除非你明確解釋你遇到的麻煩*。我們可以幫助您解決哪些**具體問題? –


你應該使'width'應該是'double'並且用'nextDouble()'接受它。否則,'r'的計算是用整數算術完成的,如果'width'是奇數,將不會給出正確的結果。除此之外,球體並不總是以很好的方便整數英寸寬;爲什麼呢,就在那一天我需要找到一個直徑正好是214.4358349英寸的球體的加侖容量...... –






當然,這只是一個簡單的解決方法,就是這樣的答案,謝謝! – Grand0


如果您發現答案有幫助,請考慮接受它? :-) – Phydeaux