2013-02-12 163 views

我有幾個nodejs串行通信的例子。一個例子是使用串口模塊(下面)。我有一個配對的藍牙設備,它被設置爲rfcomm0。我可以通過命令行與echo data > /dev/rfcomm0進行通信,並收到響應,所以它似乎工作。問題是它不能通過nodejs工作。下面的例子拋出「無法加載綁定文件」錯誤,當我做nodejs SerialToJson.js /dev/rfcomm0。另一種方法是使用藍牙串口模塊,但也不能通過npm安裝,因爲找不到我使用的節點版本的兼容版本。我有一個如何解決每個問題的想法,但我不知道要追求什麼,串口模塊可以與rfcomm(串口仿真)一起使用還是更適合藍牙串口模塊?nodejs串口模塊或藍牙串口模塊,哪一個?

    a node.js app to read serial strings, convert them to 
    JSON objects, and send them to webSocket clients 
     * node.js (http://nodejs.org/) 
     * express.js (http://expressjs.com/) 
     * socket.io (http://socket.io/#how-to-use) 
     * serialport.js (https://github.com/voodootikigod/node-serialport) 

    To call it type: 
     node SerialToJSON.js portname 

    where portname is the path to the serial port you want to open. 

    created 1 Nov 2012 
    modified 7 Nov 2012 
    by Tom Igoe 


var serialport = require("serialport"),    // include the serialport library 
    SerialPort = serialport.SerialPort,   // make a local instance of serial 
    app = require('express')(),      // start Express framework 
    server = require('http').createServer(app),  // start an HTTP server 
    io = require('socket.io').listen(server);  // filter the server using socket.io 

var portName = process.argv[2];      // third word of the command line should be serial port name 
console.log("opening serial port: " + portName); // print out the port you're listening on 

server.listen(8080);        // listen for incoming requests on the server 
console.log("Listening for new clients on port 8080"); 
var connected = false; 

// open the serial port. Change the name to the name of your port, just like in Processing and Arduino: 
var myPort = new SerialPort(portName, { 
    // look for return and newline at the end of each data packet: 
    parser: serialport.parsers.readline("\r\n") 

// respond to web GET requests with the index.html page: 
app.get('/', function (request, response) { 
    response.sendfile(__dirname + '/index.html'); 

// listen for new socket.io connections: 
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) { 
    // if the client connects: 
    if (!connected) { 
     // clear out any old data from the serial bufffer: 
     // send a byte to the serial port to ask for data: 
     console.log('user connected'); 
     connected = true; 

    // if the client disconnects: 
    socket.on('disconnect', function() { 
     console.log('user disconnected'); 
     connected = false; 

    // listen for new serial data: 
    myPort.on('data', function (data) { 
     // Convert the string into a JSON object: 
     var serialData = JSON.parse(data); 
     // for debugging, you should see this in the terminal window: 
     // send a serial event to the web client with the data: 
     socket.emit('serialEvent', serialData); 

我正在處理這個問題。目前我正在使用藍牙串行端口,它適用於我。我有節點版本0.8.19。我會在一週內/幾天內回覆你。你還有一些進展嗎? – 2013-03-07 09:31:12


@EricSmekens對不起,回覆晚了。我編譯了最新的nodej,現在正常的串口模塊正常工作。仍然不知道藍牙串口模塊是否有優勢,所以任何建議仍然值得讚賞,但常規的串口模塊似乎工作到目前爲止。 – cue 2013-04-07 13:25:39




使用模塊串口,您需要另一個模塊來連接藍牙設備,或者您需要在終端中手動連接rfcomm。 功能最大的區別在於藍牙串口不需要你連接rfcomm。該模塊可以掃描藍牙設備並與它們連接。連接後,它具有與串口相同的功能。




有發佈了新的版本,這是非常穩定! :D https://npmjs.org/package/bluetooth-serial-port