2008-12-21 49 views

我已經創建了一個BST完整的WordInfo對象,它有一個向量來指出其他的WordInfo對象中的哪一個是同義詞或反義詞。每個單詞由其源文件dictionary.txt中的整數標識。 BST迄今爲止收到了它的單詞列表,但我無法填寫同義詞。說穿了,我很困惑如何讓我的對象以我想要的方式進行交互。C++我被困在填充這個BST的正確值


//--function for getting synonyms in a vector 
    void pushSynonyms(string synline, BST <WordInfo> wordTree) 
      int lineSize = synline.size(); 

      const char *aux; 


      int index=0; 

      int searchedOne= aux[0]; 
      //wanting to find an element in the tree with this ID 

      //lacking: search function 

      while (index<=lineSize){ 
      mySynonyms.push_back (aux[index]); 



#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <string> 

#include <sstream> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <vector> 

#include "MiBST.h" 

using namespace std; 

class WordInfo { 


     WordInfo() { 
      // nothing to define?  

     ~WordInfo() { 
      //nothing to define?  

     //--id accesor 
     int id() const {return myId;} 

     //--input function for filling Words 
     void readWords (istream &in) 

     //--function for getting synonyms in a vector 
    void pushSynonyms(string synline, BST <WordInfo> wordTree) 
      int lineSize = synline.size(); 

      const char *aux; 


      int index=0; 

      int searchedOne= aux[0]; 

      //lacking: define search function 

      while (index<=lineSize){ 
      mySynonyms.push_back (aux[index]); 



     //--function for getting antonyms in a vector 
     void pushAntonyms(string synline, BST <WordInfo> wordTree) 
      int lineSize = synline.size(); 

      const char *aux; 


      int index=0; 

      // now I need fo find the right words to pair up 

      while (index<=lineSize){ 
      myAntonyms.push_back (aux[index]); 



     //--output function 
     void printWords (ostream &out) 
     out<<myId<<" "<<word;  

     //--equals operator 
     bool operator == (const WordInfo &otherWordInfo) const 
     { return myId == otherWordInfo.myId;} 

     //--equals operator for String 
     bool operator == (const string & aString) const 
     {return word ==aString;} 

     //--less than operator 
     bool operator < (const WordInfo & otherWordInfo)const 
     {return myId<otherWordInfo.myId;} 

     //--more than operator 
     bool operator > (const WordInfo &otherWordInfo) const 
     { return myId > otherWordInfo.myId;} 

       vector<int> mySynonyms; 
       vector <int> myAntonyms; 
       string word; 
       int myId; 


     //--- Definition of input operator 
     istream & operator>>(istream & in, WordInfo & word) 


      //I want to call word.readSyns(in) too, how? 

     //---Definition of output operator 

     ostream & operator <<(ostream &out, WordInfo &word) 

     int main() { 

      //search each word by id and 
      // define its synonyms 

      string wordFile; 

      cout<< "enter name of dictionary file: "; 
      getline (cin,wordFile); 

      ifstream inStream(wordFile.data()); 

      cerr<<"cannot open "<<wordFile<<"\n"; 

      //build the bst of word records 
      BST <WordInfo> wordTree; //BST of word records 

      WordInfo aword; // a word record 

      //--loop that fills tree with words 
      while((inStream>> aword && (!(aword=="synonyms")))) 

      string line; 

      //--loop that takes synonyms 
      while((inStream>>line)&& (line!="antonyms")){ 

       aword.pushSynonyms(line, wordTree);      

      //--loop that takes antonyms   
      while(inStream >> line) { 

       if (inStream.eof())break; 



      return 0; 


#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 


template <typename DataType> 
class BST 
    /***** Function Members *****/ 

    bool empty() const; 

    bool search(const DataType & item) const; 

    void insert(const DataType & item); 

    void remove(const DataType & item); 

    void inorder(std::ostream & out) const; 

    void graph(std::ostream & out) const; 

    /***** Node class *****/ 
    class BinNode 
    DataType data; 
    BinNode * left; 
    BinNode * right; 

    // BinNode constructors 
    // Default -- data part is default DataType value; both links are null. 
    : left(0), right(0) 

    // Explicit Value -- data part contains item; both links are null. 
    BinNode(DataType item) 
    : data(item), left(0), right(0) 

}; //end inner class 

typedef BinNode * BinNodePointer; 

    /***** Private Function Members *****/ 
    void search2(const DataType & item, bool & found, 
       BinNodePointer & locptr, BinNodePointer & parent) const; 
    Locate a node containing item and its parent. 

    Precondition: None. 
    Postcondition: locptr points to node containing item or is null if 
     not found, and parent points to its parent.#include <iostream> 

    void inorderAux(std::ostream & out, 
        BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer subtreePtr) const; 
    Inorder traversal auxiliary function. 

    Precondition: ostream out is open; subtreePtr points to a subtree 
     of this BST. 
    Postcondition: Subtree with root pointed to by subtreePtr has been 
     output to out. 

    void graphAux(std::ostream & out, int indent, 
         BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer subtreeRoot) const; 
    Graph auxiliary function. 

    Precondition: ostream out is open; subtreePtr points to a subtree 
     of this BST. 
    Postcondition: Graphical representation of subtree with root pointed 
     to by subtreePtr has been output to out, indented indent spaces. 

/***** Data Members *****/ 
    BinNodePointer myRoot; 

}; // end of class template declaration 

//--- Definition of constructor 
template <typename DataType> 
inline BST<DataType>::BST() 
: myRoot(0) 

//--- Definition of empty() 
template <typename DataType> 
inline bool BST<DataType>::empty() const 
{ return myRoot == 0; } 

//--- Definition of search() 
template <typename DataType> 
bool BST<DataType>::search(const DataType & item) const 
    typename BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer locptr = myRoot; 

    typename BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer parent =0; 

/* BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer locptr = myRoot; 
    parent = 0; */ //falta el typename en la declaracion original 

    bool found = false; 
    while (!found && locptr != 0) 
     if (item < locptr->data)  // descend left 
     locptr = locptr->left; 
     else if (locptr->data < item) // descend right 
     locptr = locptr->right; 
     else       // item found 
     found = true; 
    return found; 

//--- Definition of insert() 
template <typename DataType> 
inline void BST<DataType>::insert(const DataType & item) 
    typename BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer 
     locptr = myRoot, // search pointer 
     parent = 0;  // pointer to parent of current node 
    bool found = false;  // indicates if item already in BST 
    while (!found && locptr != 0) 
     parent = locptr; 
     if (item < locptr->data)  // descend left 
     locptr = locptr->left; 
     else if (locptr->data < item) // descend right 
     locptr = locptr->right; 
     else       // item found 
     found = true; 
    if (!found) 
    {         // construct node containing item 

     locptr = new typename BST<DataType>::BinNode(item); 
     if (parent == 0)    // empty tree 
     myRoot = locptr; 
     else if (item < parent->data) // insert to left of parent 
     parent->left = locptr; 
     else       // insert to right of parent 
     parent->right = locptr; 
     std::cout << "Item already in the tree\n"; 

//--- Definition of remove() 
template <typename DataType> 
void BST<DataType>::remove(const DataType & item) 
    bool found;      // signals if item is found 
    typename BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer 
     x,       // points to node to be deleted 
     parent;      // " " parent of x and xSucc 
    search2(item, found, x, parent); 

    if (!found) 
     std::cout << "Item not in the BST\n"; 
    if (x->left != 0 && x->right != 0) 
    {        // node has 2 children 
     // Find x's inorder successor and its parent 
     typename BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer xSucc = x->right; 
     parent = x; 
     while (xSucc->left != 0)  // descend left 
     parent = xSucc; 
     xSucc = xSucc->left; 

    // Move contents of xSucc to x and change x 
    // to point to successor, which will be removed. 
    x->data = xSucc->data; 
    x = xSucc; 
    } // end if node has 2 children 

    // Now proceed with case where node has 0 or 2 child 
    typename BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer 
     subtree = x->left;    // pointer to a subtree of x 
    if (subtree == 0) 
     subtree = x->right; 
    if (parent == 0)     // root being removed 
     myRoot = subtree; 
    else if (parent->left == x)  // left child of parent 
     parent->left = subtree; 
    else        // right child of parent 
     parent->right = subtree; 
    delete x; 

//--- Definition of inorder() 
template <typename DataType> 
inline void BST<DataType>::inorder(std::ostream & out) const 
    inorderAux(out, myRoot); 

//--- Definition of graph() 
template <typename DataType> 
inline void BST<DataType>::graph(std::ostream & out) const 
{ graphAux(out, 0, myRoot); } 

//--- Definition of search2() 
template <typename DataType> 
void BST<DataType>::search2(const DataType & item, bool & found, 
          BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer & locptr, 
          BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer & parent) const 
    locptr = myRoot; 
    parent = 0; 
    found = false; 
    while (!found && locptr != 0) 
     if (item < locptr->data)  // descend left 
     parent = locptr; 
     locptr = locptr->left; 
     else if (locptr->data < item) // descend right 
     parent = locptr; 
     locptr = locptr->right; 
     else       // item found 
     found = true; 
//--- Definition of inorderAux() 
template <typename DataType> 
void BST<DataType>::inorderAux(std::ostream & out, 
           BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer subtreeRoot) const 
    if (subtreeRoot != 0) 
     inorderAux(out, subtreeRoot->left); // L operation 
     out << subtreeRoot->data << " ";  // V operation 
     inorderAux(out, subtreeRoot->right); // R operation 

//--- Definition of graphAux() 

template <typename DataType> 
void BST<DataType>::graphAux(std::ostream & out, int indent, 
          BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer subtreeRoot) const 
    if (subtreeRoot != 0) 
     graphAux(out, indent + 8, subtreeRoot->right); 
     out << std::setw(indent) << " " << subtreeRoot->data << std::endl; 
     graphAux(out, indent + 8, subtreeRoot->left); 



1 cute 
2 hello 
3 ugly 
4 easy 
5 difficult 
6 tired 
7 beautiful 
1 7 
7 1 
1 3 
3 1 7 
4 5 
5 4 
7 3 



撇開其他人提出的意見 - - 我承認這個樣本中有更多的代碼比我願意看到的更多 - 我認爲最基本的公關你所擁有的是你現有的搜索功能是通過對象進行搜索,而你需要一個通過ID進行搜索的搜索功能。創建一個新的搜索函數,它將id作爲參數並遍歷您的樹,將當前WordInfo對象的id與傳入的id進行比較。當您找到具有匹配id的那個時,返回它(而不是返回true/false至於它是否被發現)。如果您沒有找到具有匹配id的對象,則返回null。您將需要一種方法將id(int)與WordInfo對象進行比較。我的C++有點生疏,所以語法可能有點偏離。

//--- Definition of find() 
template <typename DataType> 
DataType& BST<DataType>::find(const int id) const 
    typename BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer locptr = myRoot; 

    typename BST<DataType>::BinNodePointer parent =0; 

    bool found = false; 
    while (!found && locptr != 0) 
     if (locptr->data > id)  // descend left 
     locptr = locptr->left; 
     else if (locptr->data < id) // descend right 
     locptr = locptr->right; 
     else       // item found 
     found = true; 
    return found ? locptr->data : null; 

注:這需要您實現operator>(const int id)operator<(const int id)


謝謝,我發現這個答案非常具體和令人滿意。 不過,我對我實施手術者是否>(const int的ID)沒有任何用處的困擾: – andandandand 2008-12-21 20:13:32