2012-07-25 52 views


table.setColumnWidth(colorColumn, "16px"); 

ColumnSortEvent.ListHandler<HasMeasures> columnSortHandler = new ColumnSortEvent.ListHandler<HasMeasures>(
... code that adds other columns to sortHandler 

public class ColorCell<C> implements Cell<C> { 

    interface Template extends SafeHtmlTemplates { 
    SafeHtml noColorCell(SafeHtml cellContents); 

    * The wrapper around the image vertically aligned to the bottom. 
    @Template("<div style=\"width:14px;height:14px;float:left;background-color:{0};\"></div>") 
    SafeHtml colorBlockCell(String color); 


    * The default spacing between the icon and the text in pixels. 
    private static final int DEFAULT_SPACING = 4; 

    private static Template template; 

    public ColorCell() { 

    public ColorCell(int spacing) { 
    if (template == null) { 
     template = GWT.create(Template.class); 

    public boolean dependsOnSelection() { 
    return false; 

    public Set<String> getConsumedEvents() { 
    return null; 

    public boolean handlesSelection() { 
    return false; 

    public boolean isEditing(Context context, Element parent, C value) { 
    return false; 

    public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element parent, C value, 
     NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<C> valueUpdater) { 

    public void render(Context context, C value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { 
    String color = getColorUsed(context, value); 
    if (color != null) { 


    public boolean resetFocus(Context context, Element parent, C value) { 
    return true; 

    public void setValue(Context context, Element parent, C value) { 

    * Check if the icon should be used for the value. If the icon should not be 
    * used, a placeholder of the same size will be used instead. The default 
    * implementations returns true. 
    * @param value the value being rendered 
    * @return true to use the icon, false to use a placeholder 
    protected String getColorUsed(Context context, C value) { 
    return null; 

    * Get the parent element of the decorated cell. 
    * @param parent the parent of this cell 
    * @return the decorated cell's parent 
    private Element getCellParent(Element parent) { 
    return parent; //.getChild(1).cast(); 





我將addColumn代碼添加到原始文章。我沒有兩次傳入相同的頭文件,它的簡單字符串標頭名稱。 – Joel 2012-07-25 15:45:16


顯然,這可以修復它... addColumn(colorColumn,「」)。雖然現在我遇到樣式問題,因爲標題現在是非空話。 – Joel 2012-07-25 16:08:54