2015-11-06 53 views
import random 

def makeTable(f, v): 
    f = random.randint(1, 7) 
    v = random.randint(f, 10) 
    table = [[0 for x in range(v)] for y in range(f)] 
    for i in range(f): 
     for j in range(v): 
      table[i][j] = random.randint(1, 100) 
    return table 

def printTable(table): 
    # print the table (helpful for visualizing) 
    for i in range(len(table)): 
     print("\t".join(str(a) for a in table[i])) 

def calculateSums(startRow, startColumn, initialSum): 
    if startRow == f - 1: 
     # if the last row is reached add each of the coming values 
     # to the variable initialSum and append to the list totalSums. 
     for k in range(startColumn, v): 
      totalSums.append(initialSum + table[f - 1][k]) 
     while startColumn <= (v - f + startRow): 
      # the constraint (v-f+startRow) determines the limit 
      # how far each row can go to the right. 
      # e.g. in a 3*5 table the limit for the first row is the third column, 
      # the limit for the 2nd row is the fourth column, etc. 
      initialSum += table[startRow][startColumn] 
      calculateSums(startRow + 1, startColumn + 1, initialSum) 
      initialSum -= table[startRow][startColumn] 
      startColumn += 1 

    return max(totalSums) 

f = random.randint(1, 7) 
v = random.randint(f, 10) 
# generate the number of flowers, f, and number of vases, v. 

table = makeTable(f, v) 
print('Number of flowers: ', f) 
print('Number of vases: ', v) 
totalSums = [] 

print('Maximum sum is: ', calculateSums(0, 0, 0)) 




此代碼是否按預期工作?看起來'calculateTable'中的'f'和'calculateSums'中的'f'可能沒有全局作用域。你嘗試過'pylint'嗎? – lit


@Liturgist代碼正常工作。 – blackened




def calculateSums(startRow=0, startColumn=0, initialSum=0): 


print('Maximum sum is: ', calculateSums()) 



爲什麼'def calculateSums(startRow = 0,startColumn = 0,initialSum = 0):'和擺脫'if語句'不工作? – blackened


你可以在這種情況下,但要小心。在Python中,默認參數中的表達式是在函數被定義時計算的,而不是在被調用時計算的 – Jaco