2016-12-04 41 views


Imports System 
Imports System.Collections.Generic 
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic 
Imports System.Data.OleDb 
Imports System.Data.SqlClient 
Imports System.IO 
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions 

Public Class LogMatrix 
    Public matrix()() As String 
    Dim lumber As List(Of Lumber) 
    Public Property RectangularArrays As Object 

Public Sub New(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As List(Of Lumber)) 
    'JAVA TO VB CONVERTER NOTE: The following call to the 'RectangularArrays' helper class reproduces the rectangular array initialization that is automatic in Java: 
    'ORIGINAL LINE: matrix = new String[a+1][a+1] 
    matrix = RectangularArrays.ReturnRectangularStringArray(a + 1, a + 1) 
    matrix(a + 1, a + 1) 

    lumber = b 
End Sub 

Public Overridable Sub buildMatrix() 
    ' Populate our profit table with the values of each cut 
    For i As Integer = 0 To lumber.Count - 1 
     matrix(lumber(i).width)(lumber(i).height) = "" & lumber(i).value 
     matrix(lumber(i).height)(lumber(i).width) = "" & lumber(i).value 
    Next i 

    For i As Integer = 1 To matrix.Length - 1 
     Dim j As Integer = i 
     Do While j < matrix(i).Length 
      Dim bestCut As String = "-1" 

      ' For a piece of lumber size i by j, try every cut 
      For k As Integer = 0 To lumber.Count - 1 
       ' Make sure this size cut is possible 
       If i - lumber(k).height < 0 OrElse j - lumber(k).width < 0 Then 
        Continue For 
       End If 

       ' The profit we get from cutting a single board of size cut.size 
       Dim cutProfit As Double = lumber(k).value 

       ' We can split up the leftovers in one of two ways 
       Dim leftover As String = "" & matrix(i - lumber(k).height)(j) & " " & matrix(lumber(k).height)(j - lumber(k).width) 
       Dim leftovers As String = "" & matrix(i - lumber(k).height)(lumber(k).width) & " " & matrix(i)(j - lumber(k).width) 

       ' Pick the greatest profit from the leftover boards 
       Dim leftoverProfits As String 
       If count(leftover) > count(leftovers) Then 
        leftoverProfits = "" & leftover 
        leftoverProfits = "" & leftovers 
       End If 

       ' Take the highest profit from all possible cuts 
       If cutProfit + count(leftoverProfits) > count(bestCut) Then 
        bestCut = "" & cutProfit & " " & leftoverProfits 
       End If 
      Next k 

      ' If no cuts are possible, we can only make 0 profit. 
      If count(bestCut) > count(matrix(i)(j)) Then 
       matrix(i)(j) = "" & bestCut 
      End If 
      matrix(j)(i) = matrix(i)(j) 
      j += 1 
    Next i 
End Sub 

Public Overridable Function count(ByVal str As String) As Double 
    If str Is Nothing Then 
     Return -1.0 
    End If 

    Dim count_Renamed As Double = 0.0 
    Dim parser() As String = str.Split(New Char() {" "c}) 
    'Dim parser() As String = str.Split(" ", True) 
    For k As Integer = 0 To parser.Length - 1 
     If Regex.IsMatch(parser(k), "[a-zA-Z ]*\d+.*") Then 
      count_Renamed += Double.Parse(parser(k)) 
     End If 
     'If parser(k).matches("[a-zA-Z ]*\d+.*") Then 
     ' count_Renamed += Double.Parse(parser(k)) 
     'End If 
     Next k 
    Return count_Renamed 
End Function 

Public Overridable Sub printMatrix() 
    For i As Integer = 1 To matrix.Length - 1 
     For j As Integer = 1 To matrix.Length - 1 
      Dim parser() As String = matrix(i)(j).Split(New Char() {" "c}) 
      ' Dim parser() As String = matrix(i)(j).Split(" ", True) 
      For k As Integer = 0 To parser.Length - 1 
       If Regex.IsMatch(parser(k), "[a-zA-Z ]*\d+.*") Then 
        Console.Write(Double.Parse(parser(k)) & " ") 
       End If 
       'If parser(k).matches("[a-zA-Z ]*\d+.*") Then 
       ' Console.Write(Double.Parse(parser(k)) & " ") 
       'End If 
      Next k 
      administrator.ListBox1.Items.Add("|" & ControlChars.Tab) 
     Next j 
    Next i 
End Sub 

Public Overridable Function calculate(ByVal log As Log) As Double 
    Dim total As Double = 0.0 
    Do While log.length > lumber(0).length 
     Dim parser() As String = matrix(log.height)(log.width).Split(New Char() {" "c}) 
     'Dim parser() As String = matrix(log.height)(log.width).Split(" ", True) 
     For i As Integer = 0 To parser.Length - 1 
      If Regex.IsMatch(parser(i), "[a-zA-Z ]*\d+.*") Then 
       ' If parser(i).matches("[a-zA-Z ]*\d+.*") Then 
       Dim j As Integer = 0 
       Do While j < lumber.Count 
        If Double.Parse(parser(i)) = lumber(j).value Then 
         lumber(j).quantity = lumber(j).quantity + 1 
         total += lumber(j).value 
         log.length = log.length - lumber(0).length 
        End If 
        j += 1 
      End If 
     Next i 

    Dim leftover As Integer = log.width * log.height * log.length 
    lumber(lumber.Count - 1).quantity = lumber(lumber.Count - 1).quantity + leftover 
    total += lumber(lumber.Count - 1).value * leftover 
    Return total 
    End Function 
End Class 

是誤差enter image description here


我看到了問題 - 您還有一個名爲'RectangularArrays'的屬性,它將返回'Nothing' - VB試圖調用該屬性而不是輔助類。使用由轉換器插入的助手類(我剛剛測試過,助手類工作正常)。 –


轉換器表示矩形陣列屬性是助手類?我不知道要調用什麼或傳遞構造函數的參數 – Edgar



對於碼工作,你需要包括輔助類(實際上,「模塊」),該轉換器在轉換包括的圖片。模塊可以在任何你想要的地方 - 在另一個文件中,或在同一個文件中 - 這取決於你。 (並刪除您添加的'RectangularArrays'對象屬性 - 沒有理由)。

    matrix = RectangularArrays.ReturnRectangularStringArray(a + 1, a + 1) 
Friend Module RectangularArrays 
    Friend Function ReturnRectangularStringArray(ByVal size1 As Integer, ByVal size2 As Integer) As String()() 
     Dim newArray As String()() = New String(size1 - 1)() {} 
     For array1 As Integer = 0 To size1 - 1 
      newArray(array1) = New String(size2 - 1) {} 
     Next array1 

     Return newArray 
    End Function 
End Module