2016-12-27 45 views



contig pos GT PGT_phase PID PG_phase PI 
2 1657 ./. . . ./. . 
2 1738 0/1 . . 0|1 935 
2 1764 0/1 . . 1|0 935 
2 1782 0/1 . . 0|1 935 
2 1850 0/0 . . 0/0 . 
2 1860 0/1 . . 1|0 935 
2 1863 0/1 . . 0|1 935 
2 2969 0/1 . . 1|0 3352 
2 2971 0/0 . . 0/0 . 
2 5207 0/1 0|1 5185 1|0 1311 
2 5238 0/1 . . 0|1 1311 
2 5241 0/0 . . 0/0 . 
2 5258 0/1 . . 1|0 1311 
2 5260 0/0 . . 0/0 . 
2 5319 0/0 . . 0/0 . 
2 5398 0/1 0|1 5398 1|0 1311 
2 5403 0/1 0|1 5398 1|0 1311 
2 5426 0/1 0|1 5398 1|0 1311 
2 5427 0/1 0|1 5398 0/1 . 
2 5434 0/1 0|1 5398 1|0 1311 
2 5454 0/1 0|1 5398 0/1 . 
2 5457 0/0 . . 0/0 . 
2 5467 0/1 0|1 5467 0|1 1311 
2 5480 0/1 0|1 5467 0|1 1311 
2 5483 0/0 0|1 5482 0/0 . 
2 6414 0/1 . . 0|1 1667 
2 6446 0/1 0|1 6446 0|1 1667 
2 6448 0/1 0|1 6446 0|1 1667 
2 6465 0/1 0|1 6446 0|1 1667 
2 6636 0/1 . . 1|0 1667 
2 6740 0/1 . 6740 0|1 1667 
2 6748 0/1 . 6740 0|1 . 


**PI  PID** 
1309 3617741,3617753,3617788,3618156,3618187,3618289 
131  11793586 
1311 5185,5398,5467,5576 
1312 340692,340728 
1313 18503498 
1667 6740,12237,12298 


  • 我想創建一個新列(new_PI)已更新PI值


  • 所以,如果有在main_file的線PI值,其簡單:new_PI value = main_PI然後continue
  • 如果main_filemain_PImain_PID.,new_PI = .continue
  • 但是,如果PI值是'。'但是PID值是一些整數,現在我們查看match_file中的PI值,該值包含PID的列表中的該值。如果匹配的PID被發現new_PI = PI_match_file然後continue


main_file = open("2ms01e_chr2_table.txt", 'r+') 
match_file = open('updated_df_table.txt', 'r+') 

main_header = main_file.readline() 
match_header = match_file.readline() 

main_data = main_file.read().rstrip('\n').split('\n') 
match_data = match_file.read().rstrip('\n').split('\n') 

file_update = open('PI_updates.txt', 'w') 
file_update.write('contig pos GT PGT_phase PID PG_phase PI new_PI\n') 

for line in main_data: 
    main_column = line.split('\t') 
    PID_main = main_column[4] 
    PI_main = main_column[6] 
    if PID_main == '.' and PI_main == '.': 
     new_PI = '.' 

    if PI_main != '.': 
     new_PI = PI_main 

    if PI_main == '.' and PID_main != '.': 
     for line in match_data: 
      match_column = line.split('\t') 
      PI_match = match_column[0] 
      PID_match = match_column[1].split(',') 
      if PID_main in PID_match: 
       new_PI = PI_match 

    file_update = open('PI_updates.txt', 'a') 
    file_update.write(line + '\t' + str(new_PI)+ '\n') 



contig pos GT PGT  PID  PG  PI  new_PI 
2  5426 0/1 0|1  5398 1|0 1311  1311 
2  5427 0/1 0|1  5398 0/1 .   1311 
2  5434 0/1 0|1  5398 1|0 1311  1311 
2  5454 0/1 0|1  5398 0/1 .   1311 
2  5457 0/0 .   .  0/0 .   . 
2  5467 0/1 0|1  5467 0|1 1311  1311 
2  5480 0/1 0|1  5467 0|1 1311  1311 
2  5483 0/0 0|1  5482 0/0 1667  1667 
2  5518 1/1 1|1  5467 1/1 .   1311 
2  5519 0/0 .   .  0/0 .   . 
2  5547 1/1 1|1  5467 1/1 .   1311 
2  5550 ./. .   .  ./. .   . 
2  5559 1/1 1|1  5467 1/1 .   1311 
2  5561 0/0 .   .  0/0 .   . 
2  5576 0/1 0|1  5576 1|0 1311  1311 
2  5599 0/1 0|1  5576 1|0 1311  1311 
2  5602 0/0 .   .  0/0 .   . 
2  5657 0/1 .   .  1|0 1311  1311 
2  5723 0/1 .   .  1|0 1311  1311 
2  6414 0/1 .   .  0|1 1667  1667 
2  6446 0/1 0|1  6446  0|1 1667  1667 
2  6448 0/1 0|1  6446  0|1 1667  1667 
2  6465 0/1 0|1  6446  0|1 1667  1667 
2  6636 0/1 .   .  1|0 1667  1667 
2  6740 0/1 .  6740  0|1 1667  1667 
2  6748 0/1 .  6740  0|1 .   1667 




您的代碼看起來很好,除非您的代碼通常不會附加PI_update文件的行。 continue語句終止循環迭代移動到下一次迭代,從而跳過文件寫入行。如果輸入了第三個if語句,則情況並非如此,因爲continue語句只會終止內部循環。



main_data = main_file.read().rstrip('\n').split('\n') 
match_data = match_file.read().rstrip('\n').split('\n') 
match_map = {} # instantiate empty dict 
for line in match_data: 
    PI, PIDs = line.split('\t') 
    # update the dict with all the PIDs from this line 
    match_map.update({PID:PI for PID in PIDs}) 

PI_updates = 'contig\tpos\tGT\tPGT_phase\tPID\tPG_phase\tPI\tnew_PI\n' 

for line in main_data: 
    _, _, _, PID, _, PI = line.split('\t') 
    if PID_main == '.' and PI_main == '.': 
     new_PI = '.' 
    elif PI_main != '.': 
     new_PI = PI_main 
     # dict.get(key, default) returns default if key doesn't return a value 
     new_PI = match_map.get(PID, 'no match found') 
    # append the result to the PI_updates string 
    PI_updates += line + '\t' + str(new_PI)+ '\n' 

# let with statement take care of closing the file 
with open('PI_updates.txt', 'w') as file_update: 

嗨@Sebastiaan,我實際上試過使用字典,但沒有成功。讓我知道你是否可以幫忙。謝謝 ! – everestial007


我添加了一個關於如何使用字典的例子,我希望這會有所幫助。如果我的回答對你有幫助,你會介意將其標記爲答案嗎? – Sebastiaan



main_file = open("2ms01e_chr2_table.txt", 'r+') 
match_file = open('updated_df_table.txt', 'r+') 

main_header = main_file.readline() 
match_header = match_file.readline() 
print(match_header, "\n**") 

main_data = main_file.read().rstrip('\n').split('\n') 
match_data = match_file.read().rstrip('\n').replace('[', '')\ 
    .replace("'", "").replace(']', '').replace(" ", '') 
match_data = match_data.split('\n') 

file_update = open('PI_updates.txt', 'w') 
file_update.write('contig pos GT PGT_phase PID PG_phase PI new_PI\n') 

for line in main_data: 
    main_column = line.split('\t') 
    PID_main = main_column[4] 
    PI_main = main_column[6] 
    chrom = main_column[0] 
    pos = main_column[1] 
    if PID_main == '.' and PI_main == '.': 
     new_PI = '.' 

    if PI_main != '.': 
     new_PI = PI_main 

    elif PI_main == '.' and PID_main != '.': 
     for line1 in match_data: 
      match_column = line1.split('\t') 
      PI_match = match_column[0] 
      PID_match = match_column[1].split(',') 
      if PID_main in PID_match: 
       new_PI = PI_match 
      elif PID_main not in PID_match: 
       new_PI = str(chrom) + '_' + str(PID_main) 

    file_update = open('PI_updates.txt', 'a') 
    file_update.write(line + '\t' + str(new_PI)+ '\n') 