2014-08-29 312 views

嘗試在CodeMirror V4中自動格式化一些HTML。找到了關於如何做的文檔,但看起來在V3中刪除了呼叫editor.autoFormatRange(range.from, range.to) ...任何人都知道CodeMirror中的AutoFormat功能發生了什麼?




    var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), { 
    lineNumbers: true, 
    mode: "htmlmixed" 

    function getSelectedRange() { 
    return { from: editor.getCursor(true), to: editor.getCursor(false) }; 

    function autoFormatSelection() { 
    var range = getSelectedRange(); 
    editor.autoFormatRange(range.from, range.to); 

    function commentSelection(isComment) { 
    var range = getSelectedRange(); 
    editor.commentRange(isComment, range.from, range.to); 

我們也遇到了這個問題,自動格式化添加刪除在t他更新的版本。但舊的格式化插件仍然可以使用新版本的codemirror。我們使用了codemirror.js版本3_21,格式爲.tys version 3_01。 – vjy 2014-09-02 05:52:33


您是否嘗試過使用V4代碼庫? – PrecisionPete 2014-09-03 14:02:15


不,我沒有嘗試過V4。我希望它能起作用 – vjy 2014-09-04 06:08:16



如果你把formatting.js文件中codemirror 4的插件文件夾,並引用它的功能會有效。

  1. 地點:插件/格式/ formatting.js
  2. 包括腳本文件在你的HTML
  3. 調用格式化代碼(在http://codemirror.net/2/demo/formatting.html例子)


(function() { 

    CodeMirror.extendMode("css", { 
    commentStart: "/*", 
    commentEnd: "*/", 
    newlineAfterToken: function(_type, content) { 
     return /^[;{}]$/.test(content); 

    CodeMirror.extendMode("javascript", { 
    commentStart: "/*", 
    commentEnd: "*/", 
    // FIXME semicolons inside of for 
    newlineAfterToken: function(_type, content, textAfter, state) { 
     if (this.jsonMode) { 
     return /^[\[,{]$/.test(content) || /^}/.test(textAfter); 
     } else { 
     if (content == ";" && state.lexical && state.lexical.type == ")") return false; 
     return /^[;{}]$/.test(content) && !/^;/.test(textAfter); 

    var inlineElements = /^(a|abbr|acronym|area|base|bdo|big|br|button|caption|cite|code|col|colgroup|dd|del|dfn|em|frame|hr|iframe|img|input|ins|kbd|label|legend|link|map|object|optgroup|option|param|q|samp|script|select|small|span|strong|sub|sup|textarea|tt|var)$/; 

    CodeMirror.extendMode("xml", { 
    commentStart: "<!--", 
    commentEnd: "-->", 
    newlineAfterToken: function(type, content, textAfter, state) { 
     var inline = false; 
     if (this.configuration == "html") 
     inline = state.context ? inlineElements.test(state.context.tagName) : false; 
     return !inline && ((type == "tag" && />$/.test(content) && state.context) || 

    // Comment/uncomment the specified range 
    CodeMirror.defineExtension("commentRange", function (isComment, from, to) { 
    var cm = this, curMode = CodeMirror.innerMode(cm.getMode(), cm.getTokenAt(from).state).mode; 
    cm.operation(function() { 
     if (isComment) { // Comment range 
     cm.replaceRange(curMode.commentEnd, to); 
     cm.replaceRange(curMode.commentStart, from); 
     if (from.line == to.line && from.ch == to.ch) // An empty comment inserted - put cursor inside 
      cm.setCursor(from.line, from.ch + curMode.commentStart.length); 
     } else { // Uncomment range 
     var selText = cm.getRange(from, to); 
     var startIndex = selText.indexOf(curMode.commentStart); 
     var endIndex = selText.lastIndexOf(curMode.commentEnd); 
     if (startIndex > -1 && endIndex > -1 && endIndex > startIndex) { 
      // Take string till comment start 
      selText = selText.substr(0, startIndex) 
      // From comment start till comment end 
      + selText.substring(startIndex + curMode.commentStart.length, endIndex) 
      // From comment end till string end 
      + selText.substr(endIndex + curMode.commentEnd.length); 
     cm.replaceRange(selText, from, to); 

    // Applies automatic mode-aware indentation to the specified range 
    CodeMirror.defineExtension("autoIndentRange", function (from, to) { 
    var cmInstance = this; 
    this.operation(function() { 
     for (var i = from.line; i <= to.line; i++) { 
     cmInstance.indentLine(i, "smart"); 

    // Applies automatic formatting to the specified range 
    CodeMirror.defineExtension("autoFormatRange", function (from, to) { 
    var cm = this; 
    var outer = cm.getMode(), text = cm.getRange(from, to).split("\n"); 
    var state = CodeMirror.copyState(outer, cm.getTokenAt(from).state); 
    var tabSize = cm.getOption("tabSize"); 

    var out = "", lines = 0, atSol = from.ch == 0; 
    function newline() { 
     out += "\n"; 
     atSol = true; 

    for (var i = 0; i < text.length; ++i) { 
     var stream = new CodeMirror.StringStream(text[i], tabSize); 
     while (!stream.eol()) { 
     var inner = CodeMirror.innerMode(outer, state); 
     var style = outer.token(stream, state), cur = stream.current(); 
     stream.start = stream.pos; 
     if (!atSol || /\S/.test(cur)) { 
      out += cur; 
      atSol = false; 
     if (!atSol && inner.mode.newlineAfterToken && 
      inner.mode.newlineAfterToken(style, cur, stream.string.slice(stream.pos) || text[i+1] || "", inner.state)) 
     if (!stream.pos && outer.blankLine) outer.blankLine(state); 
     if (!atSol && i < text.length - 1) newline(); 

    cm.operation(function() { 
     cm.replaceRange(out, from, to); 
     for (var cur = from.line + 1, end = from.line + lines; cur <= end; ++cur) 
     cm.indentLine(cur, "smart"); 
     cm.setSelection(from, cm.getCursor(false)); 