2012-02-25 34 views

看了一段talk by Bret Victor的視頻之後,我的靈感來源於寫了一個與他在演講中展示的開發環境有點相似的快速入侵。如何在不導致Haskell重新編譯的情況下更改我的數據類型?



如何解決表達式問題並讓我的狀態的數據類型能夠在不導致重新編譯的情況下更改 ?

P.S. 這是代碼。 我本來不想發佈,因爲它非常混亂,很快就被黑了,但人們想要它,所以他們可以得到它。



\state -> do 
    counter <- readIORef state 
    writeIORef state ((counter + 1)`mod`3) 
    postRedisplay Nothing 


\state -> let 
cube w = do 
    renderPrimitive Quads $ do 
     vertex $ Vertex3 w w w 
     vertex $ Vertex3 w w (-w) 
     vertex $ Vertex3 w (-w) (-w) 
     vertex $ Vertex3 w (-w) w 
     vertex $ Vertex3 w w w 
     vertex $ Vertex3 w w (-w) 
     vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) w (-w) 
     vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) w w 
     vertex $ Vertex3 w w w 
     vertex $ Vertex3 w (-w) w 
     vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) (-w) w 
     vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) w w 
     vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) w w 
     vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) w (-w) 
     vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) (-w) (-w) 
     vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) (-w) w 
     vertex $ Vertex3 w (-w) w 
     vertex $ Vertex3 w (-w) (-w) 
     vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) (-w) (-w) 
     vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) (-w) w 
     vertex $ Vertex3 w w (-w) 
     vertex $ Vertex3 w (-w) (-w) 
     vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) (-w) (-w) 
     vertex $ Vertex3 (-w) w (-w) 

points :: Integer -> [(GLfloat,GLfloat,GLfloat)] 
points n' = let n = fromIntegral n' in map (\k -> let t = 2*pi*k/n in (sin(t),cos(t),0.0)) [1..n] 

in do 
    clear [ ColorBuffer ] 
    counter <- readIORef state 
    mapM_ (\(x,y,z) -> preservingMatrix $ do 
      color $ Color3 ((x+1.0)/2.0) ((y+1.0)/2.0) ((z+1.0)/2.0) 
      translate $ Vector3 x y z 
      cube (0.3::GLfloat) 
      ) $ points (9 + counter) 


module Main where 

import Control.Monad 
import Data.Typeable as Typeable 

import System.IO 

import Data.IORef 

import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL 
import Graphics.UI.GLUT 

import Language.Haskell.Interpreter 

main :: IO() 
main = do 
    (_, _) <- getArgsAndInitialize 
    createWindow "Hello World" 

    action <- newIORef $ do 
    clear [ ColorBuffer ] 

    let imports = ["Prelude", "Data.IORef", "Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL", "Graphics.UI.GLUT"] 
    let modules = ["State"] 

    runFile (undefined :: IORef Integer -> IO()) "Display.hs" imports $ \displayCode -> 
    runFile (undefined :: IORef Integer -> IO()) "Idle.hs" imports $ \idleCode -> do 

    state <- newIORef 12 

    displayCallback $= display displayCode state 
    idleCallback $= Just (idle displayCode idleCode state) 


display displayCode state = do 
    f <- execute displayCode 
    f state 

idle displayCode idleCode state = do 
    update displayCode 
    update idleCode 

    f <- execute idleCode 
    f state 

instance Eq GhcError where 
    GhcError s == GhcError t = s == t 

instance Eq InterpreterError where 
    UnknownError s == UnknownError t = s == t 
    WontCompile s == WontCompile t = s == t 
    NotAllowed s == NotAllowed t = s == t 
    GhcException s == GhcException t = s == t 

data V a = V { 
    update :: IO(), 
    execute :: IO a 

runFile :: Typeable a => a -> String -> [String] -> (V a -> IO()) -> IO() 
runFile theType file imports f = do 
    currentError <- newIORef Nothing 
    currentAction <- newIORef Nothing 

    let v = V { 
     update = do 
      fileContents <- readFile file 

      result <- runInterpreter $ do 
       setImports imports 
       interpret fileContents theType 

       oldError <- readIORef currentError 

       case result of 
       Right newAction -> do 
        when (oldError /= Nothing) $ do 
         writeIORef currentError Nothing 
         putStrLn (file ++ " Ok!") 

         writeIORef currentAction (Just newAction) 

         Left newError -> do 

          when ((Just newError) /= oldError) $ do 
           writeIORef currentError (Just newError) 
           print newError 
           , execute = do 
            action <- readIORef currentAction 
            case action of 
            Nothing -> do 
             err <- readIORef currentError 
             return (error (show err)) 
             Just act -> return act 

    update v 

    f v 

+1對Bret Victor的演講採取行動。如果你可以在任何地方發佈你的代碼,那將會很棒。我認爲靜態類型檢查的語言不太適合這樣的環境。如果你堅持使用靜態類型,那麼運行時(至少是調試開發運行時)應該拋棄靜態類型並使用動態類型。我不確定像Haskell這樣的運行時存在。 – 2012-02-25 19:31:16


@ user990666你可以發佈鏈接到談話嗎? – 2012-02-25 20:10:14


@Matt Fenwick http://vimeo.com/36579366 – 2012-02-25 20:51:10



