2016-04-24 220 views
$ cat tester.c 

typedef struct node 
    int x; 
    struct node *next; 

typedef struct 
    node *p; 

typedef struct stack 
    list *q; 
    struct stack *next; 

int main() 
    //fill the list with numbers 
    //link multiple stacks 
    int counter = 0; 

    list *listone = malloc(sizeof(listone));; 

    //make a linked list from 0 - 10 
    while(counter < 0) 
      node *newest = malloc(sizeof(node)); 
      newest->x = counter; 

      if(listone->p == NULL) 
        listone->p = malloc(sizeof(node)); 
        listone->p = newest; 
      }//end if 
        newest->next = listone->p; 
        listone->p = newest; 
      }//end else 
    }//end while 

    list *listtwo = malloc(sizeof(listtwo)); 
    counter = 10; 
    //make a second list counting from 10-19 
    while(counter < 20) 
      node *newer = malloc(sizeof(node)); 
      newer->x = counter; 

      if(listtwo->p == NULL) 
        listtwo->p = malloc(sizeof(node)); 
        listtwo->p = newer; 
      }//end if 
        newer->next = listtwo->p; 
        listtwo->p = newer; 
      }//end else 
    }//end while 

    stack *s = malloc(sizeof(stack)); 
    s->q = malloc(sizeof(list)); 
    s->q = listone; 

    stack *t = malloc(sizeof(stack)); 
    t->q = malloc(sizeof(list)); 
    t->q = listtwo; 

    //connect the two lists 
    s->next = t;     //not sure if this is correct 

    //print linked list of linked lists 
    while(s != NULL) 
      list *l = s->q; 
      while(l != NULL) 
        printf("\n%d", l->p->x); 
        l->p = l->p->next; 
      }//end while 
      s = s->next; 
    }//end while 

    return 0; 



1)'INT計數器= 0;'...'而(計數器<0)':這個while循環不執行。還需要更新'計數器'。 – BLUEPIXY


'sizeof(listone)'需要'sizeof * listone'或'sizeof list'。並且請更具體地描述你的程序的問題是什麼。最後,您是否嘗試過使用調試器和/或調試打印語句進行基本調試,以跟蹤程序的執行?人們希望在問之前進行基本的調試。 – kaylum


通過將'node'和'list'分開的方式沒什麼意義,你會過於複雜化。一般來說,如果你要分離列表和數據結構,你會得到類似於'typedef struct list {void * data; struct list * next; };'那麼你的'data'可以是任何結構。使用單個'node * p'來創建'list'並不是真的有幫助。 SO上有很多很好的鏈接列表示例,只要搜索就行。 –




#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 

typedef struct node { 
    int x; 
    struct node *next; 

typedef struct { 
    node *p; 

typedef struct lol { 
    list *q; 
    struct lol *next; 
} listOfList; 

typedef struct range { 
    int start; 
    int end;//does not contain this value 
    //int step; 
} range; 

list *make_list(void); 
listOfList *make_lol(list *aList); 
void rangeTolist(list *aList, range aRange); 
void printLoL(listOfList *lol); 

int main(void) { 
    list *listone = make_list(); 
    list *listtwo = make_list(); 

    rangeTolist(listone, (range){ 0, 10});//make a linked list from 0 - 10(10 does not include) 
    rangeTolist(listtwo, (range){10, 20});//make a linked list from 10 - 20(20 does not include) 

    //connect the two lists 
    listOfList *two_lists = make_lol(listone);//listOfList *lol=NULL;listAddLastOfLoL(&lol, listone); 
    two_lists->next = make_lol(listtwo);  //listAddLastOfLoL(&lol, listtwo); 

    //print linked list of linked lists 


    return 0; 

static inline void *cmalloc(size_t size, const char *func_name){//malloc with check 
    void *p = malloc(size); 
    if(p == NULL){ 
     fprintf(stderr, "malloc error in %s.\n", func_name); 
    return p; 

list *make_list(void){ 
    list *new_list = cmalloc(sizeof(*new_list), __func__); 
    new_list->p = NULL; 
    return new_list; 
node *make_node(int value){ 
    node *new_node = cmalloc(sizeof(*new_node), __func__); 
    new_node->x = value; 
    new_node->next = NULL; 
    return new_node; 
listOfList *make_lol(list *aList){ 
    listOfList *new_lol = cmalloc(sizeof(*new_lol), __func__); 
    new_lol->q = aList; 
    new_lol->next = NULL; 
    return new_lol; 

void rangeTolist(list *aList, range aRange){ 
    node anchor = { .x = 0, .next = NULL }; 
    node *current = &anchor; 
    int step = (aRange.start < aRange.end) - (aRange.start > aRange.end); 

    for(int i = aRange.start; i != aRange.end; i += step){ 
     node *new_node = make_node(i); 
     current = current->next = new_node; 
    aList->p = anchor.next; 
void printLoL(listOfList *lol){ 
      for(node *aList = lol->q->p; aList; aList = aList->next) 
       printf("\n%d", aList->x); 
     lol = lol->next; 

謝謝。這幫助我理解了什麼是錯誤的。問題在於鏈接兩個列表,現在一切都很好。我只需要弄清楚如何釋放這個該死的東西。乾杯 –