2013-04-04 67 views


Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "<pyshell#18>", line 1, in <module> 
    File "/Users/tinydancer9454/Documents/python/golfRound.py", line 101, in main 
    enterScores(l, players) 
    File "/Users/tinydancer9454/Documents/python/golfRound.py", line 114, in enterScores 
    File "/Users/tinydancer9454/Documents/python/golfRound.py", line 42, in recordScores 
    self.__gross = sum(holeScores) 
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str' 


class Player: 
""" Represents a player in the golf league """ 

    PAR = [4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 5] 
    """ par for each of the 9 holes """ 

    def __init__(self, name): 
     """ creates a Player and keeps track of stats """ 
     self.__name = name 
     self.__pars = 0 
     self.__birdies = 0 
     self.__gross = 0 

    def getName(self): 
     """ returns a player's name """ 
     return self.__name 

    def getGross(self): 
     """ returns a player's gross score """ 
     return self.__gross 

    def getPars(self): 
     """ returns number of pars made """ 
     return self.__pars 

    def getBirdies(self): 
     """ returns number of birdies made """ 
     return self.__birdies 

    def recordScores(self, holeScores): 
     """ mutator method that uses the results of one round of play 
      (9 holes) to update a player's stats """ 
     self.__gross = sum(holeScores) 

    def __findparsandbirdies(self, scores): 
     """ helper method that finds the number of pars and birdies """ 

     pars = 0 
     birdies = 0 
     hole = 0 
     for score in scores: 
      if score == Player.PAR[hole]: 
       pars += 1 
      if score == Player.PAR[hole] - 1: 
       birdies += 1 
      hole += 1 
     self.__pars = pars 
     self.__birdies = birdies 

    def __str__(self): 
     """ returns a string representation of a player """ 
     return 'a Player named ' + self.__name 

class League: 
""" represents the players of a golf league """ 

    def __init__(self, fileName = 'players.txt'): 
     """ creates a list of Player objects from the 
      names stored in the file specified """ 
     self.__playerList = [] 
     datafile = open(fileName, 'r') 
     for line in datafile: 
      playerName = line.rstrip() 
      player = Player(playerName) 

    def getNumPlayers(self): 
     """ returns the number of players is the league """ 
     return len(self.__playerList) 

    def getPlayerbyPosition(self, position): 
     """ returns the player at the specified position """ 
     return self.__playerList[position] 

    def getPlayerbyName(self, name): 
     """ returns the player with the specified name """ 
     for player in self.__playerList: 
      if player.getName() == name: 
       return player 
     return None 

    def __str__(self): 
     return 'a golf league with ' + str(self.getNumPlayers()) + ' players' 

def main(): 
    """The input and output for the program""" 
    l= League() 
    players= [] 
    enterScores(l, players, position) 

def enterScores(l, players, position): 
    """enter the scores""" 
    for position in range(l.getNumPlayers()): 
     holeScores= input(("Please enter a list of the player's scores: ")) 
     while not isValidScore(holeScores): 
      holeScores= input(("Please enter a valid list of scores: ")) 
     p= l.getPlayerbyPosition(position) 

def isValidScore(holeScores): 
    """checks if the scores entered for a single hole are 1 to 10, inclusive""" 
    for score in holeScores: 
     if score == 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10: 
      return True 
      return False     

def output(grossScore, pars, birdies): 
    """prints output""" 
    for player in players: 
     print('Gross score:', player.getGross()) 
     print('Pars: ', player.getPars()) 
     print('Birdies: ', player.getBirdies()) 

它看起來像你正在傳遞一個字符串和整數的混合列表,這python抱怨它不能加在一起。 – tacaswell 2013-04-04 01:35:14



如果您使用Python 3,holeScores是一個字符串,而不是一個整數。你需要把它變成數字的列表:

user_input = input("Please enter a valid list of scores: ") 
holeScores = [int(score) for score in user_input.split()] 


if (score == 1) or (2) or ... 

if score == 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10: 



for score in scores: 
    if not (1 <= score <= 10): 
     return False 

return True 

謝謝你,這是有道理的。然而,它現在給我一個無效的語法錯誤,並突出顯示while循環的'while'。現在需要以不同的方式縮進嗎? – tinydancer9454 2013-04-04 01:43:09


@ tinydancer9454:什麼是完整的追溯? – Blender 2013-04-04 01:46:00


該循環很好。但是,它基本上是內置的['all()'函數](http://docs.python.org/2/library/functions.html#all)的手邊版本。有了這個,你可以寫出所有(1分= <洞穴分數爲10分)'。 – 2013-04-04 01:46:09
