
所以我的問題是,sklearn多項式特徵將測試和訓練數據點轉換爲n多項式點(我認爲據我瞭解)。但是當我需要clf.predict函數(其中clf是訓練模型)只取x和y值,因爲當我從Matplotlib繪製表面圖時,它需要meshgrid,所以當我meshgrid my sklean轉換測試點,它的形狀變得像NxN,而預測函數需要Nxn(其中n是它轉換數據的多項式的次數),N是行數。


紙業鏈接:http://www.ajer.org/papers/v5(11)/A05110105.pdf 文章:基於二維 對流擴散模型


謝謝 enter code here

from math import exp 
import numpy as np 
from operator import itemgetter 
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures 
from sklearn import linear_model 
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from matplotlib import cm 
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter 

fig = plt.figure() 
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') 

def model_BOD (cn): 
    cnp1 = [] 
    n = len(cn) 
    # variables: 
    dmx = 1e-5 
    dmy = 1e-5 
    u = 2.10e-4 
    v = 2.10e-4 
    obs_time = 100 
    dt = 0.1 

    for t in np.arange(0.1,obs_time,dt): 
     for i in range(N): 
      for j in range(N): 
       d = j + (i-1)*N 
       dxp1 = d + N 
       dyp1 = d + 1 
       dxm1 = d - N 
       dym1 = d - 1 

       cnp1.append(t*(((-2*dmx/dx**2)+(-2*dmy/dy**2)+(1/t))*cn[dxp1] + (dmx/dx**2)*cn[dyp1] \ 
           + (dmy/dy**2)*cn[dym1] - (u/(2*dx))*cn[dxp1] + (u/(2*dx))*cn[dxm1] \ 
           - (v/(2*dy))*cn[dyp1] + (v/(2*dy))*cn[dym1])) 
     cn = cnp1 
     cnp1 = [] 
    return cn 

N = 20 
Length = 70 
Width = 77 
dx = Length/N 
dy = Width/N 

deg_of_poly = 5 

datapoints = np.array([ 

X = datapoints[:,0:2] 
Y = datapoints[:,-1] 

predict_x = [] 
predict_y = [] 
for i in np.linspace(0,Width,N): 
    for j in np.linspace(0,Length,N): 

predict = np.array(predict_x) 

poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=deg_of_poly) 
X_ = poly.fit_transform(X) 

predict_ = poly.fit_transform(predict) 
clf = linear_model.LinearRegression() 
clf.fit(X_, Y) 
prediction = [] 

for k,i in enumerate(predict_): 

prediction_ = model_BOD(prediction) 
print prediction_ 
XX = [] 
XX = predict[:,0] 
YY = [] 
YY = predict[:,-1] 
XX,YY = np.meshgrid(X,Y) 
Z = prediction 
##R = np.sqrt(XX**2+YY**2) 
##Z = np.tan(R) 

surf = ax.plot_surface(XX,YY,Z) 




import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from matplotlib import cm 
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D 
import numpy as np 
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures 
from sklearn import linear_model 

# The training set 
datapoints = np.array([ 
    [12.5,70,81.32], [25,70,88.54], [37.5,70,67.58], [50,70,55.32], 
    [62.5,70,56.84], [77,70,49.52], [0,11.5,71.32], [77,57.5,67.20], 
    [0,23,58.54], [25,46,51.32], [37.5,46,49.52], [0,34.5,63.22], 
    [25,34.5,48.32], [37.5,34.5,82.30], [50,34.5,56.42], [77,34.5,48.32], 
    [37.5,23,67.32], [0,46,64.20], [77,11.5,41.89], [77,46,55.54], 
    [77,23,52.22], [0,57.5,93.72], [0,70,98.20], [77,0,42.32] 
X = datapoints[:,0:2] 
Y = datapoints[:,-1] 
# 5 degree polynomial features 
deg_of_poly = 5 
poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=deg_of_poly) 
X_ = poly.fit_transform(X) 
# Fit linear model 
clf = linear_model.LinearRegression() 
clf.fit(X_, Y) 

# The test set, or plotting set 
N = 20 
Length = 70 
predict_x0, predict_x1 = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, Length, N), 
            np.linspace(0, Length, N)) 
predict_x = np.concatenate((predict_x0.reshape(-1, 1), 
          predict_x1.reshape(-1, 1)), 
predict_x_ = poly.fit_transform(predict_x) 
predict_y = clf.predict(predict_x_) 

# Plot 
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6)) 
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='3d') 
surf = ax1.plot_surface(predict_x0, predict_x1, predict_y.reshape(predict_x0.shape), 
         rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.jet, alpha=0.5) 
ax1.scatter(datapoints[:, 0], datapoints[:, 1], datapoints[:, 2], c='b', marker='o') 

ax1.set_xlim((70, 0)) 
ax1.set_ylim((0, 70)) 
fig.colorbar(surf, ax=ax1) 
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) 
cs = ax2.contourf(predict_x0, predict_x1, predict_y.reshape(predict_x0.shape)) 
ax2.contour(cs, colors='k') 
fig.colorbar(cs, ax=ax2) 

enter image description here


感謝羅,只是似乎是正確的。我相信我沒有正確地重塑矩陣。再次感謝你。然而,這根本不涉及這個問題,我看起來與文章相比得到了非常不同的結果,你能告訴我如何解釋訓練模型(clf)返回的係數嗎?我的意思是像一個* x^2 * y^1 + ...等等。我知道變換將數據點轉換爲相關係數,我無法解釋方程。 – arshh


@arshh對不起,我的答案根本與您的問題無關。你可以用'clf.coef_'檢查係數,並用'poly.get_feature_names()'檢查相應的特徵。那麼你應該能夠弄清楚「a * x^2 * y^1 +等等」。對於這個特定的配件。至於爲什麼它與論文不同以及如何解釋方程。再次,我很抱歉,我不知道。 –


@arshh我的意圖是回答你的問題:「是否有任何可能的方法爲這個多項式繪製網格點?」並嘗試給你一些接近「圖5和6」的東西。我不確定我是否不明白你真正的問題。我建議你發表另外一個問題,也許你的問題更清楚一點...... –