2016-09-23 87 views

我們在sgi uv 2000(smp)w 256超線程核心(128物理)上運行oge 2011.11。當我們在系統上運行openmp作業時,它運行良好。這裏的工作:SGI機器在SGE上的cpu負載失控

#include <iostream> 
#include <cstring> 
#include <cstdlib> 
#include <math.h> 
#include <omp.h> 

using namespace std; 

int main (
     int argc, 
     char* argv[]) { 

#if _OPENMP 
    // Show how many threads we have available 
    int max_t = omp_get_max_threads(); 
    cout << "OpenMP using up to " << max_t << " threads" << endl; 
    cout << "!!!ERROR!!! Program not compiled for OpenMP" << endl; 
    return -1; 

    const long N = 115166; 
    const long bytesRequested = N * N * sizeof(double); 

    cout << "Allocating " << bytesRequested << " bytes for matrix" <<  endl; 

    double* S = new double[ N * N ]; 

    if(NULL == S) { 
     cout << "!!!ERROR!!! Failed to allocate " << bytesRequested << "   bytes" << endl; 
     return -1; 

    cout << "Entering main loop" << endl; 

#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) 
    for (long i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) { 
     for (long j = i + 1; j < N; j++) { 
#if _OPENMP 
      int tid=omp_get_thread_num(); 
      if(0 == i && 1 == j) { 
       int nThreads=omp_get_num_threads(); 
       cout << "OpenMP loop using " << nThreads << " threads" <<  endl; 

      S[ i * N + j ] = sqrt(i + j); 

    cout << "Loop completed" << endl; 
    delete S; 
    return 0; 


[C++] $ ./OMPtest OpenMP的使用多達256個線程 分配矩陣 106105660448個字節輸入使用256主迴路 OpenMP的循環線程 循環完成

但是,當我使用以下(和迄今任何)並行環境在隊列中提交它時,cpu的負載通過屋頂射擊(超過256),並且系統becom es完全無響應,必須重新啓動。這裏是我的體育環境:

[C++] $的qconf -sp螺紋 pe_name螺紋 插槽10000個 user_lists NONE xuser_lists NONE start_proc_args /斌/真 stop_proc_args /斌/真 allocation_rule $ pe_slots control_slaves FALSE job_is_first_task TRUE urgency_slots分鐘 accounting_summary TRUE


#$ -cwd 
#$ -q sgi-test 
## email on a - abort, b - begin, e - end 
#$ -m abe 
#$ -M <email address> 
#source ~/.bash_profile 
## for this job, specifying the threaded environment w a "-" ensures the    max number of processors is used 
#$ -pe threaded - 
echo "slots = $NSLOTS" 
echo "Running on host=$HOSTNAME" 
## memory resource request per thread, max 24 for 32 threads 
#$ -l h_vmem=4G 
##$ -V 
##this environment variable setting is needed only for OpenMP-parallelized  applications 
## finally! -- run your process 


#$ -pe threaded 139 

任何超過139崩潰了機器,但是在mcelog或/ var/log/messages中沒有輸出。任何對可能發生的事情的深入瞭解都將不勝感激!


哇,沒有迴應?我明白了,這是一個艱難的大聲笑 – steelah1


解決它自己。在腳本中添加了「-V」選項,以將我的環境變量推送到oge/sge,因爲作業在調度程序之外的環境中運行得很好。每次運行都不會崩潰。可以通過消除/反覆試驗追蹤導致問題的變量,但是我有很多變數。總之,「-V」修復了很多問題,特別是如果你的工作在OGE/SGE之外運行得很好。 – steelah1


