2016-08-02 104 views



let optionsFor piece (positions:Space list) = 

    let yDirection = match piece with 
        | Black _ -> -1 
        | Red _ -> 1 

    let sourceX , sourceY = 
     match piece with 
     | Black (checker , pos) -> pos 
     | Red (checker , pos) -> pos 

    let optionsForPiece = 
     (fun pos -> pos = ((sourceX - 1) , (sourceY + yDirection)) || 
        pos = ((sourceX + 1) , (sourceY + yDirection))) 

    let availableSelection = 
     (fun space -> match space with 
         | Available pos -> Some pos 
         | Allocated _ -> None) 

    let availablePositions = 
     positions |> List.filter toAvailable 
        |> List.choose availableSelection 

    availablePositions |> List.filter optionsForPiece 





open NUnit.Framework 
open FsUnit 

(* Types *) 
type Black = BlackKing | BlackSoldier 
type Red = RedKing | RedSoldier 

type Coordinate = int * int 

type Piece = 
    | Black of Black * Coordinate 
    | Red of Red * Coordinate 

type Space = 
    | Allocated of Piece 
    | Available of Coordinate 

type Status = 
    | BlacksTurn | RedsTurn 
    | BlackWins | RedWins 

(* Functions *) 
let black coordinate = Allocated (Black (BlackSoldier , coordinate)) 
let red coordinate = Allocated (Red (RedSoldier , coordinate)) 

let startGame() = 
    [ red (0,0); red (2,0); red (4,0); red (6,0) 
     red (1,1); red (3,1); red (5,1); red (7,1) 
     red (0,2); red (2,2); red (4,2); red (6,2) 

     Available (1,3); Available (3,3); Available (5,3); Available (7,3) 
     Available (0,4); Available (2,4); Available (4,4); Available (6,4) 

     black (1,5); black (3,5); black (5,5); black (7,5) 
     black (0,6); black (2,6); black (4,6); black (6,6) 
     black (1,7); black (3,7); black (5,7); black (7,7) ] , BlacksTurn 

let private toAvailable = 
    (fun space -> match space with 
        | Available pos -> true 
        | _    -> false) 

let available (positions:Space list) = positions |> List.filter toAvailable 

let optionsFor piece (positions:Space list) = 

    let yDirection = match piece with 
        | Black _ -> -1 
        | Red _ -> 1 

    let sourceX , sourceY = 
     match piece with 
     | Black (checker , pos) -> pos 
     | Red (checker , pos) -> pos 

    let optionsForPiece = 
     (fun pos -> pos = ((sourceX - 1) , (sourceY + yDirection)) || 
        pos = ((sourceX + 1) , (sourceY + yDirection))) 

    let availableSelection = 
     (fun space -> match space with 
         | Available pos -> Some pos 
         | Allocated _ -> None) 

    let availablePositions = 
     positions |> List.filter toAvailable 
        |> List.choose availableSelection 

    availablePositions |> List.filter optionsForPiece 

我不知道這是否更適合[Code Review](http://codereview.stackexchange.com/)。 – s952163


我的代碼只是用作上下文。我認爲這個問題甚至不需要代碼。我想我正在尋找每個選項的優點和缺點。 –


我不完全確定這是否是你所要求的,但是這應該由你的使用決定,如果你想/從外部訪問函數(函數和你的模塊以及其他.NET代碼)。定義許多小函數和內部函數沒有什麼不妥,只要你組織它們。 – s952163




我的經驗法則是,如果「助手」功能是高度關聯與「主」功能,我會寫它作爲嵌套功能。如果它們沒有緊密關聯,我會將輔助函數編寫爲一個單獨的函數 - 我甚至可能不會將它私有化,因爲您永遠不知道它何時可以派上用場,以供其他模塊中的其他代碼使用。


module BinarySearchTree 

type Node<'T> = 
    { left: Node<'T> option 
     value: 'T 
     right: Node<'T> option } 

let singleton v = { left = None; value = v; right = None } 

let rec insert v t = 
    if v <= t.value 
     then match t.left with 
      | None -> { t with left = singleton v |> Some } 
      | Some n -> { t with left = insert v n |> Some } 
     else match t.right with 
      | None -> { t with right = singleton v |> Some } 
      | Some n -> { t with right = insert v n |> Some } 

let fromList l = 
    match l with 
    | [] -> failwith "Can't create a tree from an empty list" 
    | hd::tl -> 
     tl |> List.fold (fun t v -> insert v t) (singleton hd) 

let toList t = 
    let rec loop acc = function 
     | None -> acc 
     | Some node -> 
      (loop [] node.left) @ (node.value :: (loop [] node.right)) 
    loop [] (Some t) 


但是,當我編寫fromList函數時,我沒有在其中定義insert作爲內部函數。 insert功能本身是有用的,除了fromList的功能。所以我寫了insert作爲一個單獨的函數。儘管fromList是我的代碼中唯一實際使用insert,的函數,未來可能不一定是真的。我可能會寫一個fromArray函數,我不想爲了效率而重用fromList。 (我可能fromArraylet fromArray a = a |> List.ofArray |> fromList,但是這會創建一個不必要的列表,我只是在完成後就扔掉;更直接地迭代數組並將其作爲insert作爲效率更明智適當)。


  • yDirection - 這是一個變量,但也可以變成以piece作爲參數的函數。作爲一項功能,它看起來可能在許多不同的功能中有用。我的判斷:單獨
  • sourceXsourceY - 這些變量,而不是功能,但你可以把那match到一個名爲source返回一個元組函數,然後把它在你的optionsFor功能設置的sourceXsourceY值。在我看來,source函數最有意義的作爲單獨的函數。
  • optionsForPiece - 此函數看起來與optionsFor函數緊密關聯,因此您可能不想從別處調用它。我的判斷:嵌套
  • availableSelection - 這可能在幾種情況下非常有用,而不僅僅是optionsFor。我的判斷:單獨
  • availablePositions - 這是一個變量,但很容易變成一個函數,它將positions作爲參數並返回哪些是可用的。再次,這在幾種情況下可能有用。我的判斷:單獨


// Functions yDirection, source, availableSelection, 
// and availablePositions are all defined "outside" 

let optionsFor piece (positions:Space list) = 

    let yDir = yDirection piece 

    let sourceX , sourceY = source piece 

    let optionsForPiece pos = 
     pos = ((sourceX - 1) , (sourceY + yDir)) || 
     pos = ((sourceX + 1) , (sourceY + yDir)) 

    positions |> availablePositions |> List.filter optionsForPiece 

