2015-12-21 192 views

我試圖讓遺留系統(CentOS 5.x)繼續連接服務,這將很快只允許TLS v1.1或TLS v1.2連接(Salesforce,各種支付網關等)我可以使用Squid升級客戶端TLS連接嗎?

我已經在Docker容器中的Centos 7服務器上安裝了Squid 3.5,並試圖配置squid來衝突SSL連接。我的想法是,由於squid充當MITM並打開一個連接到客戶端,一個連接到目標服務器,它將協商到目標的TLS 1.2連接,而客戶端連接到SSLv3或TLS 1.0。



access_log  /var/log/squid/access.log 
cache_log  /var/log/squid/cache.log 

cache_store_log none 
cache   deny all 

http_access  allow all 
http_port  3128 ssl-bump cert=/etc/squid/ssl_cert/myCA.pem generate-host-certificates=on version=1 

ssl_bump  stare all 
ssl_bump  bump all 

嘿 - 我也面對這個,你有沒有想過這個? – user1914292




sslcrtd_program /usr/lib64/squid/ssl_crtd -s /var/lib/ssl_db -M 4MB 

# Write access and cache logs to disk immediately using the stdio module. 

access_log stdio:/var/log/squid/access.log 
cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log 

# Define ACLs related to ssl-bump steps. 

acl step1 at_step SslBump1 
acl step2 at_step SslBump2 
acl step3 at_step SslBump3 

# The purpose of this instance is not to cache, so disable that. 

cache_store_log none 
cache   deny all 

# Set up http_port configuration. All clients will be explicitly specifying 
# use of this proxy instance, so https_port interception is not needed. 

http_access allow all 
http_port 3128 ssl-bump cert=/etc/squid/certs/squid.pem \ 
      generate-host-certificates=on version=1 

# Bump immediately at step 1. Peeking or staring at steps one or two will cause 
# part or all of the TLS HELLO message to be duplicated from the client to the 
# server; this includes the TLS version in use, and the purpose of this proxy 
# is to upgrade TLS connections. 

ssl_bump bump step1 all 

警告任何人嘗試此配置:它通過從傳遞給客戶端的詳細信息中刪除* all *服務器TLS安全數據來工作。這會增加各種攻擊和其他通信問題的脆弱性。所以儘可能限制step1的使用。 –
