2016-12-29 53 views



# Measure distance between two points 
def distance (p1, p2): 
    return ((p2[1] - p1[1])**2 + (p2[0] - p1[0])**2)**0.5 

# Check if point c is on same line between points a and b 
def inBetween (a, b, c): 
    return distance (a, b) == distance (a, c) + distance (b, c) 

def isPathBlocked (L1, L2, B): 
    for A in L1: 
     for C in L2: 
      if inBetween (A, B, C): 
       print "path blocked" 

雖然它的工作原理,但它是非常CPU密集型考慮到L1和L2可以在每個有超過50,000點,併爲此嵌套循環將執行50000 * 50000次。有沒有更好的方法來做到這一點,或有什麼好的算法,我可以在這裏使用?







l1 = [(x,y) for x in range (10) for y in range(10)] 
l2 = [(5,3), (5,1), (8,2), (4,3), (1,5), (3,5), (7,7), (3,7)] 
b = (5,5) 

# instead of using atan2 to calculate polar angles, to improve performance we only 
# calculate (y/x, x>0) which has a unique value for different angles 
# if x == 0 (angle is eigher 90 or -90 degrees) then we use (None, y>0) instead 
def toPolar (p1, p2): 
    if p2[0] != p1[0]: 
     return (float (p2[1] - p1[1])/float (p2[0] - p1[0]), p2[0] < p1[0]) 
    if p2[1] != p1[1]: 
     return (None, p2[1] < p1[1]) 

# Check if b is between a and c, we don't need to check if they 
# are cllinear because they are already when they have same polar angle 
def inBetween (a, b, c): 
    if a[0] <= b[0] <= c[0] or c[0] <= b[0] <= a[0]: 
     return a[1] <= b[1] <= c[1] or c[1] <= b[1] <= a[1] 
    return False 

# b stationary point, l1 the points of interest, l2 blockers 
def hashFilter (b, l1, l2): 
    hashTable = {} 
    # create a hash table of l2 points using polar angles as keys, 
    # if two points have the same polar angle keep only the one that 
    # is closer to b 
    for blocker in l2: 
     key = toPolar (b, blocker) 
     prev = hashTable.get (key) 
     if prev == None or inBetween (b, blocker, prev): 
      hashTable[key] = blocker 
    unBlocked = [] 
    blocked = [] 
    # Remove the points from l1 if they are blocked by any point from l2 
    for point in l1: 
     key = toPolar (b, point) 
     blocker = hashTable.get (key) 
     if blocker == None or not inBetween (b, blocker, point): 
      unBlocked.append (point) 
     else: blocked.append (point) 
    return sorted (blocked) 

def sortFilter (b, l1, l2): 
    # Convert cartesian to polar (sort of) 
    points = [(toPolar(b, x), x) for x in l1] 
    # Sort using polar angle as key 
    points = sorted (points, key = lambda x: x[0]) 
    # Convert cartesian to polar (sort of) 
    blockers = [(toPolar(b, x), x) for x in l2] 
    # Sort using polar angle as key 
    blockers = sorted (blockers, key = lambda x: x[0]) 
    unBlocked = [] 
    blocked = [] 
    ind = 0 
    length = len (blockers) 
    for point in points: 
     if ind >= length: break 
     isBlocked = False 
     subInd = None 
     # Increase index of blockers until we reach a matching polar angle 
     while ind < length and blockers[ind][0] <= point[0]: 
      if blockers[ind][0] == point[0]: 
       # we need to check every point in points(l1) for being blocked 
       # by comparing it to all points in blockers(l2) with 
       # identical polar angle. 
       # However because there could be multiple points and multiple 
       # blockers with the same polar angle, we store the ind of the 
       # first identical polar angle that appears in the blockers list, 
       # so that the next item in points list can loop again over 
       # this group of blockers 
       if subInd == None: subInd = ind 
       if inBetween (b, blockers[ind][1], point[1]): 
        blocked.append (point[1]) 
        isBlocked = True 
        # If we found out that the point is blocked then we break 
        # out of the loop to test the next item in points 
      ind += 1 
     if not isBlocked: unBlocked.append (point[1]) 
     # Move the index back to the first item in the blockers group with 
     # same polar angle to the last point checked 
     if subInd != None: ind = subInd 
    return sorted (blocked) 

print hashFilter (b, l1, l2) 
print sortFilter (b, l1, l2) 

如果您在極座標系中查看問題,該怎麼辦?你必須計算'2 * N'的角度(這一步可以並行完成);但是這些可以比你的2個循環更有效率地進行排序和比較? –


好 - 感謝基準測試的更新!將嘗試做一個小例子或我的意思。 –


C必須靠近AB線纔算在線上? –



給定約束(小整數座標),我們可以散列斜坡而不是排序。這取決於以下事實:(1)浮分正確舍入(2)以10000爲界的分母之間的最小差距至少約爲1/10000^2,這是安全的超過1 ulp。

def key(b, p): 
    if p[0] != b[0]: 
     return (float(p[1] - b[1])/float(p[0] - b[0]), p[0] < b[0]) 
    if p[1] != b[1]: 
     return (None, p[1] < b[1]) 
    return None 

def between1(b, p, q): 
    return b <= p <= q or q <= p <= b 

def between2_assume_collinear(b, p, q): 
    return between1(b[0], p[0], q[0]) and between1(b[1], p[1], q[1]) 

def unblocked(b, l1, l2): 
    inner = {} 
    for p in l2: 
     k = key(b, p) 
     if k is None: 
     q = inner.get(k) 
     if q is None or between2_assume_collinear(b, p, q): 
      inner[k] = p 
    for q in l1: 
     p = inner.get(key(b, q)) 
     if p is None or not between2_assume_collinear(b, p, q): 
      yield q 


def demo(b, l2): 
    n = 10 
    l1 = [(x, y) for x in range(n) for y in range(n)] 
    grid = [[' ' for x in range(n)] for y in range(n)] 
    for q in unblocked(b, l1, l2): 
     grid[q[1]][q[0]] = '*' 
    grid[b[1]][b[0]] = '@' 
    for p in l2: 
     grid[p[1]][p[0]] = '2' 
    for row in grid: 

demo((5, 5), [(5, 3), (5, 1), (8, 2), (4, 3), (1, 5), (3, 5)]) 


import fractions 

def key(b, p): 
    d0 = p[0] - b[0] 
    d1 = p[1] - b[1] 
    g = fractions.gcd(d0, d1) 
    if g == 0: 
     return None 
    g = abs(g) 
    return (d0 // g, d1 // g) 

好主意。我可能會使用最低限度的條件而不是浮點除法。 –


@MattTimmermans足夠簡單;用「fractions.Fraction」替換浮點除法。不過,如果速度更快,我會感到震驚。 –


沒有那麼快,但它不依賴於浮點實現的細節或小int整數約束條件 –

  1. 有更有效的方法來確定點是否在兩個另一點之間 - 使用跨產品

  2. 對於這個問題確實存在有複雜度爲O(NlogN)更快的算法方法(而你的蠻力是O(N^2))

    • 排序兩個點集由極角對B點
    • 步行雖然兩組在合併方式和比較的角度

這是一個小型的實現我的意思(這是一樣的想法#2 MBo's答案):

import random 
import math 
from collections import namedtuple 

Cartesian = namedtuple('Cartesian', ('x', 'y', 'sample')) 
Polar = namedtuple('Polar', ('r', 'phi', 'sample')) 

def to_polar(cartesian, origin): 

    x_diff = cartesian.x - origin.x 
    y_diff = cartesian.y - origin.y 
    r = math.hypot(x_diff, y_diff) 
    phi = math.atan2(y_diff, x_diff) 

    return Polar(r=r, phi=phi, sample=cartesian.sample) 

def to_cartesian(polar, origin): 

    x = polar.r*math.cos(polar.phi) + origin.x 
    y = polar.r*math.sin(polar.phi) + origin.y 

    return Cartesian(x=x, y=y, sample=polar.sample) 

random.seed(45432) # get reproducibe results 

SCALE = 100 

B = Cartesian(x=SCALE*random.random(), y=SCALE*random.random(), sample='B') 

L1_cartesian = [Cartesian(x=SCALE*random.random(), 
       for _ in range(N_SAMPLES)] 
L1_polar = [to_polar(cartesian=l1, origin=B) for l1 in L1_cartesian] 

L2_cartesian = [Cartesian(x=SCALE*random.random(), 
       for _ in range(N_SAMPLES)] 
L2_polar = [to_polar(cartesian=l2, origin=B) for l2 in L2_cartesian] 

all_polar = L1_polar + L2_polar 
all_polar = sorted(all_polar, key=lambda x: x.phi) 






爲您添加您的積分是在整數座標,我建議你做什麼David Eisenstat's answer建議(這是他的想法加入到我的代碼;信貸應該去他的回答):不是計算的極座標,做一個字典包含這個結果

from fractions import Fraction 

def get_slope(cartesian, origin): 
    x_diff = cartesian.x - origin.x 
    y_diff = cartesian.y - origin.y 

    slope = Fraction(y_diff, x_diff) 
    x_sign = x_diff > 0 

    return (slope, x_sign) 


from collections import defaultdict 

dct = defaultdict(list) 
# add all the points in your sets (both) 
dct[get_slope(cartesian, origin)].append(cartesian) 



對於每個Polar對象來說,保持對其笛卡爾點的引用可能是一個好主意。 –


@ PM2Ring:是的,有很大的改善空間!這是一個非常好的主意! –


我所得到的是:我們必須超過迭代L1的所有點,我們要檢查,如果直線從L1集合到固定點B的每個點都被集合L2的任何點阻塞或者不被鎖定。如果它被阻塞,那麼該點必須從L1集中移除,否則不能。假設L1 = {(x1,y1),(x2,y2),...}和L2 = {(a1,b1),(a2,b2),...}和固定點B是(m,n)。因此,儘管檢查,如果(X1,Y1)點必須從L1集中刪除與否,我們可以檢查 -

if (x1 <= a1 and a1 <= m) and (y1 <= b1 and b1 <= n): 
    Cartesian Product/Euclidean Distance 
    {L1 - (x1, y1)} // remove from L1 

