2017-04-07 76 views



// Fig. 10.10: Array.h 
// Array class definition with overloaded operators. 
#include "stdafx.h" 
#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 
#include <stdexcept> 
#ifndef ARRAY_H 
#define ARRAY_H 
using namespace std; 

template<typename T> 
class Array 
    friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, const Array &); 
    friend istream &operator>>(istream &, Array &); 

    explicit Array(int arraySize = 3)// default constructor 
     : size(arraySize > 0 ? arraySize : 
      throw invalid_argument("Array size must be greater than 0")), 
     ptr(new T[ size ]) 
     for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) 

      ptr[ i ] = 0; // set pointer-based array element 

    ~Array()// destructor 
     delete [] ptr; // release pointer-based array space 

    size_t getSize() const 
     return size; // number of elements in Array 
    } // end function getSize 

    const Array &operator=(const Array &right) 
    if (&right != this) // avoid self-assignment 
     // for Arrays of different sizes, deallocate original 
     // left-side Array, then allocate new left-side Array 
     if (size != right.size) 
     delete [] ptr; // release space 
     size = right.size; // resize this object 
     ptr = new T[ size ]; // create space for Array copy 
     } // end inner if 

     for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) 
     ptr[ i ] = right.ptr[ i ]; // copy array into object 
    } // end outer if 

    return *this; // enables x = y = z, for example 
} // end function operator= 
    bool operator==(const Array &right) const 
    if (size != right.size) 
     return false; // arrays of different number of elements 

    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) 
     if (ptr[ i ] != right.ptr[ i ]) 
     return false; // Array contents are not equal 

    return true; // Arrays are equal 
} // end function operator== 

    // subscript operator for const objects returns rvalue 
    T operator[](int subscript) const 
    // check for subscript out-of-range error 
    if (subscript < 0 || subscript >= size) 
     throw out_of_range("Subscript out of range"); 

    return ptr[ subscript ]; // returns copy of this element 
} // end function operator[] 

    size_t size; // pointer-based array size 
    T *ptr; // pointer to first element of pointer-based array 
}; // end class Array 
template <typename T> 
istream &operator>>(istream &input, Array &a) 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size; ++i) 
     input >> a.ptr[ i ]; 

    return input; // enables cin >> x >> y; 
} // end function 
template <typename T> 
    ostream &operator<<(ostream &output, const Array &a) 
    // output private ptr-based array 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size; ++i) 
     output << setw(12) << a.ptr[ i ]; 

     if ((i + 1) % 4 == 0) // 4 numbers per row of output 
     output << endl; 
    } // end for 

    if (a.size % 4 != 0) // end last line of output 
     output << endl; 

    return output; // enables cout << x << y; 
} // end function operator<< 

錯誤來自isteam和ostream函數。 類模板錯誤的使用似乎是我得到的唯一問題。 感謝您的幫助。


您的操作員接收並返回'Array'。唯一存在的是'Array '。 – hlt


你的'Array'類缺少一個拷貝構造函數。你不能像這樣寫代碼:'{Array a(10);數組 a2 = a;}'沒有內存相關的問題(重新分配相同的內存兩次)。您在賦值運算符方面也存在問題,因爲您在發出對new []的調用之前釋放了內存。如果new []引發異常,則說明對象已損壞。 – PaulMcKenzie




template<typename T> Array { 
    const Array<T>& operator=(const Array<T>& right); 
