2015-12-14 55 views

我正在處理一些複雜的存儲過程,這些存儲過程發生多個查詢,創建和刪除臨時表等。通過SP來看,我最終可以辨別出存儲過程返回的字段,但這是痛苦且耗時的。 e.g,一個SP可能是這樣的:如何獲得Stored Proc返回的字段列表?

ALTER procedure [dbo].[sp_duckbilled_platypi] 
    @BegDate varchar(10), 
    @EndDate varchar(10), 
    @Platypus varchar(max), 
    @Duckbill varchar(max) 

    drop table zDistDBPExceptions 

    select (ph.Platypusno), TotalDesExceptions=1 
    into zDistDBPExceptions 
    from priceexceptionshistory ph 
    inner join MasterDuckbills MU on ph.Duckbill=MU.Duckbill 
    Inner Join Platypuss M on ph.Platypusno = M.PlatypusNo 
    where ph.PlatypusNo not in ('04501','04503') --,'111','B140') 
    and ph.Platypusno in (select [value] from dbo.split(@Platypus,',')) 
    and ph.Duckbill in (select [value] from dbo.Split(@Duckbill,',')) 
    and  invoicedate between @BegDate and @EndDate 
    and  filtered=0 
    and  abs(contractprice) = 0 
    and  abs(ph.pricepush) = 0 
    and  bidprice > 0 
    and  abs(MU.TruTrack) = 1 
    and  abs(ph.pricesheet) = 1 

    drop table zContractDBPExceptions 

    select (ph.Platypusno), TotalContractExceptions=1 
    into zContractDBPExceptions 
    from priceexceptionshistory ph 
     inner join MasterDuckbills MU on ph.Duckbill=MU.Duckbill 
     Inner Join Platypuss M on ph.Platypusno = M.PlatypusNo 
    where ph.PlatypusNo not in ('04501','04503') --,'111','B140') 
     and  ph.Platypusno in (select [value] from dbo.split(@Platypus,',')) 
     and  ph.Duckbill in (select [value] from dbo.Split(@Duckbill,',')) 
     and  invoicedate between @BegDate and @EndDate 
     and  filtered=0 
     and  abs(contractprice) = 1 
     and  abs(ph.pricepush) = 1 
     and  bidprice > 0 
     and  abs(MU.TruTrack) = 1 

    drop table zDBPExceptions 

    select (ph.Platypusno), TotalPriceSheetExceptions=1--, invoicedate 
    into zDBPExceptions 
    from priceexceptionshistory ph 
    inner join MasterDuckbills MU on ph.Duckbill=MU.Duckbill 
     Inner Join Platypuss M on ph.Platypusno = M.PlatypusNo 
    where ph.PlatypusNo not in ('04501','04503') --,'111','B140') 
    and ph.Platypusno in (select [value] from dbo.split(@Platypus,',')) 
    and ph.Duckbill in (select [value] from dbo.Split(@Duckbill,',')) 
    and  invoicedate between @BegDate and @EndDate 
    and  filtered=0 
    and  abs(contractprice) = 0 
    and  abs(ph.pricepush) = 1 
    and  bidprice > 0 
    and  abs(MU.TruTrack) = 1 

    drop table zSumtDBPExceptions 
    select (ph.Platypusno), TotalSumExceptions=1 
    into zSumtDBPExceptions 
    from priceexceptionshistory ph 
    inner join MasterDuckbills MU on ph.Duckbill=MU.Duckbill 
    Inner Join Platypuss M on ph.Platypusno = M.PlatypusNo 
    where ph.PlatypusNo not in ('04501','04503') --,'111','B140') 
    and ph.Platypusno in (select [value] from dbo.split(@Platypus,',')) 
    and ph.Duckbill in (select [value] from dbo.Split(@Duckbill,',')) 
    and  invoicedate between @BegDate and @EndDate 
    and  filtered=0 
    and  bidprice > 0 
    and  abs(MU.TruTrack) = 1 
    and  abs(ph.pricesheet) = 1 

    --this gets all invoice data 
    --insert into PriceExceptionsHistory 
    -- *** zContractDBPBase *** 
    drop table zContractDBPBase 

      PriceSheet = 0, 
      ContractPrice = 0, 
      PricePush = 0, 
      MU.PricePush as DuckbillPricePush 
    into zContractDBPBase 
     InvoiceHeader IH inner join InvoiceDetail ID on IH.Duckbill=ID.Duckbill and IH.PlatypusNo=ID.PlatypusNo and IH.CustNo=Id.CustNo and IH.InvoiceNo=ID.InvoiceNo inner join 
     Calendar C on IH.CWeek = C.CWeek and IH.CYear = C.CYear inner join 
     MasterDuckbills MU on IH.Duckbill=MU.Duckbill inner join 
     DuckbillPlatypuss UM on UM.Duckbill=IH.Duckbill and UM.PlatypusNo=IH.PlatypusNo 
     ih.PlatypusNo not in ('04501','04503') and --,'111','B140') and 
     ih.Platypusno in (select [value] from dbo.split(@Platypus,',')) and 
     ih.Duckbill in (select [value] from dbo.Split(@Duckbill,',')) and 
     MU.TruTrack = -1 and --DBP flag 
     ih.invoicedate between @BegDate and @EndDate and 
     abs(MU.PricingExceptions) = 1 and 
     abs(UM.PriceSheet) = 1 and 
     ID.Qty > 0 

    --Get the Duckbill mapping 
    Update A set 
     PAItemCode = B.ItemCode 
    From zContractDBPBase A Inner Join 
      (Select Mup.Platypusno,mup.Duckbill,mup.itemcode,mup.Platypusitemcode 
      From MasterPlatypusDuckbillMapping MUP, zContractDBPBase t1 
      Where mup.PlatypusNo=t1.PlatypusNo 
      and  mup.Duckbill=t1.Duckbill 
      and  mup.Platypusitemcode=t1.Platypusitemcode 
      and MUP.PlatypusNo not in ('04501','04503') --,'111','B140') 
      --and MUP.PlatypusNo not in ('N151','X004','B101','B104','B121','B091','04501','T001','T002','B138','B132','X12','B065') 
     ) B 
    On A.PlatypusNo=B.PlatypusNo and A.Duckbill=B.Duckbill and A.PlatypusItemCode =B.PlatypusItemCode 

    --Get the price in there 
    Update A set 
     BidPrice = convert(numeric(18,2),B.Price) 
    From zContractDBPBase A inner join 
     (Select mp.Platypusno,mp.Duckbill,mp.itemcode,mp.price,mp.cyear,mp.cweek 
      From PlatypusPrice mp, zContractDBPBase t1 
      Where mp.PlatypusNo=t1.Platypusno 
      and mp.Duckbill=t1.Duckbill 
      and mp.ItemCode=t1.PAItemCode 
      and mp.Cyear=t1.Cyear 
      and mp.cweek=t1.Cweek 

     ) B 
    On A.PlatypusNo=B.PlatypusNo and A.Duckbill=B.Duckbill and A.PAItemCode=B.ItemCode and A.Cyear=B.Cyear and A.Cweek=B.Cweek 

    update zContractDBPBase 
     set contractprice=up.contractprice, pricesheet=up.pricesheet, pricepush=up.pricepush 
    From zContractDBPBase kb inner join DuckbillProducts up on 
     kb.Duckbill=up.Duckbill and kb.paitemcode=up.itemcode 

    -- *** zDBPMaster *** 
    drop table zDBPMaster 
    Select distinct(PlatypusNo), 
      PlatypusName=(Select distinct ShortName from Platypuss where Platypusno=zContractDBPBase.Platypusno), 
      TotalPriceSheet = convert(numeric(18,4),0), 
      TotalContract = convert(numeric(18,4),0), 
      TotalDes = convert(numeric(18,4),0), 
      TotalSummary = convert(numeric(18,4),0), 
      TotalPriceSheetExceptions = convert(numeric(18,4),0), 
      TotalContractExceptions= convert(numeric(18,4),0), 
      TotalDesException = convert(numeric(18,4),0), 
      TotalSumException = convert(numeric(18,4),0), 
    into zDBPMaster 
    from zContractDBPBase 

    update a 
    set  a.TotalPriceSheet = b.calcvalue 
    from zDBPMaster a inner join (
     Select Platypusno, calcvalue=sum(1) 
     from zContractDBPBase kb 
     where --abs(pricesheet)=1 
     and  abs(PricePush) = 1 
     and  abs(Duckbillpricepush) = 1 
     Group by kb.Platypusno) b 
    on a.Platypusno=b.Platypusno 

    update a 
    set  a.TotalContract = b.calcvalue 
    from zDBPMaster a inner join (
     Select Platypusno, calcvalue=sum(1) 
     from zContractDBPBase kb 
     where abs(contractprice)=1 
     Group by kb.Platypusno) b 
    on a.Platypusno=b.Platypusno 

    update a 
    set  a.TotalDes = b.calcvalue 
    from zDBPMaster a inner join (
     Select Platypusno, calcvalue=sum(1) 
     from zContractDBPBase kb 
     where abs(contractprice)=0 
     and  abs(PricePush) = 0 
     Group by kb.Platypusno) b 
    on a.Platypusno=b.Platypusno 

    --update a 
    --set  a.TotalSummary = b.calcvalue 
    --from zDBPMaster a inner join (
    -- Select Platypusno, calcvalue=sum(1) 
    -- from zContractDBPBase kb 
    -- Group by kb.Platypusno) b 
    --on a.Platypusno=b.Platypusno 

    update a 
    set  a.TotalPriceSheetExceptions = b.calcvalue 
    from zDBPMaster a inner join (
     Select Platypusno, calcvalue=sum(1) 
     from zDBPExceptions kb 
     Group by kb.Platypusno) b 
    on a.Platypusno=b.Platypusno 

    update a 
    set  a.TotalContractExceptions = b.calcvalue 
    from zDBPMaster a inner join (
     Select Platypusno, calcvalue=sum(1) 
     from zContractDBPExceptions kb 
     Group by kb.Platypusno) b 
    on a.Platypusno=b.Platypusno 

    update a 
    set  a.TotalDesException = b.calcvalue 
    from zDBPMaster a inner join (
     Select Platypusno, calcvalue=sum(1) 
     from zDistDBPExceptions kb 
     Group by kb.Platypusno) b 
    on a.Platypusno=b.Platypusno 

    --update a 
    --set  a.TotalsumException = b.calcvalue 
    --from zDBPMaster a inner join (
    -- Select Platypusno, calcvalue=sum(1) 
    -- from zSumtDBPExceptions kb 
    -- Group by kb.Platypusno) b 
    --on a.Platypusno=b.Platypusno 

    select distinct 'Price Exceptions Contract' as T,Platypusno,Platypusname,totals=TotalContract, totalExceptions =TotalContractExceptions from zDBPMaster 
     abs(contractprice) = 1 
    union all 
    select distinct 'Price Exceptions DistributorX' as T,Platypusno,Platypusname,totals=TotalDes, totalExceptions =TotalDesException from zDBPMaster 
    where abs(pricesheet) = 1 
     and abs(contractprice) = 0 
     and abs(pricepush) = 0 
    union all 
    select distinct 'Price Exceptions RPM' as T,Platypusno,Platypusname,totals=TotalPriceSheet, totalExceptions =TotalPriceSheetExceptions from zDBPMaster 
    where abs(pricesheet) = 1 
     and abs(contractprice) = 0 
     and abs(pricepush) = 1 
    union all 
    select distinct 'Price Exceptions Summary' as T,Platypusno,Platypusname,totals=TotalPriceSheet + TotalContract + TotalDes, 
    totalExceptions = totalPriceSheetExceptions + TotalContractExceptions + TotalDesException 
    from zDBPMaster 

給出了這樣的SP,有沒有辦法查詢說SP拿到領域調用SP後,將提供給我的列表? IOW,知道哪些領域時,我做這樣的事情,我可以參考:

DataTable dtPlatypusResults = [call the SP] 
foreach (DataRow summary in dtPlatypusResults.Rows) 
    var ps = new PlatypusSummary 
     . . . 


var ps = new PlatypusSummary 
    platypus = Convert.ToDouble(summary["poisonToeLength"]), 
    . . . 





string[] columnNames = dtPlatypusResults.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>() 
          .Select(x => x.ColumnName) 