2015-03-25 42 views

注意:我爲文本牆道歉,但我堅持讓我自己的代碼工作。我已經挖掘了其他類似的問題,但我沒有看到爲什麼我無法通過這些代碼來搜索所有內容。我會接受半神祕的答案,至少在正確的方向指出我的感謝。掃雷 - 揭示所有空的瓦片而不是隻有一些


Printing Field: 
-     1 1 2 1 
-     0 0 0 0 0 1 
-     1 0 0 0 1 2 3 
-     1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
-      2 1 0 0 0 0 0 
-      1 0 0 0 0 0 
-      1 0 0 0 0 0 


private void checkAround(int x, int y) 
    //this pattern is used to parse out the comma to get the coordinates. 
    String regex = "[,]"; 
    Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(regex); 

    ArrayList<String> to_check = new ArrayList<String>(); //the list of coordinates to check. 
    to_check.add("" + x + "," + y); 
    revealed_field[x][y] = true; //marking the coordinates as revealed. 

    do //iterates through the to_check list until nothing is in it. 
     //these next 2 sections handle pulling the next item from to_check 
     String temp = to_check.get(0); 

     String[] xy = pat.split(temp); 
     int a = Integer.parseInt(xy[0]); //local declaration of x 
     int b = Integer.parseInt(xy[1]); //local declaration of y 

     //if either a or b are outside the bounds of the respective axis, we skip the coordinate and move on. 
     if (b > height-1 || b < 0) continue; 
     if (a > width-1 || a < 0) continue; 

     if (bomb_field[b][a] == '0') //if this is not adjacent to a bomb 
      if (a > 0 && revealed_field[b][a-1] == false) //adds the square above to to_check 
       to_check.add("" + (b) + "," + (a-1)); 
       revealed_field[b][a-1] = true; 
      if (b > 0 && revealed_field[b-1][a] == false) //adds the square left to to_check 
       to_check.add("" + (b-1) + "," + (a)); 
       revealed_field[b-1][a] = true; 
      if (b < height-1 && revealed_field[b+1][a] == false) //adds the square right to to_check 
       to_check.add("" + (b+1) + "," + (a)); 
       revealed_field[b+1][a] = true; 
      if (a < width-1 && revealed_field[b][a+1] == false) //adds the square below to to_check 
       to_check.add("" + (b) + "," + (a+1)); 
       revealed_field[b][a+1] = true; 
    while (to_check.size() > 0); //ends once we have nothing to check. 

你把「b,a」放在數組中,但是你把它看作「a,b」? – immibis 2015-03-25 04:22:11


順便說一句,如果你寫了一個Coordinate類,這段代碼會更簡單(但這不是codereview,這不是你問的)。 – immibis 2015-03-25 04:22:44


嘿,我會採取反饋意見,我知道我是新人,而且我知道使用a,b這樣的醜陋,但我不知道有更好的方法。 此外,謝謝你的神祕暗示,這是我所需要的。我編輯了代碼來保存a,b而不是b,並且它可以工作。謝謝!現在,如果只有我可以有2個小時的時間,我就盯着這個完成任何東西.... – 2015-03-25 04:32:16




例如,如果開始點爲x = 4,Y是10:

  • 您添加 「4,10」 到列表中。
  • 您從列表中刪除「4,10」。
  • 您在x = 4,y = 10處檢查單元格。
  • 您在列表中添加了「11,4」,「9,4」,「10,5」和「10,3」 - 而不是「4,11」,「4,9」,「5,10 「和」3,10「。