2017-10-16 136 views

我遇到的問題了解有關Bolts任務框架的文檔。我在一個複雜的Android項目中大量使用它,這需要編寫更復雜的任務。我怎樣才能實現這一點TaskCompletionSource所以我可以設置任務的結果? 在哪裏放置要在後臺執行的代碼?任務的例子Android Bolts任務:與TaskCompletionSource分開的類中的複雜任務


public class CheckInternetConnectionTask { 
    private static final String TAG     = "CheckInternetConnReq"; 
    private static  Date mLastCheckDate  = null; 
    private static  Boolean mLastConnectionStatus = null; 
    private static  int  mConnectionAttempts = 0; 

    private Context mContext; 

    public CheckInternetConnectionTask(Context context) { 
     this.mContext = context; 

    public void resetConnectionStatus() { 
     mLastCheckDate = null; 
     mLastConnectionStatus = null; 
     mConnectionAttempts = 0; 

    public Task<Boolean> getTask() { 
     return Task.callInBackground(new Callable<Boolean>() { 
      public Boolean call() throws Exception { 
       Log.i(TAG, "Checking for internet connection..."); 
       Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); 

       Date currentDate = calendar.getTime(); 

       if (mLastCheckDate == null) { 
        mLastCheckDate = calendar.getTime(); 

       if (mLastConnectionStatus != null && getDifferenceInSeconds(currentDate, mLastCheckDate) < 5) { 
        Log.i(TAG, "Last checked < 5 seconds, returning previous value: " + mLastConnectionStatus); 
        if (mConnectionAttempts < 10) { 
         mConnectionAttempts ++; 

         return mLastConnectionStatus; 

        Log.i(TAG, "Resetting connection check attempt counter to 0, checking for internet connection..."); 
        mConnectionAttempts = 0; 

       ConnectionDetector connectionDetector = new ConnectionDetector(mContext); 

       mLastCheckDate = currentDate; 
       mLastConnectionStatus = connectionDetector.isConnected(); 

       return mLastConnectionStatus; 

    private long getDifferenceInSeconds(Date currentDate, Date savedDate) { 
     long diffInMillisec = currentDate.getTime() - savedDate.getTime(); 

     return TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(diffInMillisec) % 60; 


final CheckInternetConnectionTask checkConectionTask = new CheckInternetConnectionTask(this); 
checkConectionTask.getTask().onSuccess(new Continuation<Boolean, Object>() { 
    public Object then(Task<Boolean> task) throws Exception { 
     // This can never be used: 
     if (task.isFaulted()) { 
      // TODO: Notify user that something went wrong 
     } else {   
      mCardNoConnection.setVisibility(task.getResult() ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE); 
     return null; 

這樣我無法訪問task.getError()方法,因爲沒有定義完成源。 如果我在自己的類中有複雜對象,我該如何正確使用這個框架?






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