2016-04-25 67 views



class Processor: 

    queue = None 

    def __init__(self, 

     # create a joinable queue 
     self.queue = JoinableQueue() 

     # create the processes 
     self.processes = [Process(target=self.compute) for _ in range(number_of_workers)] 
     for p in self.processes: 

    def add_work_item(self, item): 

     # add the parameters list to the parameters queue 

    def compute(self): 

     while True: 

      # get a list of arguments from the queue 
      arguments = self.queue.get() 

      # if we didn't get one we keep looping 
      if arguments is None: 

      # process the arguments here 
      data = arguments[0] 
      index = arguments[1] 

      # only process non-empty grid cells, i.e. data array contains at least some non-NaN values 
      if (isinstance(data[:, index], np.ma.MaskedArray) and data[:, index].mask.all()) or np.isnan(data[:, index]).all(): 


      else: # we have some valid values to work with 

       logger.info('Processing latitude: {}'.format(index)) 

       # perform a fitting to gamma  
       results = do_something(data[:, index]) 

       # update the shared array 
       data[:, index] = results 

      # indicate that the task has completed 

    def terminate(self): 

     # terminate all processes 
     for p in self.processes: 

    def wait_on_all(self): 

     #wait until queue is empty 

if __name__ == '__main__': 


     # log some timing info, used later for elapsed time 
     start_datetime = datetime.now() 
     logger.info("Start time: {}".format(start_datetime, '%x')) 

     # get the command line arguments 
     input_file = sys.argv[1] 
     input_var_name = sys.argv[2] 
     output_file_base = sys.argv[3] 
     month_scale = int(sys.argv[4]) 

     # create the variable name from the indicator, distribution, and month scale 
     variable_name = 'spi_gamma_{}'.format(str(month_scale).zfill(2)) 

     # open the NetCDF files 
     with netCDF4.Dataset(input_file) as input_dataset, \ 
      netCDF4.Dataset(output_file_base + '_' + variable_name + '.nc', 'w') as output_dataset: 

      # read info from the input dataset and initialize the output for writing 

      # create a processor with a number of worker processes 
      number_of_workers = 1 
      processor = Processor(number_of_workers) 

      # for each longitude slice 
      for lon_index in range(lon_size): 

       logger.info('\n\nProcessing longitude: {}\n'.format(lon_index)) 

       # read the longitude slice into a data array  
       longitude_slice = input_dataset.variables[input_var_name][:, lon_index, :] 

       # reshape into a 1-D array 
       original_shape = longitude_slice.shape 
       flat_longitude_slice = longitude_slice.flatten() 

       # convert the array onto a shared memory array which can be accessed from within another process 
       shared_array_base = Array(ctypes.c_double, flat_longitude_slice) 
       shared_array = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_base.get_obj()) 
       shared_array = shared_array.reshape(original_shape) 

       # loop over each latitude point in the longitude slice 
       for lat_index in range(lat_size): 

        # have the processor process the shared array at this index 
        arguments = [shared_array, lat_index] 

       # join to the processor and don't continue until all processes have completed 

       # write the fitted longitude slice values into the output NetCDF 
       output_dataset.variables[variable_name][:, lon_index, :] = np.reshape(shared_array, (time_size, 1, lat_size)) 

      # all processes have completed 

    except Exception, e: 
     logger.error('Failed to complete', exc_info=True) 




pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle '_subprocess_handle' object: <_subprocess_handle object at 0x00000000021CF9F0> 

當第二個進程開始時會出現此,在處理器內部。 init()函數。如果我使用單個進程(number_of_workers = 1)運行下面的代碼,那麼我不會遇到這個錯誤,並且我的代碼按預期運行,儘管沒有使用多個處理器,這是一個目標。

class Processor: 

    queue = None 

    def __init__(self, 

     # create a joinable queue 
     self.queue = JoinableQueue() 

     # keep reference to shared memory array 
     self.shared_array = shared_array 
     self.data_shape = data_shape 

     # create the processes 
     self.processes = [Process(target=self.compute_indicator) for _ in range(number_of_workers)] 
     for p in self.processes: 

    def add_work_item(self, item): 

     # add the parameters list to the parameters queue 

    def compute_indicator(self): 

     while True: 

      # get a list of arguments from the queue 
      arguments = self.queue.get() 

      # if we didn't get one we keep looping 
      if arguments is None: 

      # process the arguments here 
      index = arguments[0] 

      # turn the shared array into a numpy array  
      data = np.ctypeslib.as_array(self.shared_array) 
      data = data.reshape(self.data_shape) 

      # only process non-empty grid cells, i.e. data array contains at least some non-NaN values 
      if (isinstance(data[:, index], np.ma.MaskedArray) and data[:, index].mask.all()) \ 
       or np.isnan(data[:, index]).all() or (data[:, index] < 0).all(): 


      else: # we have some valid values to work with 

       logger.info('Processing latitude: {}'.format(index)) 

       # perform computation  
       fitted_values = do_something(data[:, index]) 

       # update the shared array 
       data[:, index] = fitted_values 

      # indicate that the task has completed 

    def terminate(self): 

     # terminate all processes 
     for p in self.processes: 

    def wait_on_all(self): 

     #wait until queue is empty 

if __name__ == '__main__': 

      # create a shared memory array which can be accessed from within another process 
      shared_array_base = Array(ctypes.c_double, time_size * lat_size, lock=False) 

      # create a processor with a number of worker processes 
      number_of_workers = 4 
      data_shape = (time_size, lat_size) 
      processor = Processor(shared_array_base, data_shape, number_of_workers) 

      # for each longitude slice 
      for lon_index in range(lon_size): 

       logger.info('\n\nProcessing longitude: {}\n'.format(lon_index)) 

       # get the shared memory array and convert into a numpy array with proper dimensions 
       longitude_array = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_base) 
       longitude_array = np.reshape(longitude_array, data_shape) 

       # read the longitude slice into the shared memory array  
       longitude_array[:] = input_dataset.variables[input_var_name][:, lon_index, :] 

       # a list of arguments we'll map to the processes of the pool 
       arguments_iterable = [] 

       # loop over each latitude point in the longitude slice 
       for lat_index in range(lat_size): 

        # have the processor process the shared array at this index 

       # join to the processor and don't continue until all processes have completed 

       # get the longitude slice of fitted values from the shared memory array and convert 
       # into a numpy array with proper dimensions which we can then use to write to NetCDF 
       fitted_array = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_base) 
       fitted_array = np.reshape(fitted_array, (time_size, 1, lat_size)) 

       # write the longitude slice of computed values into the output NetCDF 
       output_dataset.variables[variable_name][:, lon_index, :] = fitted_array 

      # all processes have completed 

爲什麼不從'multiprocessing.Pool'使用'map()'方法而不是自己寫? –


只是一個想法,但是您在創建共享數組之前正在創建'Process'-es *。你確定'Process'-es實際上可以訪問共享數組嗎?可能是他們只是得到一個副本... –


'shared_array_base'應該作爲參數傳遞給目標'compute'方法。實際上,對於POSIX系統,它只需要通過'fork'繼承,但對於Windows支持,它需要一個參數來允許將'mmap'共享內存的名稱和狀態醃製並傳遞給子進程。您可以將共享數組作爲NumPy數組包裝在每個工作進程中;不要醃製,並將副本分發給每個工作人員,就像你現在正在做的那樣。 – eryksun




def compute(args): 

    # extract the arguments 
    lon_index = args[0] 
    lat_index = args[1] 

    # NOT SHOWN 
    # get the data_shape value 

    # turn the shared array into a numpy array 
    data = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array) 
    data = data.reshape(data_shape) 

    # perform the computation, update the indexed array slice 
    data[:, lon_index, lat_index] = perform_computation(data[:, lon_index, lat_index]) 

def init_process(array): 

    # put the arguments to the global namespace 
    global shared_array 
    shared_array = array 

if __name__ == '__main__': 

    # NOT SHOWN 
    # get the lat_size, lon_size, time_size, lon_stride, and data_shape values 

    # create a shared memory array which can be accessed from within another process 
    shared_array = Array(ctypes.c_double, time_size * lon_stride * lat_size, lock=False) 
    data_shape = (time_size, lon_stride, lat_size) 

    # create a processor with a number of worker processes 
    number_of_workers = cpu_count() 

    # create a Pool, essentially forking with copies of the shared array going to each pooled/forked process 
    pool = Pool(processes=number_of_workers, 

    # for each slice 
    for lon_index in range(0, lon_size, lon_stride): 

     # convert the shared memory array into a numpy array with proper dimensions 
     slice_array = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array) 
     slice_array = np.reshape(slice_array, data_shape) 

     # read the longitude slice into the shared memory array  
     slice_array[:] = read_data(data_shape) 

     # a list of arguments we'll map to the processes of the pool 
     arguments_iterable = [] 

     # loop over each latitude point in the longitude slice 
     for lat_index in range(lat_size): 

      for i in range(lon_stride): 

       # have the processor process the shared array at this index 
       arguments = [i, lat_index] 

       # map the arguments iterable to the compute function 
       pool.map(compute, arguments_iterable) 

       # get the longitude slice of fitted values from the shared memory array and convert 
       # into a numpy array with proper dimensions which we can then use to write to NetCDF 
       fitted_array = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array) 
       fitted_array = np.reshape(fitted_array, (time_size, lon_stride, lat_size)) 

       # NOT SHOWN 
       # write the slice of computed values to file 

      # all processes have completed, close the pool 