2013-05-03 56 views

我開發了一個使用電暈的遊戲。現在,當嘗試使用新的配置文件爲iPhone構建時,我收到了此警告。Corona iPhone部署警告

warning: Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, contains   disallowed entitlements, or it was not signed with an iPhone Distribution Certificate. (-19011) 
failed to extract requirements data: 1 

/Users/codemenmini2012-4/Desktop/ArcheryClassiciOS.app: invalid signature (code or signature have been modified) 
failed to extract entitlements: 1 

AssertMacros: entitlements_requested, At least need an application-identifier entitlements file: codesign_wrapper.c, line: 879 
- (null) 

warning: Unable to extract codesigning entitlements from your application. Please make sure ArcheryClassiciOS is a valid Mach executable that's properly codesigned. (-19050) 
/Users/codemenmini2012-4/Desktop/ArcheryClassiciOS.app/ArcheryClassiciOS: invalid signature (code or signature have been modified)- (null) 


