2015-10-06 72 views

我正在使用chartJS庫並試圖弄清楚我需要做什麼來獲取單行數據以在工具提示中顯示。ChartJS - 在工具提示中顯示單行數據

例如, Wrong


我從chart js tooltip how to control the data that show

getPointsAtEvent: function(e) { 
     var pointsArray = [], eventPosition = helpers.getRelativePosition(e); 
     var breakLoop = 0; 
     helpers.each(this.datasets, function(dataset) { 
      helpers.each(dataset.points, function(point) { 
       if (point.inRange(eventPosition.x, eventPosition.y) && point.showTooltip && !point.ignore) { 
        if(eventPosition.y + 2 >= point.y && eventPosition.y - 2 <= point.y) { 
         breakLoop = 1; 
         return false; 
      if(breakLoop) { 
       return false; 
     }, this); 
     return pointsArray; 



看那[文檔】(http://www.chartjs.org/docs/#getting-started-global-chart-configuration)。好像你可以操縱'tooltipTemplate'來做你想做的事情。嘗試一下,看看你得到的。 – crush


不確定。 getPointsAtEvent,很有趣。一些看起來好像從每個數據點取X,Y座標來選擇要顯示的座標。 – user3333134




var originalMultiTooltip = Chart.MultiTooltip; 
Chart.MultiTooltip = function() { 
    var argument = arguments[0]; 
    // locate the series using the active point 
    var activeDatasetLabel = myChart.activeElements[0].datasetLabel; 
    myChart.datasets.forEach(function (dataset) { 
     if (dataset.label === activeDatasetLabel) { 
      // swap out the labels and colors in arguments 
      argument.labels = dataset.points.map(function (point) { return point.value; }); 
      argument.legendColors = dataset.points.map(function (point) { 
       return { 
        fill: point._saved.fillColor || point.fillColor, 
        stroke: point._saved.strokeColor || point.strokeColor 
      argument.title = activeDatasetLabel; 
      // position it near the active point 
      argument.y = myChart.activeElements[0].y; 
    return new originalMultiTooltip(arguments[0]); 

// this distance function returns the square of the distance if within detection range, otherwise it returns Infinity 
var distance = function (chartX, chartY) { 
    var hitDetectionRange = this.hitDetectionRadius + this.radius; 
    var distance = Math.pow(chartX - this.x, 2) + Math.pow(chartY - this.y, 2); 
    return (distance < Math.pow(hitDetectionRange, 2)) ? distance : Infinity; 
myChart.getPointsAtEvent = function (e) { 
    var pointsArray = [], 
     eventPosition = Chart.helpers.getRelativePosition(e); 

    var leastDistance = Infinity; 
    Chart.helpers.each(myChart.datasets, function (dataset) { 
     Chart.helpers.each(dataset.points, function (point) { 
      // our active point is the one closest to the hover event 
      var pointDistance = distance.call(point, eventPosition.x, eventPosition.y) 
      if (isFinite(pointDistance) && pointDistance < leastDistance) { 
       leastDistance = pointDistance; 
       pointsArray = [ point ]; 
    }, myChart); 

    return pointsArray; 


  • 替換getPointsAtEvent只選擇一個點
  • 包裹MultiTooltipç onstructor將交換的值列表與活動點系列中的所有值進行交換。

小提琴 - http://jsfiddle.net/h93pyavk/


如果您將chart.js用於其他您不想要這種行爲的圖表,那麼user3333134答案就是要走的路。乾杯! – potatopeelings


看起來很好,謝謝,在這個版本上徘徊在點以上的作品好多了,然後我的解決方案(這可能會更優雅,但我覺得時間緊迫)。 – user3333134



showTooltip: function(ChartElements, forceRedraw) { //custom edit 

     //we will get value from ChartElements (which should be only 1 element long in this case) and use it to match the line row we want to see. 
     try { 
      var numMatch = ChartElements[0].value; 
     catch(err) { 
      var isChanged = (function(Elements) { 
       var changed = true; 
       return changed; 
      }).call(this, ChartElements); 

     // Only redraw the chart if we've actually changed what we're hovering on. 
     if (typeof this.activeElements === 'undefined') this.activeElements = []; 

     var isChanged = (function(Elements) { 
      var changed = false; 

      if (Elements.length !== this.activeElements.length) { 
       changed = true; 
       return changed; 

      helpers.each(Elements, function(element, index) { 
       if (element !== this.activeElements[index]) { 
        changed = true; 
      }, this); 
      return changed; 
     }).call(this, ChartElements); 

     if (!isChanged && !forceRedraw) { 
     } else { 
      this.activeElements = ChartElements; 
     if (this.options.customTooltips) { 
     if (ChartElements.length > 0) { 
      // If we have multiple datasets, show a MultiTooltip for all of the data points at that index 
      if (this.datasets && this.datasets.length > 1) { 
       var dataArray, 

       for (var i = this.datasets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 
        dataArray = this.datasets[i].points || this.datasets[i].bars || this.datasets[i].segments; 
        dataIndex = helpers.indexOf(dataArray, ChartElements[0]); 
        if (dataIndex !== -1) { 

       var eleLast = ""; 
       var eleFirst = ""; 
       var tooltipLabels = [], 
        tooltipColors = [], 
        medianPosition = (function(index) { 

         // Get all the points at that particular index 
         var Elements = [], 
          xPositions = [], 
          yPositions = [], 
         helpers.each(this.datasets, function(dataset) { 
          dataCollection = dataset.points || dataset.bars || dataset.segments; 
          for(i = 0; i < dataset.points.length; i++) { 
           if(dataset.points[i].value === numMatch) { 
            for(var k = 0; k < dataset.points.length; k++) { 

         //save elements last label string 
         eleLast = Elements[Elements.length-1].label; 
         eleFirst = Elements[0].label; 

         helpers.each(Elements, function(element) { 
          if(element.value === numMatch) { 

          //Include any colour information about the element 
          tooltipLabels.push(helpers.template(this.options.multiTooltipTemplate, element)); 
           fill: element._saved.fillColor || element.fillColor, 
           stroke: element._saved.strokeColor || element.strokeColor 

         }, this); 

         yMin = helpers.min(yPositions); 
         yMax = helpers.max(yPositions); 

         xMin = helpers.min(xPositions); 
         xMax = helpers.max(xPositions); 

         return { 
          x: (xMin > this.chart.width/2) ? xMin : xMax, 
          y: (yMin + yMax)/2 
        }).call(this, dataIndex); 

       var newLabel = eleFirst + " to " + eleLast; 

       new Chart.MultiTooltip({ 
        x: medianPosition.x, 
        y: medianPosition.y, 
        xPadding: this.options.tooltipXPadding, 
        yPadding: this.options.tooltipYPadding, 
        xOffset: this.options.tooltipXOffset, 
        fillColor: this.options.tooltipFillColor, 
        textColor: this.options.tooltipFontColor, 
        fontFamily: this.options.tooltipFontFamily, 
        fontStyle: this.options.tooltipFontStyle, 
        fontSize: this.options.tooltipFontSize, 
        titleTextColor: this.options.tooltipTitleFontColor, 
        titleFontFamily: this.options.tooltipTitleFontFamily, 
        titleFontStyle: this.options.tooltipTitleFontStyle, 
        titleFontSize: this.options.tooltipTitleFontSize, 
        cornerRadius: this.options.tooltipCornerRadius, 
        labels: tooltipLabels, 
        legendColors: tooltipColors, 
        legendColorBackground: this.options.multiTooltipKeyBackground, 
        title: newLabel, 
        chart: this.chart, 
        ctx: this.chart.ctx, 
        custom: this.options.customTooltips 

      } else { 
       helpers.each(ChartElements, function(Element) { 
        var tooltipPosition = Element.tooltipPosition(); 
        new Chart.Tooltip({ 
         x: Math.round(tooltipPosition.x), 
         y: Math.round(tooltipPosition.y), 
         xPadding: this.options.tooltipXPadding, 
         yPadding: this.options.tooltipYPadding, 
         fillColor: this.options.tooltipFillColor, 
         textColor: this.options.tooltipFontColor, 
         fontFamily: this.options.tooltipFontFamily, 
         fontStyle: this.options.tooltipFontStyle, 
         fontSize: this.options.tooltipFontSize, 
         caretHeight: this.options.tooltipCaretSize, 
         cornerRadius: this.options.tooltipCornerRadius, 
         text: helpers.template(this.options.tooltipTemplate, Element), 
         chart: this.chart, 
         custom: this.options.customTooltips 
       }, this); 
     return this; 

顯然,這僅僅是一個快速和骯髒的修復,如果我得到更多的時間來進行這項工作我想有每個數據點顯示它高於其相應的值。 enter image description here