2017-03-09 87 views


| Name | Model | 
| Bob | Camry | 
| Bob | Civic | 
| Bob | Prius | 
| Kevin | Civic | 
| Kevin | Focus | 
| Mark | Civic | 
| Lisa | Focus | 
| Lisa | Civic | 


| Name | Model | 
| Kevin | Civic | 
| Kevin | Focus | 



with LisaCars as (
    SELECT Model FROM CarOwners WHERE Name = 'Lisa' 
SELECT Name, Model 
FROM CarOwners 
WHERE Model in (SELECT * FROM LisaCars) AND Name != 'Lisa' 


| Name | Model | 
| Bob | Civic | 
| Kevin | Civic | 
| Kevin | Focus | 
| Mark | Civic | 

所以你想要完全匹配,而不是部分?即只有當一個人擁有與被查詢人完全相同的汽車(不多不少於)時纔是這樣。 – scsimon


Yah。我的示例查詢已經提供了部分匹配。 –



這與count()over()行計數爲每個name使用common table expression(CTE)的數量。

然後,matches cte使用自加入,其中名稱不匹配,模型匹配,每個名稱的模型計數匹配,其中一個名稱爲'Lisa'having子句可確保匹配行數(count(*))與name所具有的模型數相匹配。


;with cte as (
    select * 
    , cnt = count(*) over (partition by name) 
    from t 
, matches as (
    select x2.name 
    from cte as x 
    inner join cte as x2 
     on x.name <> x2.name 
     and x.model = x2.model 
     and x.cnt = x2.cnt 
     and x.name = 'Lisa' 
    group by x2.name, x.cnt 
    having count(*) = x.cnt 
select t.* 
from t 
    inner join matches m 
    on t.name = m.name 



| name | model | 
| Kevin | Civic | 
| Kevin | Focus | 


select t.* 
from t 
    inner join (
    select x2.Name 
    from (
     select *, cnt = count(*) over (partition by name) 
     from t 
     where name='Lisa' 
    ) as x 
     inner join (
     select *, cnt = count(*) over (partition by name) 
     from t 
    ) as x2 
     on x.name <> x2.name 
     and x.model = x2.model 
     and x.cnt = x2.cnt 
    group by x2.name, x.cnt 
    having count(*) = x.cnt 
) as m 
    on t.name = m.name 

這工作,謝謝。 –


@EricGuan樂於助人! – SqlZim


有沒有辦法將'和x.name ='Lisa''更改爲一個名稱列表,然後接收由完全相同的汽車所有權劃分的結果集?現在,我使用Java中的循環調用此查詢,並傳遞每個名稱​​。這感覺非常低效。 –



with cte as (
select name,model, 
      SELECT ',' + t2.model 
      FROM t t2 
      WHERE t1.name=t2.name 
      ORDER BY model 
      FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '') concat_value 
from t t1 
select distinct x2.name,x2.model 
from cte x1 
join cte x2 on x1.concat_value=x2.concat_value and x1.name<>x2.name 
where x1.name='Kevin' 

如果您的SQL Server版本支持STRING_AGG,查詢可以簡化爲

with cte as (
    select name,model, 
     STRING_AGG(model,',') WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY model) as concat_value 
    from t t1 
select distinct x2.name,x2.model 
from cte x1 
join cte x2 on x1.concat_value=x2.concat_value and x1.name<>x2.name 
where x1.name='Kevin' 

Tr Ÿ它

if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#temp') is not null 
drop table #temp 

create table #temp (name varchar(100),model varchar(100)) 

insert into #temp values('Bob','Camry') 
insert into #temp values('Bob','Civic') 
insert into #temp values('Bob','Prius') 
insert into #temp values('Kevin','Focus') 
insert into #temp values('Kevin','Civic') 
insert into #temp values('Mark','Civic') 
insert into #temp values('Lisa','Focus') 
insert into #temp values('Lisa','Civic') 

select * from (
select row_number() over(partition by name order by (select null)) as n, 
row_number() over(partition by model order by (select null)) as m,* 
from #temp) as a 
where n = m 
order by name 


select * 
     , (select COUNT(*) 
      from #owners o2 
      where o2.name = o1.name) as num 
    from #owners o1 


| Name | Model | num | 
| Bob | Camry | 3 | 
| Bob | Civic | 3 | 
| Bob | Prius | 3 | 
| Kevin | Civic | 2 | 
| Kevin | Focus | 2 | 
| Mark | Civic | 1 | 
| Lisa | Focus | 2 | 
| Lisa | Civic | 2 | 


; with 
    OwnedCount as (
     select * 
       , (select COUNT(*) 
        from #owners o2 
        where o2.name = o1.name) as num 
      from #owners o1 
select * 
    from OwnedCount o1 
    inner join OwnedCount o2 
     on o1.model = o2.model 
     and o1.num = o2.num 


| Name | Model | num | Name | Model | num | 
| Bob | Camry | 3 | Bob | Camry | 3 | 
| Bob | Civic | 3 | Bob | Civic | 3 | 
| Bob | Prius | 3 | Bob | Prius | 3 | 
| Kevin | Civic | 2 | Kevin | Civic | 2 | 
| Kevin | Civic | 2 | Lisa | Civic | 2 | 
| Kevin | Focus | 2 | Kevin | Focus | 2 | 
| Kevin | Focus | 2 | Lisa | Focus | 2 | 
| Mark | Civic | 1 | Mark | Civic | 1 | 
| Lisa | Civic | 2 | Kevin | Civic | 2 | 
| Lisa | Civic | 2 | Lisa | Civic | 2 | 
| Lisa | Focus | 2 | Kevin | Focus | 2 | 
| Lisa | Focus | 2 | Lisa | Focus | 2 | 


declare @given_name varchar(32) = 'Lisa' 
; with 
    OwnedCount as (
     select * 
       , (select COUNT(*) 
        from #owners o2 
        where o2.name = o1.name) as num 
      from #owners o1 
select o2.name, o2.model 
    from OwnedCount o1 
    inner join OwnedCount o2 
     on o1.model = o2.model 
     and o1.num = o2.num 
    where o1.name = @given_name 
     and o2.name <> @given_name 


declare @t table(Name varchar(50),Model varchar(50)) 
    insert into @t values 

    declare @input varchar(50)='Lisa' 

select name,model,ROW_NUMBER()over(order by name) rn 
from @t 
where [email protected] 
,cte2 as 
select t.name,t.Model 
,ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by t.name order by t.name) rn3 
from @t t 
inner JOIN 
cte1 c on t.Model=c.model 
where t.Name [email protected] 
select * from cte2 c 
where exists(select rn3 from cte2 c1 
where c1.name=c.name and c1.rn3=(select max(rn) from cte1) 

我現在編輯了我的答案。 – KumarHarsh