2017-05-28 60 views



{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} 
module Main where 

import Control.DeepSeq 
import Data.Functor 
import Data.Int 
import Data.Vector.Unboxed ((//)) 
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V 

--import Debug.Trace 

type Vertex = Int 
type Dist = Int32 
type Edge = (Vertex, Vertex, Dist) 
type EdgeVec = V.Vector Edge 
type CostVec = V.Vector Dist 

readEdge :: String -> Edge 
readEdge s = let [v1, v2, w] = words s 
       in (read v1, read v2, read w) 

bfStep :: EdgeVec -> CostVec -> CostVec 
bfStep edges !prev = V.unsafeAccumulate min prev $ V.map mincost edges 
    mincost :: Edge -> (Int, Int32) 
    mincost (s, h, c) = (h, cost s c) 
    cost w c = let precost = prev `V.unsafeIndex` w 
       in if precost == maxBound then maxBound else precost + c 

mkEdgeVec :: Int -> [String] -> EdgeVec 
mkEdgeVec nvert inp = V.unfoldr step (nvert, inp) 
    step (n, s:xs) = Just (readEdge s, (n, xs)) 
    step (0, []) = Nothing 
    step (!n, []) = Just ((0, n, 0), (n - 1, [])) 

main :: IO() 
main = do 
    header:body <- lines <$> getContents 
    let nvert = read $ head $ words header 
    let edgelist = mkEdgeVec nvert body 

    let bfbase = V.replicate (nvert + 1) maxBound // [(0, 0)] 
    print $ edgelist `deepseq` "running" 
    let bfout = iterate (bfStep edgelist) bfbase !! nvert 

    let bfcheck = bfStep edgelist bfout 
    let hasCycle = V.any id $ V.zipWith (/=) bfout bfcheck 

    putStrLn $ if hasCycle then "Cycle" else show $ V.minimum bfout 

我認爲「Bellmanford」是Bellman-Ford算法?不是一個完整的答案,因爲這聽起來像是作業,但是:作業是否指定了輸入格式? – Davislor


你會想創建一個包含數據的輸入文件,我們在程序所在的同一個目錄下調用它'input.txt',啓動一個控制檯,然後運行你的程序(如果可執行文件名爲'bellmanford')爲'bellmanford Davislor





3  // The graph has 3 vertices 
1 2 0 // The edge from vertex 1 to vertex 2 has a weight of 0 
2 1 5 // The edges are directed, so 2 to 1 has a weight of 5 
1 3 1 
2 3 0 


此外,考慮到(可能),您不能使用ghci爲此,因爲在REPL中的內容是使用hGetContents消耗,這可能會混淆輸入。作爲Davislor,最好的方法是將你的圖形輸入寫入文本文件(比如說graph.txt),使用ghc -o bellman-ford <your-file>.hs編譯程序,然後使用./bellman-ford < graph.txt輸入文本文件
