2009-12-12 65 views

我有一臺安裝有JBoss,UCM ClearCase和ant的Linux構建機器。我想了解如何使用Hudson和Hudson clearcase插件配置持續集成。我可以使用已經創建的現有動態視圖嗎?請給我一些基本步驟。先謝謝你。Hudson與UCM ClearCase集成


http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=14416711&tstart=0#14416711:我想這是同一個問題;) – VonC 2009-12-14 14:09:08


剛剛添加了一個答案給你的「無法更改配置specification'message – VonC 2009-12-15 11:33:57





  • 您哈德森(主)服務器
  • 表明您要使用現有的動態視圖哈德森作業配置創建動態視圖(你將不得不把它的根路徑:/view/yourView
  • 讓哈德森監控上次運行以來已演變的文件(它會做的是通過查詢文件的歷史記錄在動態視圖)

當然,您需要先安裝ClearCase plugin

這裏是什麼這樣的作業的結構看起來像的圖示(完成與mandatory Freehand Circles):

alt text http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/3261/jobhudsoncc2.png

(注:M:\ MyView的而不是/視圖/ MyView的:即因爲我在做我的Windows7的筆記本電腦這個例子)


If set, Hudson will use an existing dynamic view instead of creating a snapshot view. Hudson will behave differently when working with a dynamic view. It will not create or remove the view so the "Use update" configuration is ignored if this option is enabled. The plugin will update the config spec of the view when needed.

To use this option, the dynamic view has to be created outside Hudson using the common ClearCase tools. A check out will fail if the dynamic view does not exist. The tag of the view should be the same as specified in the "View name" field.


workspace] $ cleartool setcs -tag vijaym_SNDBX_INT_View -stream 
cleartool: Error: Unable to change configuration specification: Permission denied. 
FATAL: UCM ClearCase failed. exit code=1 


    你能去在服務器上 /view/vijaym_SNDBX_INT_View等類型

    cleartool lsview -l -full -pro -cview? 


  • umask != 2(輸入'umask'檢查v ALUE,如果不同於2,類型「umask 2‘)
  • 所有者不vijaym
  • 組運行哈德森不是VOB組之一(檢查/設定運行過程中的主要組的用戶的過程的:’id -a


cd/# leave the view 
cleartool endview -server vijaym_SNDBX_INT_View # stop completely the view 
cleartool umount -all # make sure all vobs are unmounted 
# reset protections 
fix_prot -force -rec -chown vijaym -chgrp aCorrectGroup -chmod 775 /path/to/vijaym_SNDBX_INT_View.vws 
fix_prot -force -root -chown vijaym -chgrp aCorrectGroup /path/to/vijaym_SNDBX_INT_View.vws 
#restart the view and mount the vobs 
cleartool startview vijaym_SNDBX_INT_View 
cleartool mount -all 
# check if the protections are ok 
cd /view/vijaym_SNDBX_INT_View 
cleartool lsview -l -full -pro -cview 

我有同樣的問題。 但在我的情況下,指向服務器的視圖實際上並不存在。 在你的情況下,似乎哈德森用戶沒有unix框的權限。 嘗試使用適用於clearcase服務器的憑據運行jboss和hudson用戶。