2014-09-19 54 views

我寫了一個PERL程序,該程序需要一個Excel工作表(通過將.xls擴展名改爲.txt來轉換爲文本文件)以及一個用於輸入的序列文件。 Excel工作表包含序列文件中某個區域的起始點和結束點(以及匹配區域任一側的70個側翼值),這些文件需要剪切並提取到第三個輸出文件中。有300個值。程序讀入每次需要切割的序列的起始點和結束點,但它重複告訴我,如果顯然不是輸入文件的長度,則該值超出了該長度。我只是不能似乎得到這個固定Perl程序錯誤


use strict; 
use warnings; 

my $blast; 
my $i; 
my $idline; 
my $sequence; 
print "Enter Your BLAST result file name:\t"; 
chomp($blast = <STDIN>); # BLAST result file name 
print "\n"; 

my $database; 
print "Enter Your Gene list file name:\t"; 
chomp($database = <STDIN>); # sequence file 
print "\n"; 

open IN, "$blast" or die "Can not open file $blast: $!"; 

my @ids  =(); 
my @seq_start =(); 
my @seq_end =(); 

while (<IN>) { 

    #spliting the result file based on each tab 
    my @feilds = split("\t", $_); 
    push(@ids, $feilds[0]); #copying the name of sequence 
     #coping the 6th tab value of the result which is the start point of from where a value should be cut. 
    push(@seq_start, $feilds[6]); 
    #coping the 7th tab value of the result file which is the end point of a value should be cut. 
    push(@seq_end, $feilds[7]); 
close IN; 

open OUT, ">Result.fasta" or die "Can not open file $database: $!"; 

for ($i = 0; $i <= $#ids; $i++) { 

    ($sequence) = &block($ids[$i]); 

    ($idline, $sequence) = split("\n", $sequence); 

    #extracting the sequence from the start point to the end point 
    my $seqlen = $seq_end[$i] - $seq_start[$i] - 1; 

    my $Nucleotides = substr($sequence, $seq_start[$i], $seqlen); #storing the extracted substring into $sequence 

    $Nucleotides =~ s/(.{1,60})/$1\n/gs; 

    print OUT "$idline\n"; 
    print OUT "$Nucleotides\n"; 
print "\nExtraction Completed..."; 

sub block { 
    #block for id storage which is the first tab in the Blast output file. 
    my $id1 = shift; 
    print "$id1\n"; 
    my $start =(); 

    open IN3, "$database" or die "Can not open file $database: $!"; 

    my $blockseq = ""; 
    while (<IN3>) { 

     if (($_ =~ /^>/) && ($start)) { 


     if (($_ !~ /^>/) && ($start)) { 

      $blockseq .= $_; 

     if (/^>$id1/) { 

      my $start = $. - 1; 
      my $blockseq .= $_; 
    close IN3; 

    return ($blockseq); 





0在 Nucleotide_Extractor.pl線在Nucleotide_Extractor.pl線44 41.





什麼是phytophthora文件?沒有它,我無法處理塊功能。你看起來像substr(「Hello」,45,4)那樣帶有字符串長度以外的起始索引的子字符串。由於它不返回$核苷酸也未初始化。我建議你檢查substr的索引。 – xtreak 2014-09-19 05:42:51


@Wordzilla這是我在問題中提供的鏈接所使用的序列文件名。我已經將兩個輸入文件上傳到fileswap並提供了鏈接。請下載這兩個文件並進行處理。該序列屬於名爲Phytophthora的生物體。我現在改了文件名。謝謝 – 2014-09-19 05:56:01


您還應該在腳本中使用strict,並使用'my'聲明所有變量 - 即'my $ sequence = ...'。 – 2014-09-19 07:04:22



有幾個問題與現有的代碼,我結束了重寫劇本,而修復這些錯誤。您的實施效率不高,因爲它會打開,讀取並關閉Excel工作表中每個ID的序列文件。更好的方法是從序列文件中讀取和存儲數據,或者如果內存有限,請遍歷序列文件中的每個條目並從Excel文件中選取相應的數據。你也可以更好地使用散列,而不是數組;哈希將數據存儲在鍵 - 值對中,因此查找您要查找的內容更加容易。我也一直使用引用,因爲它們可以很容易地將數據傳入和傳出子例程。



use strict; 
use warnings; 
# enables 'say', which prints out your text and adds a carriage return 
use feature ':5.10'; 
# a very useful module for dumping out data structures 
use Data::Dumper; 

#my $blast = 'infesmall.txt'; 
print "Enter Your BLAST result file name:\t"; 
chomp($blast = <STDIN>);  # BLAST result file name 
print "\n"; 

#my $database = 'infe.fasta'; 
print "Enter Your Gene list file name:\t"; 
chomp($database = <STDIN>); # sequence file 
print "\n"; 

open IN,"$blast" or die "Can not open file $blast: $!"; 

# instead of using three arrays, let's use a hash reference! 
# for each ID, we want to store the start and the end point. To do that, 
# we'll use a hash of hashes. The start and end information will be in one 
# hash reference: 
# { start => $fields[6], end => $fields[7] } 
# and we will use that hashref as the value in another hash, where the key is 
# the ID, $fields[0]. This means we can access the start or end data using 
# code like this: 
# $info->{$id}{start} 
# $info->{$id}{end} 
my $info; 

    #splitting the result file based on each tab 
    my @fields = split("\t",$_); 
    # add the data to our $info hashref with the ID as the key: 
    $info->{ $fields[0] } = { start => $fields[6], end => $fields[7] }; 
close IN; 

#say "info: " . Dumper($info); 

# now read the sequence info from the fasta file 
my $sequence = read_sequences($database); 
#say "data from read_sequences:\n" . Dumper($sequence); 

my $out = 'result.fasta'; 
open(OUT, ">" . $out) or die "Can not open file $out: $!"; 

foreach my $id (keys %$info) { 

    # check whether the sequence exists 
    if ($sequence->{$id}) { 
     #extracting the sequence from the start point to the end point 
     my $seqlen = $info->{$id}{end} - $info->{$id}{start} - 1; 

     #say "seqlen: $seqlen; stored seq length: " . length($sequence->{$id}{seq}) . "; start: " . $info->{$id}{start} . "; end: " . $info->{$id}{end}; 

     #storing the extracted substring into $sequence 
     my $nucleotides = substr($sequence->{$id}{seq}, $info->{$id}{start}, $seqlen); 
     $nucleotides =~ s/(.{1,60})/$1\n/gs; 
     #say "nucleotides: $nucleotides"; 
     print OUT $sequence->{$id}{header} . "\n"; 
     print OUT "$nucleotides\n"; 
print "\nExtraction Completed..."; 

sub read_sequences { 
    # fasta file 
    my $fasta_file = shift; 

    open IN3, "$fasta_file" or die "Can not open file $fasta_file: $!"; 

    # initialise two variables. We will store our sequence data in $fasta 
    # and use $id to track the current sequence ID 
    # the $fasta hash will look like this: 
    # $fasta = { 
    # 'gi|7212472|ref|NC_002387.2' => { 
    #  header => '>gi|7212472|ref|NC_002387.2| Phytophthora...', 
    # } 

    my ($fasta, $id); 

     if (/^>/) { 
      if (/^>(\S+) /){ 
       # the header line with the sequence info. 
       $id = $1; 
       # save the data to the $fasta hash, keyed by seq ID 
       # we're going to build up an entry as we go along 
       # set the header to the current line 
       $fasta->{ $id }{ header } = $_; 
      else { 
       # no ID found! Erk. Emit an error and undef $id. 
       warn "Formatting error: $_"; 
       undef $id; 
     ## ensure we're getting sequence lines... 
     elsif (/^[ATGC]/) { 
      # if $id is not defined, there's something weird going on, so 
      # don't save the sequence. In a correctly-formatted file, this 
      # should not be an issue. 
      if ($id) { 
       # if $id is set, add the line to the sequence. 
       $fasta->{ $id }{ seq } .= $_; 
    close IN3; 
    return $fasta; 

讚賞...謝謝你的時間和麻煩。 – 2014-09-20 04:12:43