2017-09-13 58 views

我有這個宏正在輸入excel,並生成excel報告並複製它。下面的代碼工作正常,當我從msg對話框的Excel手動運行,但是當我試圖傳遞輸入文件的相對路徑時,我得到「運行時錯誤9」 - 子腳本超出範圍。調試器指向Each sh作爲錯誤上下文。當輸入文件的相對路徑包含在腳本錯誤報告-VBA


Sub buildSCTR() 
    ' Merge CSV and built pivot for SCTR 
    ' Ver 0.1 
    ' 5-July-2017 P. Coffey 

Const FILELIMIT = 0 'used to hardcode number of files will work with. better ways exist but this will do for now 

Dim firstFilename As String 
Dim secondFilename As String 
Dim outputFilename As String 
Dim element As Variant 
Dim dirLocation As String 
Dim macroWb As Object 
Dim lastrow As Integer 
Dim samName As String 
Dim RootFolder As String 

'code allows for multiple import, but using it for one one import here 
Dim filenameArr(0 To FILELIMIT) As Variant 'so can push cells into it later 
Dim inputSelected As Variant 'has to variant to iterate over via for each even though its a string 

Set macroWb = ThisWorkbook 

RootFolder = ActiveWorkbook.Path 

'get new csv to load 
    'Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) 
    ' With fd 
     ' .AllowMultiSelect = True 
     ' .Title = "Pick SC file to load" 
     '.Filters.Add "csv", "*.csv*" 

     'If .Show = True Then 

     ' i = 0 
      ' For Each inputSelected In .SelectedItems 
      '  filenameArr(i) = Dir(inputSelected)  'kludgy.... 
      ' dirLocation = Split(inputSelected, filenameArr(i))(0) 
      ' i = i + 1 
      'Next inputSelected 

     ' Else 
     ' MsgBox ("Nothing selected") 
     ' Exit Sub 
     ' End If 
     'End With 

    Application.StatusBar = "Starting to update" 

    element = RootFolder + "/Output/_SCT_Details_With_Comments.csv" 

    ' For Each element In filenameArr() 
     If Not IsEmpty(element) Then 'as hardcoded length of array have to do this 
      Workbooks.Open (element) 
      Call CopyWorkbook(CStr(element), macroWb.Name) 
      'close csv as done with it 
      Workbooks(element).Close SaveChanges:=False 
     End If 
    'Next element 

'convert to table 
    samName = ActiveSheet.Range("A2").Value 
    ActiveSheet.Name = samName & "_SCT_Data" 

    'assumes col A is contiguous 
    lastrow = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row 

    ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("$A1:$U" & lastrow), , xlYes).Name = "SCT" 

'build pivot 
    Dim objWs As Worksheet 
    Dim objPT As PivotTable 
    Dim objPC As PivotCache 

    Sheets.Add.Name = "Summary" 
    Set objWs = ActiveSheet 

    Set objPC = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(xlDatabase, "SCT") 
    Set objPT = objPC.CreatePivotTable(objWs.Range("A3"), TableName:="SCTR") 

    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("SCTR").PivotFields("Target_SC") 
     .Orientation = xlColumnField 
     .Position = 1 
    End With 
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("SCTR").PivotFields("Action") 
     .Orientation = xlRowField 
    End With 
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("SCTR").AddDataField ActiveSheet.PivotTables(_ 
     "SCTR").PivotFields("PNI_SC"), "Count of PNI_SC", xlCount 

'have to do it in this order else vba was removing pni_sc from row field...who knows why 
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("SCTR").PivotFields("PNI_SC") 
     .Orientation = xlRowField 
     .Position = 1 
    End With 

'--update sheet with last sync info 
    macroWb.Sheets("Summary").Range("A1").Value = samName 
    macroWb.Sheets("Summary").Range("A3").NumberFormat = "h:mm dd/mm" 

'save as new file 
    Dim timestamp As String 
    timestamp = Format(Now(), "mmddhh") 

    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _ 
     dirLocation & samName & "_SCTR_" & timestamp & ".xlsm" _ 
     , FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False 

'exit msg 
    Application.StatusBar = False 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 
    MsgBox ("Completed - saved file as " & dirLocation & samName & "_SCTR_" & timestamp & ".xlsm") 

End Sub 

Sub CopyWorkbook(source As String, target As String) 

'copy all sheets from one workbook to another 

Dim sh As Worksheet, wb As Workbook 

    Set wb = Workbooks(target) 
    For Each sh In Workbooks(source).Worksheets 
     sh.Copy After:=wb.Sheets(wb.Sheets.Count) 
    Next sh 

End Sub 

工作簿必須先打開「源」和「目標」,然後才能複印工作表。 – h2so4


感謝您的回覆,您可以在踢出副本之前建議腳本或修改我的代碼以開放源代碼和目標。 – Sam


@ sam,在仔細閱讀代碼後,它看起來像兩個工作簿都是開放的。 – h2so4





Call CopyWorkbook(ActiveWorkbook.Name, macroWb.Name) 

非常感謝您的快速解決方案。我能夠按預期運行並生成outptut – Sam


如果這是您的問題的答案,您能否驗證答案?謝謝 – h2so4


是的,建議的更改使每個sh運行成功,最終生成輸出excel。 – Sam
