2017-02-23 567 views


# Import modules 
    import xlwings as xw 
    import os 

    # Creates list of all excels in the directory 
    excel_list = os.listdir(r"C:\Desktop\excel_folder") 

    # Opens a new blank workbook 
    wb = xw.Book() 

    # Count varible to adjust cell location 
    cell_count = 1 

    # Iterates through excel workbooks in the directroy 
    for excel in excel_list: 
     # Opens an excel from the directory 
     wb2 = xw.Book(r'C:\Desktop\excel_folder\{0}'.format(excel)) 
     # Grabs the needed value 
     copy_value = xw.Range('D2',wkb=wb2).value 
     # Addes the copy_value to the specified cell 
     xw.Range('A{0}'.format(cell_count),wkb=wb).value = copy_values 
     #Adjust the cell count 
     cell_count +=1 
     #Closes workbook 

    print "Script complete" 

我會這樣做,但這並不解決沒有任何值被複制到新工作簿的問題。 –




import xlwings as xw 
import os 

# Creates list of all excels in the directory 
excel_list = os.listdir(r"Z:\sandbox\sheets") 

# Opens a new blank workbook and get Sheet1 
wb = xw.Book() 
sht = wb.sheets['Sheet1'] 

# Count varible to adjust cell location 
cell_count = 1 

# Iterates through excel workbooks in the directroy 
for excel in excel_list: 
    # Opens an excel from the directory 
    wb2 = xw.Book(r'Z:\sandbox\sheets\{0}'.format(excel)) 
    # Grabs the needed value 
    copy_value = wb2.sheets.active.range('B3') 
    # Addes the copy_value to the specified cell 
    sht.range('A{0}'.format(cell_count)).value = copy_value 
    #Adjust the cell count 
    cell_count +=1 
    #Closes workbook 

print("Script complete") 

非常感謝您的幫助,完美工作! –


請注意,不推薦使用'xw.Range('B3',wkb = wb2).value'。使用'wb2.sheets.active.range('B3')'代替(或者是一個特定的表格而不是活動的表格) –


@FelixZumstein:謝謝我編輯了這個答案。 –
