2013-05-13 60 views


原因我想問的是,我通常遵循一個單元測試慣例,其中一個測試類(CUT)的所有方法是由多個[Test]方法捲成 單個測試夾具類測試,我現在試圖移動遠離對[Theory]進行參數化測試。



// C.U.T. 
public class BadMaths 
    public int BadAdd(int x, int y) { return x + y - 1; } 
    public int Divide(int x, int y) { return x/y; } 

public class BadMathsTest 
    // Ideally I want 2 x different datapoints - one for Add, and a different one for divide 
    private Tuple<int, int>[] _points = new Tuple<int, int>[] 
      new Tuple<int, int>(20, 10), 
      new Tuple<int, int>(-10, 0), 

    public void AddTheory(Tuple<int, int> point) 
     Assume.That((long)point.Item1 + (long)point.Item2 < (long)int.MaxValue); 
     Assert.That(point.Item1 + point.Item2, Is.EqualTo(new BadMaths().BadAdd(point.Item1, point.Item2))); 

    public void DivideTheory(Tuple<int, int> point) 
     Assume.That(point.Item2 != 0); // Seems the best I can do - test is inconclusive 
     Assert.That(point.Item1/point.Item2, Is.EqualTo(new BadMaths().Divide(point.Item1, point.Item2))); 



上面這個例子是不是Theory使用的一個很好的例子 - 它是一個更適合到TestCaseSource,而對於新的Roslyn nameof運算符,在源數據上既不需要[DataPoints]也不需要[UsedImplicitly]屬性。

    public void EnsureAddPoints(Tuple<int, int> point) 
    { .... 

事實證明,[TestCaseSource](http://www.nunit.org/index.php?p=testCaseSource&r=2.5 )也可以用於理論(例如'[TestCaseSource(「_ pointsForAdd」)]'),a雖然似乎需要精確的簽名匹配。上面的例子不是理論用法的一個很好的例子,因爲'Tuple'依賴於x和y綁定 – StuartLC 2015-01-20 07:16:38


類似於[XUnit的PropertyData](http://www.tomdupont.net/2012/04/xunit-theory-data- driven-unit-test.html) – StuartLC 2015-05-06 07:31:04





public class BadMathsAdditionTest 
    // Ideally I want 2 x different datapoints - one for Add, and a different one for divide 
    private Tuple<int, int>[] _points = new Tuple<int, int>[] 
     new Tuple<int, int>(20, 10), 
     new Tuple<int, int>(-10, 0), 

    // add tests that use these datapoints 
    public void AddTheory(Tuple<int, int> point) 
     Assume.That((long)point.Item1 + (long)point.Item2 < (long)int.MaxValue); 
     Assert.That(point.Item1 + point.Item2, Is.EqualTo(new BadMaths().BadAdd(point.Item1, point.Item2))); 


public class BadMathsDivisionTest 

    // Ideally I want 2 x different datapoints - one for Add, and a different one for divide 
    private Tuple<int, int>[] _points = new Tuple<int, int>[] 
     new Tuple<int, int>(20, 10), 

    // add test that use these datapoints 



// C.U.T. 
public class BadMaths 
    public int BadAdd(int x, int y) { return x + y - 1; } 
    public int Divide(int x, int y) { return x/y; } 

public class BadMathsTest 

    public struct AdditionData 
     public int First { get; set; } 
     public int Second { get; set; } 
    private AdditionData[] _points = new AdditionData[] 
     new AdditionData{First=20, Second=10}, 
     new AdditionData{First=-10, Second=0} 

    public struct DivisionData 
     public int First { get; set; } 
     public int Second { get; set; } 

    private DivisionData[] _points2 = new DivisionData[] 
     new DivisionData{First=20, Second=10}, 

    public void AddTheory(AdditionData point) 
     Assume.That((long)point.First + (long)point.Second < (long)int.MaxValue); 
     Assert.That(point.First + point.Second, Is.EqualTo(new BadMaths().BadAdd(point.First, point.Second))); 

    public void DivideTheory(DivisionData point) 
     Assume.That(point.Second != 0); // Actually you probably want to keep this condition anyway. Second==0 would be a separate test 
     Assert.That(point.First/point.Second, Is.EqualTo(new BadMaths().Divide(point.First, point.Second))); 


沒問題,很高興幫助。 – 2013-06-04 19:29:30


如果答案有用,您能否將其標記爲您接受的答案? – 2013-06-11 23:09:05


我已經接受,但仍然想看看是否有聲明的方式來限制數據源的目標:) – StuartLC 2013-06-12 04:16:40
