2017-04-22 76 views

我的C++教科書要求我編寫一個程序來計算所欠的稅額。我這樣做了,但是當程序執行時,我只看到「你結婚了嗎?真/假」一行,一旦我輸入文本,輸出幾行,程序立即結束。它應該向用戶提出幾個問題,並將輸入存儲在隨後被操縱的變量中,但程序在有機會這樣做之前退出。錯誤在哪裏?非常感謝。使用函數調試練習C++程序Visual Studio 2015

// ch7progExercise5.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. 

#include "stdafx.h" 
#include <iostream> 

using namespace std; 

void getData(bool& marriedVal, int& childVal, int& salaryVal, double& pensionVal); 
double taxAmount(bool marriedVal, int childVal, int salaryVal, double pensionVal); 

bool married; 
int children, grossSalary; 
double pensionPercent; 

int main() 
    getData(married, children, grossSalary, pensionPercent); 
    taxAmount(married, children, grossSalary, pensionPercent); 
    return 0; 

void getData(bool& marriedVal, int& childVal, int& salaryVal, double& pensionVal) 
    cout << "Are you married? True/False" << endl; 
    cin >> marriedVal; 
     cout << "How many children under the age of 14 do you have?" << endl; 
     cin >> childVal; 
    cout << "What is your gross salary? If married, provide combined income." << endl; 
    cin >> salaryVal; 
    cout << "What percentage of your gorss income did you contribute to a pension fund?" << endl; 
    cin >> pensionVal; 

double taxAmount(bool marriedVal, int childVal, int salaryVal, double pensionVal) 
    double standardExemption, pension, taxRate, tax, taxableIncome; 
    int numPeople, personalExemption; 
    if (marriedVal) 
     standardExemption = 7000; 
     numPeople = 2; 
     standardExemption = 4000; 
     numPeople = 1; 
    numPeople += childVal; 
    personalExemption = 1500 * numPeople; 
    pension = pensionVal*salaryVal; 
    taxableIncome = salaryVal - (standardExemption + pension + personalExemption); 
    if (taxableIncome < 15000) 
     taxRate = 0.15; 
     tax = taxRate*taxableIncome; 
    else if (taxableIncome < 40000) 
     taxRate = 0.25; 
     tax = 2250 + taxRate*(taxableIncome - 15000); 
    else if (taxableIncome > 40000) 
     taxRate = 0.35; 
     tax = 8460 + taxRate*(taxableIncome - 40000); 
     cout << "Invalid income" << endl; 
    cout << tax << endl; 
    return tax; 

使用你的調試器找出? https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/k0k771bt.aspx – UnholySheep


默認情況下,流使用0和1作爲'bool'。要啓用真/假,你必須使用['cin >> boolalpha'](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/manip/boolalpha)。 –



不使用真實的,使用1 當這一點在命令提示符下被執行cout << "Are you married? True/False" << endl; ,確保爲響應你把一個1,而不是如此。這將解決您的問題。


是的,這是有效的。非常感謝! –


沒問題,請選擇問題的答案關閉。 – BlooB


如何選擇答案? –
