2011-02-18 75 views

我試圖儘可能保持我的項目沒有錯誤,但是包含<nav>,<aside>,<article>和其他HTML5標記的所有phtml文件都會導致錯誤。 如何配置驗證器識別這些新元素?Zend Studio的HTML5驗證




沒有答案,只是谷歌上搜索我回到我自己的問題? – Moak 2011-02-24 07:04:04



使用HTML5 DTD從科莫多,這是XHTML DTD的擴展,如Eclipse XML Catalog新的映射。

    HTML 5 DTD 

    This is the same as HTML 4 Transitional except for 
    updates for the HTML 5 specication. 

<!--================ Character mnemonic entities =========================--> 

    "-//W3C//ENTITIES Latin 1 for XHTML//EN" 

    "-//W3C//ENTITIES Symbols for XHTML//EN" 

    "-//W3C//ENTITIES Special for XHTML//EN" 

<!--================== Imported Names ====================================--> 

<!ENTITY % ContentType "CDATA"> 
    <!-- media type, as per [RFC2045] --> 

<!ENTITY % ContentTypes "CDATA"> 
    <!-- comma-separated list of media types, as per [RFC2045] --> 

<!ENTITY % Charset "CDATA"> 
    <!-- a character encoding, as per [RFC2045] --> 

<!ENTITY % Charsets "CDATA"> 
    <!-- a space separated list of character encodings, as per [RFC2045] --> 

<!ENTITY % LanguageCode "NMTOKEN"> 
    <!-- a language code, as per [RFC3066] --> 

<!ENTITY % Character "CDATA"> 
    <!-- a single character, as per section 2.2 of [XML] --> 

<!ENTITY % Number "CDATA"> 
    <!-- one or more digits --> 

<!ENTITY % Date "CDATA"> 
    <!-- one or more digits --> 

<!ENTITY % LinkTypes "(alternate | archives | author | bookmark | contact | external | first | help | icon | index | last | license | next | nofollow | noreferrer | pingback | prefetch | prev | search | stylesheet | sidebar | tag | up)"> 
    <!-- space-separated list of link types --> 

<!ENTITY % MediaDesc "(all|braille|embossed|handheld|print|projection|screen|speech|tty|tv)"> 
    <!-- single or comma-separated list of media descriptors --> 

    <!-- a Uniform Resource Identifier, see [RFC2396] --> 

<!ENTITY % UriList "CDATA"> 
    <!-- a space separated list of Uniform Resource Identifiers --> 

<!ENTITY % Datetime "CDATA"> 
    <!-- date and time information. ISO date format --> 

<!ENTITY % Script "CDATA"> 
    <!-- script expression --> 

<!ENTITY % StyleSheet "CDATA"> 
    <!-- style sheet data --> 

<!ENTITY % Text "CDATA"> 
    <!-- used for titles etc. --> 

<!ENTITY % FrameTarget "(_blank | _parent | _self | _top)"> 
    <!-- render in this frame --> 

<!ENTITY % Length "CDATA"> 
    <!-- nn for pixels or nn% for percentage length --> 

<!ENTITY % MultiLength "CDATA"> 
    <!-- pixel, percentage, or relative --> 

<!ENTITY % Pixels "CDATA"> 
    <!-- integer representing length in pixels --> 

<!ENTITY % Boolean "(true|false)"> 

<!-- these are used for image maps --> 

<!ENTITY % Shape "(rect|circle|poly|default)"> 

<!ENTITY % Coords "CDATA"> 
    <!-- comma separated list of lengths --> 

<!-- a color using sRGB: #RRGGBB as Hex values --> 
<!ENTITY % Color "CDATA"> 

<!-- There are also 16 widely known color names with their sRGB values: 

    Black = #000000 Green = #008000 
    Silver = #C0C0C0 Lime = #00FF00 
    Gray = #808080 Olive = #808000 
    White = #FFFFFF Yellow = #FFFF00 
    Maroon = #800000 Navy = #000080 
    Red = #FF0000 Blue = #0000FF 
    Purple = #800080 Teal = #008080 
    Fuchsia= #FF00FF Aqua = #00FFFF 

<!--=================== Generic Attributes ===============================--> 

<!-- core attributes common to most elements 
    id  document-wide unique id 
    class space separated list of classes 
    style associated style info 
    title advisory title/amplification 
<!ENTITY % coreattrs 
"id   ID    #IMPLIED 
    class  CDATA   #IMPLIED 
    style  %StyleSheet; #IMPLIED 
    title  %Text;   #IMPLIED" 

<!-- internationalization attributes 
    lang  language code (backwards compatible) 
    xml:lang language code (as per XML 1.0 spec) 
    dir   direction for weak/neutral text 
<!ENTITY % i18n 
"lang  %LanguageCode; #IMPLIED 
    xml:lang %LanguageCode; #IMPLIED 
    dir   (ltr|rtl)  #IMPLIED" 

<!-- attributes for common UI events 
    onclick  a pointer button was clicked 
    ondblclick a pointer button was double clicked 
    onmousedown a pointer button was pressed down 
    onmouseup a pointer button was released 
    onmousemove a pointer was moved onto the element 
    onmouseout a pointer was moved away from the element 
    onkeypress a key was pressed and released 
    onkeydown a key was pressed down 
    onkeyup  a key was released 
<!ENTITY % events 
"onclick  %Script;  #IMPLIED 
    ondblclick %Script;  #IMPLIED 
    onmousedown %Script;  #IMPLIED 
    onmouseup %Script;  #IMPLIED 
    onmouseover %Script;  #IMPLIED 
    onmousemove %Script;  #IMPLIED 
    onmouseout %Script;  #IMPLIED 
    onkeypress %Script;  #IMPLIED 
    onkeydown %Script;  #IMPLIED 
    onkeyup  %Script;  #IMPLIED 
<!-- HTML 5 Mouse Events - Events triggered by a mouse, or similar user actions: --> 
    ondrag  %Script;  #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when an element is dragged --> 
    ondragend  %Script;  #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run at the end of a drag operation --> 
    ondragenter %Script;  #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when an element has been dragged to a valid drop target --> 
    ondragleave %Script;  #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when an element leaves a valid drop target --> 
    ondragover %Script;  #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when an element is being dragged over a valid drop target --> 
    ondragstart %Script;  #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run at the start of a drag operation --> 
    ondrop  %Script;  #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when dragged element is being dropped --> 
    onmousewheel %Script;  #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when the mouse wheel is being rotated --> 
    onscroll  %Script;  #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when an element's scrollbar is being scrolled --> 

<!-- attributes for elements that can get the focus 
    accesskey accessibility key character 
    tabindex position in tabbing order 
    onfocus  the element got the focus 
    onblur  the element lost the focus 
<!ENTITY % focus 
"accesskey %Character; #IMPLIED 
    tabindex %Number;  #IMPLIED 
    onfocus  %Script;  #IMPLIED 
    onblur  %Script;  #IMPLIED" 

<!-- HTML 5 core attributes --> 
<!ENTITY % html5attrs 
"contenteditable %Boolean;  #IMPLIED 
    contextmenu  ID   #IMPLIED 
    draggable   (true | false | auto) #IMPLIED 
    hidden    (hidden)  #IMPLIED 
    item    CDATA   #IMPLIED 
    itemprop   CDATA   #IMPLIED 
    spellcheck   %Boolean;  #IMPLIED 
    subject   ID   #IMPLIED 
    contextmenu  ID   #IMPLIED 
    contextmenu  ID   #IMPLIED 
    contextmenu  ID   #IMPLIED 
    contextmenu  ID   #IMPLIED 

<!-- Media Events - Events triggered by medias like videos, images and audio. 
    Applies to all HTML 5 elements, but is most common in media elements, such 
    as audio, embed, img, object, and video. --> 

<!ENTITY % html5mediaevents 
"onabort    %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run on an abort event --> 
    oncanplay    %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when media can start play, but might has to stop for buffering --> 
    oncanplaythrough  %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when media can be played to the end, without stopping for buffering --> 
    ondurationchange  %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when the length of the media is changed --> 
    onemptied    %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when a media resource element suddenly becomes empty (network errors, errors on load etc.) --> 
    onended    %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when media has reach the end --> 
    onerror    %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when an error occurs during the loading of an element --> 
    onloadeddata   %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when media data is loaded --> 
    onloadedmetadata  %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when the duration and other media data of a media element is loaded --> 
    onloadstart   %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when the browser starts to load the media data --> 
    onpause    %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when media data is paused --> 
    onplay    %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when media data is going to start playing --> 
    onplaying    %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when media data has start playing --> 
    onprogress   %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when the browser is fetching the media data --> 
    onratechange   %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when the media data's playing rate has changed --> 
    onreadystatechange %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when the ready-state changes --> 
    onseeked    %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when a media element's seeking attribute is no longer true, and the seeking has ended --> 
    onseeking    %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when a media element's seeking attribute is true, and the seeking has begun --> 
    onstalled    %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when there is an error in fetching media data (stalled) --> 
    onsuspend    %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when the browser has been fetching media data, but stopped before the entire media file was fetched --> 
    ontimeupdate   %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when media changes its playing position --> 
    onvolumechange  %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when media changes the volume, also when volume is set to "mute" --> 
    onwaiting    %Script;  #IMPLIED <!-- Script to be run when media has stopped playing, but is expected to resume --> 

<!ENTITY % attrs "%coreattrs; %i18n; %events; %html5attrs;"> 

<!--=================== Text Elements ====================================--> 

<!ENTITY % special.extra 
    "object | img | map | iframe"> 

<!ENTITY % special.basic 
    "br | span | bdo"> 

<!ENTITY % special 
    "%special.basic; | %special.extra;"> 

<!ENTITY % fontstyle.basic "small | i | b | u"> 

<!ENTITY % fontstyle "%fontstyle.basic;"> 

<!ENTITY % phrase.extra "sub | sup"> 
<!ENTITY % phrase.basic "em | strong | dfn | code | q | 
        samp | kbd | var | cite | abbr | acronym"> 

<!ENTITY % phrase "%phrase.basic; | %phrase.extra;"> 

<!ENTITY % inline.forms "input | output | select | textarea | label | button | 
         datetime | datetime-local | data | month | week | 
         time | number | range | email | url | menu | 

<!-- these can occur at block or inline level --> 
<!ENTITY % misc.inline "ins | del | script"> 

<!-- these can only occur at block level --> 
<!ENTITY % misc "noscript | %misc.inline;"> 

<!ENTITY % inline "a | %special; | %fontstyle; | %phrase; | %inline.forms;"> 

<!-- %Inline; covers inline or "text-level" elements --> 
<!ENTITY % Inline "(#PCDATA | %inline; | %misc.inline;)*"> 

<!--================== Block level elements ==============================--> 

<!ENTITY % heading "h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6"> 
<!ENTITY % lists "ul | ol | dl"> 
<!ENTITY % blocktext "pre | hr | blockquote | address | article | aside | 
         summary | mark"> 

<!ENTITY % block 
    "p | %heading; | div | %lists; | %blocktext; | fieldset | table | 
    header | footer | section | hgroup | main | nav | dialog | figure | 
    datagrid | canvas | audio | video | source | embed | keygen | 
    progress | ruby"> 

<!-- %Flow; mixes block and inline and is used for list items etc. --> 
<!ENTITY % Flow "(#PCDATA | %block; | form | %inline; | %misc;)*"> 

<!--================== Content models for exclusions =====================--> 

<!-- a elements use %Inline; excluding a --> 

<!ENTITY % a.content 
    "(#PCDATA | %special; | %fontstyle; | %phrase; | %inline.forms; | %misc.inline;)*"> 

<!-- pre uses %Inline excluding img, object, big, small --> 

<!ENTITY % pre.content 
    "(#PCDATA | a | %special.basic; | %fontstyle.basic; | %phrase.basic; | 
     %inline.forms; | %misc.inline;)*"> 

<!-- form uses %Flow; excluding form --> 

<!ENTITY % form.content "(#PCDATA | %block; | %inline; | %misc;)*"> 

<!-- button uses %Flow; but excludes a, form, form controls, iframe --> 

<!ENTITY % button.content 
    "(#PCDATA | p | %heading; | div | %lists; | %blocktext; | 
     table | datagrid | br | span | bdo | object | img | map | 
     %fontstyle; | %phrase; | %misc;)*"> 

<!--================ Document Structure ==================================--> 

<!-- the namespace URI designates the document profile --> 

<!ELEMENT html (head, body)> 
<!ATTLIST html 
    id   ID    #IMPLIED 
    xmlns  %URI;   #FIXED 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' 
    <!-- HTML 5 attributes --> 
    manifest %URI;   #IMPLIED 

<!--================ Document Head =======================================--> 

<!ENTITY % head.misc "(script|style|meta|link|object)*"> 

<!-- content model is %head.misc; combined with a single 
    title and an optional base element in any order --> 

<!ELEMENT head (%head.misc;, 
    ((title, %head.misc;, (base, %head.misc;)?) | 
     (base, %head.misc;, (title, %head.misc;))))> 

<!ATTLIST head 
    id   ID    #IMPLIED 
    profile  %URI;   #IMPLIED 

<!-- The title element is not considered part of the flow of text. 
     It should be displayed, for example as the page header or 
     window title. Exactly one title is required per document. 
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)> 
<!ATTLIST title 
    id   ID    #IMPLIED 

<!-- document base URI --> 

<!ATTLIST base 
    id   ID    #IMPLIED 
    href  %URI;   #IMPLIED 
    target  %FrameTarget; #IMPLIED 

<!-- generic metainformation --> 
<!ATTLIST meta 
    id   ID    #IMPLIED 
    http-equiv CDATA   #IMPLIED 
    name  CDATA   #IMPLIED 
    content  CDATA   #REQUIRED 
    <!-- HTML 5 attributes --> 
    charset  %Charset;  #IMPLIED 

    Relationship values can be used in principle: 

    a) for document specific toolbars/menus when used 
     with the link element in document head e.g. 
     start, contents, previous, next, index, end, help 
    b) to link to a separate style sheet (rel="stylesheet") 
    c) to make a link to a script (rel="script") 
    d) by stylesheets to control how collections of 
     html nodes are rendered into printed documents 
    e) to make a link to a printable version of this document 
     e.g. a PostScript or PDF version (rel="alternate" media="print") 

<!ATTLIST link 
    href  %URI;   #IMPLIED 
    hreflang %LanguageCode; #IMPLIED 
    type  %ContentType; #IMPLIED 
    rel   %LinkTypes; #IMPLIED 
    media  %MediaDesc; #IMPLIED 
    <!-- HTML 5 attributes --> 
    sizes  %Number;  #IMPLIED 

<!-- style info, which may include CDATA sections --> 
<!ELEMENT style (#PCDATA)> 
<!ATTLIST style 
    id   ID    #IMPLIED 
    type  (text/css)  #REQUIRED 
    media  %MediaDesc; #IMPLIED 
    <!-- HTML 5 attributes --> 
    scoped  (scoped)  #IMPLIED 

<!-- script statements, which may include CDATA sections --> 
<!ELEMENT script (#PCDATA)> 
<!ATTLIST script 
    id   ID    #IMPLIED 
    charset  %Charset;  #IMPLIED 
    type  (text/javascript) #REQUIRED 
    language CDATA   #IMPLIED 
    src   %URI;   #IMPLIED 
    defer  (defer)  #IMPLIED 
    <!-- HTML 5 attributes --> 
    async  (async)  #IMPLIED 

<!-- alternate content container for non script-based rendering --> 

<!ELEMENT noscript %Flow;> 
<!ATTLIST noscript 

<!--======================= Frames =======================================--> 

<!-- inline subwindow --> 

<!ELEMENT iframe %Flow;> 
<!ATTLIST iframe 
    name  NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED 
    src   %URI;   #IMPLIED 
    height  %Length;  #IMPLIED 
    width  %Length;  #IMPLIED 
    <!-- HTML 5 attributes --> 
    sandbox  (allow-forms | allow-same-origin | allow-scripts)  #IMPLIED 
    seamless CDATA   #IMPLIED 
    srcdoc  CDATA   #IMPLIED 

<!--=================== Document Body ====================================--> 

<!ELEMENT body %Flow;> 
<!ATTLIST body 
    onload  %Script;  #IMPLIED 
    onunload %Script;  #IMPLIED 
<!-- HTML 5 Window Event Attributes --> 
    onafterprint %Script; #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run after the document is printed --> 
    onbeforeprint %Script; #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run before the document is printed --> 
    onbeforeonload %Script; #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run before the document loads --> 
    onerror   %Script; #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when an error occur --> 
    onhaschange  %Script; #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when the document has change --> 
    onmessage  %Script; #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when the message is triggered --> 
    onoffline  %Script; #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when the document goes offline --> 
    ononline  %Script; #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when the document comes online --> 
    onpagehide  %Script; #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when the window is hidden --> 
    onpageshow  %Script; #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when the window becomes visible --> 
    onpopstate  %Script; #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when the window's history changes --> 
    onredo   %Script; #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when the document performs a redo --> 
    onresize  %Script; #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when the window is resized --> 
    onstorage  %Script; #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when a document loads --> 
    onundo   %Script; #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when a document performs an undo --> 
    onunload  %Script; #IMPLIED  <!-- Script to be run when the user leaves the document --> 

<!ELEMENT div %Flow;> <!-- generic language/style container --> 
<!ATTLIST div 

<!--=================== Paragraphs =======================================--> 

<!ELEMENT p %Inline;> 

<!--=================== Headings =========================================--> 

    There are six levels of headings from h1 (the most important) 
    to h6 (the least important). 

<!ELEMENT h1 %Inline;> 

<!ELEMENT h2 %Inline;> 

<!ELEMENT h3 %Inline;> 

<!ELEMENT h4 %Inline;> 

<!ELEMENT h5 %Inline;> 

<!ELEMENT h6 %Inline;> 

<!--=================== Lists ============================================--> 

<!-- Unordered list --> 

<!ELEMENT ul (li)+> 

<!-- Ordered (numbered) list --> 

<!ELEMENT ol (li)+> 
    start  %Number;  #IMPLIED 
    <!-- HTML 5 attributes --> 
    reversed (reversed)  #IMPLIED 

<!-- list item --> 

<!ELEMENT li %Flow;> 
    value  %Number;  #IMPLIED 

<!-- definition lists - dt for term, dd for its definition --> 

<!ELEMENT dl (dt|dd)+> 

<!ELEMENT dt %Inline;> 

<!ELEMENT dd %Flow;> 

<!--=================== Address ==========================================--> 

<!-- information on author --> 

<!ELEMENT address (#PCDATA | %inline; | %misc.inline; | p)*> 
<!ATTLIST address 

<!--=================== Horizontal Rule ==================================--> 


<!--=================== Preformatted Text ================================--> 

<!-- content is %Inline; excluding 
     "img|object|small|sub|sup" --> 

<!ELEMENT pre %pre.content;> 
<!ATTLIST pre 

<!--=================== Block-like Quotes ================================--> 

<!ELEMENT blockquote %Flow;> 
<!ATTLIST blockquote 
    cite  %URI;   #IMPLIED 

<!--=================== Inserted/Deleted Text ============================--> 

    ins/del are allowed in block and inline content, but its 
    inappropriate to include block content within an ins element 
    occurring in inline content. 
<!ELEMENT ins %Flow;> 
<!ATTLIST ins 
    cite  %URI;   #IMPLIED 
    datetime %Datetime;  #IMPLIED 

<!ELEMENT del %Flow;> 
<!ATTLIST del 
    cite  %URI;   #IMPLIED 
    datetime %Datetime;  #IMPLIED 

<!--================== The Anchor Element ================================--> 

<!-- content is %Inline; except that anchors shouldn't be nested --> 

<!ELEMENT a %a.content;> 
    href  %URI;   #IMPLIED 
    hreflang %LanguageCode; #IMPLIED 
    rel   %LinkTypes; #IMPLIED 
    target  %FrameTarget; #IMPLIED 
    <!-- HTML 5 attributes --> 
    media  CDATA   #IMPLIED 
    ping  %URI;   #IMPLIED 
    type  %ContentType; #IMPLIED 

<!--===================== Inline Elements ================================--> 

<!ELEMENT span %Inline;> <!-- generic language/style container --> 
<!ATTLIST span 

<!ELEMENT bdo %Inline;> <!-- I18N BiDi over-ride --> 
<!ATTLIST bdo 
    lang  %LanguageCode; #IMPLIED 
    xml:lang %LanguageCode; #IMPLIED 
    dir   (ltr|rtl)  #REQUIRED 

<!ELEMENT br EMPTY> <!-- forced line break --> 

<!ELEMENT em %Inline;> <!-- emphasis --> 
<!ATTLIST em %attrs;> 

<!ELEMENT strong %Inline;> <!-- strong emphasis --> 
<!ATTLIST strong %attrs;> 

<!ELEMENT dfn %Inline;> <!-- definitional --> 
<!ATTLIST dfn %attrs;> 

<!ELEMENT code %Inline;> <!-- program code --> 
<!ATTLIST code %attrs;> 

<!ELEMENT samp %Inline;> <!-- sample --> 
<!ATTLIST samp %attrs;> 

<!ELEMENT kbd %Inline;> <!-- something user would type --> 
<!ATTLIST kbd %attrs;> 

<!ELEMENT var %Inline;> <!-- variable --> 
<!ATTLIST var %attrs;> 

<!ELEMENT cite %Inline;> <!-- citation --> 
<!ATTLIST cite %attrs;> 

<!ELEMENT abbr %Inline;> <!-- abbreviation --> 
<!ATTLIST abbr %attrs;> 

<!ELEMENT q %Inline;> <!-- inlined quote --> 
    cite  %URI;   #IMPLIED 

<!ELEMENT sub %Inline;> <!-- subscript --> 
<!ATTLIST sub %attrs;> 

<!ELEMENT sup %Inline;> <!-- superscript --> 
<!ATTLIST sup %attrs;> 

<!ELEMENT i %Inline;> <!-- italic font --> 
<!ATTLIST i %attrs;> 

<!ELEMENT b %Inline;> <!-- bold font --> 
<!ATTLIST b %attrs;> 

<!ELEMENT small %Inline;> <!-- smaller font --> 
<!ATTLIST small %attrs;> 

<!--==================== Object ======================================--> 
    object is used to embed objects as part of HTML pages. 
    param elements should precede other content. Parameters 
    can also be expressed as attribute/value pairs on the 
    object element itself when brevity is desired. 

<!ELEMENT object (#PCDATA | param | %block; | form | %inline; | %misc;)*> 
<!ATTLIST object 
    data  %URI;   #IMPLIED 
    type  %ContentType; #IMPLIED 
    height  %Length;  #IMPLIED 
    width  %Length;  #IMPLIED 
    usemap  %URI;   #IMPLIED 
    name  NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED 
    tabindex %Number;  #IMPLIED 
    <!-- HTML 5 attributes --> 
    form  CDATA   #IMPLIED 
