我們從LDAP認證轉移到了MS的Active Directory。所以現在不要使用單獨的TD密碼,我們將使用我們的工作站密碼。 我想知道這why而不是how,我似乎已經有了。
我正在使用Teradata 15.00.xx ODBC驅動程序(我們在15.1xxx服務器上)並且這些都是根據文檔提供的登錄信息。在我的ODBC設置中,我沒有下拉列表NTLM%其餘的'他們有Teradata CLI/ODBC登錄認證:DBA數據庫管理/配置/連接性/ ODBC/CLI



Specify the desired security checking mechanism. 

Apple OS X supports only TD2 and LDAP. 

Kerberos (KRB5), Kerberos Compatibility (KRB5C), NT LAN Manager (NTLM), and NT LAN Manager Compatibility (NTLMC). 

Valid Mechanism values are: 


Empty - the same as omitting the keyword. 


TD1 - selects Teradata 1 as the Authentication Mechanism. Username and password are required. 


TD2 - selects Teradata 2 as the Authentication Mechanism. Username and password are required. 


LDAP - selects Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) as the Authentication Mechanism. The application provides the username and password. 


KRB5 - selects Kerberos (KRB5) on Windows clients working with Windows servers. To logon using KRB5, the user needs to supply a domain, username, and password. The domain is specified by setting the username to [email protected] 


NTLM - selects NTLM on Windows clients working with Windows servers. The application provides the username and password. 

當我們在LDAP - 我們從下拉菜單選擇LDAP並卡在TD user/pass &一切都well.After移動到MS active directory我們仍然確實有使用LDAP其次工作站username/password,它會工作正常。即使在我們遷移到MS active directory後,問題仍然存在,爲什麼LDAP的下拉菜單仍然適用。其他機制不會工作。一些em給出無效的憑據錯誤,而另一些則會吐出一些奇怪的字節碼並退出



NTLM已被Windows Kerberos取代。 Teradata客戶端中的NTLM提供了向後兼容性。可以將Active Directory配置爲使用LDAP或Kerberos作爲完成身份驗證任務的協議。在您的環境中,LDAP是用於查詢Active Directory提供的目錄服務的協議。