2017-08-03 64 views


<select name="store[]" multiple="multiple"> 
<option value=1>Outlet 1</option> 
<option value=2>Outlet 2</option> 
<option value=3>Outlet 3</option> 


foreach($storenum as $snumber) 
    //this part i need to get the values and put the values into Query. 
    //for example the $storenum hold values $1 and $2, so $1,$2 i need to put in Query. 

$query="SELECT sum(a.netamt) as netamt, b.store_name, 
    c.monusage,c.monusage/sum(a.netamt)*1000 as duh 
    FROM site_sales a JOIN site_store b ON b.storenum = a.storenum 
    JOIN site_salmonusage c ON b.storenum = c.storenum 
    WHERE c.month = '$date211' AND (a.storenum='$1' OR a.storenum='$2') AND a.busidate >= '$date1' AND a.busidate <='$date2' 
    GROUP BY a.storenum order by duh" 

/* code continue */ 

你到目前爲止嘗試過什麼? – arielnmz


我只是使用['IN'條件](https://www.techonthenet.com/sql/in.php),例如'a.storenum IN(?)'並將該參數綁定到'implode(' ,',$ _POST ['store'])''。您應該確保所有'$ _POST ['store']'值都是數字,我想是 – Phil


您使用MySQLi或PDO與數據庫進行交互嗎? – Phil





$query="SELECT sum(a.netamt) as netamt, b.store_name, 
    c.monusage,c.monusage/sum(a.netamt)*1000 as duh 
    FROM site_sales a JOIN site_store b ON b.storenum = a.storenum 
    JOIN site_salmonusage c ON b.storenum = c.storenum 
    WHERE c.month = '$date211' AND a.storenum IN ($storenum) AND a.busidate >= '$date1' AND a.busidate <='$date2' 
    GROUP BY a.storenum order by duh" 

無法容忍對SQL注入開放的答案 – Phil


感謝Zaid回答我的問題。你的代碼工作。但如何防止此代碼打開到SQL注入? –


@AzimAzman請查看以瞭解SI https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_injection.asp –
