2011-04-19 47 views



import Data.WAVE 

import Control.Applicative 
import Data.Char (isDigit) 
import Data.Function (on) 
import Data.Int (Int32) 
import Data.List (transpose, groupBy) 
import Data.List.Split (splitOn, split, oneOf) 
import System.IO (hGetContents, Handle, openFile, IOMode(..)) 

a4 :: Double 
a4 = 440.0 

frameRate :: Int 
frameRate = 32000 

noteLength :: Double 
noteLength = 1 

volume :: Int32 
volume = maxBound `div` 2 

buildChord :: [[Double]] -> WAVESamples 
buildChord freqs = map ((:[]) . round . sum) $ transpose freqs 

generateSoundWave :: Int   -- | Samples Per Second 
        -> Double  -- | Length of Sound in Seconds 
        -> Int32  -- | Volume 
        -> Double  -- | Frequency 
        -> [Double] 
generateSoundWave sPS len vol freq = 
    take (round $ len * fromIntegral sPS) $ 
    map ((* fromIntegral vol) . sin) 
    [0.0, (freq * 2 * pi/fromIntegral sPS)..] 

generateSoundWaves :: Int   -- | Samples Per Second 
        -> Double  -- | Length of Sound in Seconds 
        -> Int32  -- | Volume 
        -> [Double]  -- | Frequency 
        -> [[Double]] 
generateSoundWaves sPS len vol = 
    map (generateSoundWave sPS len vol) 

noteToSine :: String -> WAVESamples 
noteToSine chord = 
    buildChord $ generateSoundWaves frameRate noteLength volume freqs 
    where freqs = getFreqs $ notes chord 

notes'' :: String -> [String] 
notes'' = splitOn "/" 

notes' :: [String] -> [[String]] 
notes' = map (split (oneOf "1234567890")) 

notes :: String -> [(String, Int)] 
notes chord = concatMap pair $ notes' $ notes'' chord 
    where pair (x:y:ys) = (x, read y :: Int) : pair ys 
      pair _   = [] 

notesToSines :: String -> WAVESamples 
notesToSines = concatMap noteToSine . splitOn " " 

getFreq :: (String, Int) -> Double 
getFreq (note, octave) = 
    if octave >= -1 && octave < 10 && n /= 12.0 
    then a4 * 2 ** ((o - 4.0) + ((n - 9.0)/12.0)) 
    else undefined 
    where o = fromIntegral octave :: Double 
      n = case note of 
       "B#" -> 0.0 
       "C" -> 0.0 
       "C#" -> 1.0 
       "Db" -> 1.0 
       "D" -> 2.0 
       "D#" -> 3.0 
       "Eb" -> 3.0 
       "E" -> 4.0 
       "Fb" -> 4.0 
       "E#" -> 5.0 
       "F" -> 5.0 
       "F#" -> 6.0 
       "Gb" -> 6.0 
       "G" -> 7.0 
       "G#" -> 8.0 
       "Ab" -> 8.0 
       "A" -> 9.0 
       "A#" -> 10.0 
       "Bb" -> 10.0 
       "B" -> 11.0 
       "Cb" -> 11.0 
       _ -> 12.0 

getFreqs :: [(String, Int)] -> [Double] 
getFreqs = map getFreq 

header :: WAVEHeader 
header = WAVEHeader 1 frameRate 32 Nothing 

getFileName :: IO FilePath 
getFileName = putStr "Enter the name of the file: " >> getLine 

getChordsAndOctaves :: IO String 
getChordsAndOctaves = getFileName >>= \n -> 
         openFile n ReadMode >>= 

main :: IO() 
main = getChordsAndOctaves >>= \co -> 
     putWAVEFile "out.wav" (WAVE header $ notesToSines co) 




buildChord :: [[Double]] -> WAVESamples 
buildChord freqs = map ((:[]) . round . sum) $ transpose freqs 

transpose freqs結果是音量的對特定時間點的每一個音符正在播放列表(例如[45.2, 20, -10])。功能(:[] . round . sum)首先將它們加在一起(例如55.2),將其四捨五入(例如55),並將其包裝在列表中(例如[55])。 map (:[] . round . sum)只是做了所有的時間。


buildChord :: [[Double]] -> WAVESamples 
buildChord freqs = map (\chord -> [round $ sum chord/genericLength chord]) $ transpose freqs 

我從你的問題,你正在編寫一個音樂製作節目的方式來學習Haskell的猜測。我有一些想法可能會讓你的代碼更容易調試,而且更多的「haskell like」。在Haskell

代碼通常寫爲變換的從輸入到輸出的序列。也就是說buildChord函數是一個很好的例子 - 首先將輸入被轉置,然後被映射在與組合的多個聲音的振幅的函數。不過,你也可以用這種風格來構建你的整個程序。



data Sound = Sound { soundFreqs :: [Double] 
        , soundVolume :: Double 
        , soundLength :: Double 


soundsToWAVE :: Int -> [Sound] -> WAVE 
soundsToWAVE samplesPerSec sounds = undefined -- TODO 


writeSoundsToWavFile :: String -> Int -> [Sound] -> IO() 
writeSoundsToWavFile fileN samplesPerSec sounds = putWAVEFile $ soundsToWAVE fileN samplesPerSec sounds 

testPlaySounds :: [Sound] -> IO() 
testPlaySounds sounds = do 
    writeSoundsToWavFile "test.wav" 32000 sounds 
    system("afplay test.wav") -- use aplay on linux, don't know for windows 

一旦做到這一點,所有的WAVE代碼完成 - 其餘代碼不需要觸摸它。將它放在自己的模塊中可能是一個好主意。


data Note = A | B | C | D | E | F | G 
data NoteAugment = None | Sharp | Flat 

data MusicNote = MusicNote { note :: Note, noteAugment :: NoteAugment, noteOctave :: Int } 

data Chord = Chord { notes :: [MusicNote], chordVolume :: Double } 


chordToSound :: Chord -> Sound 
chordToSound = undefined -- TODO 


chordsToWAVFile fileName samplesPerSec notes = writeSoundsToWavFile 32000 fileName samplesPerSec (map chordToSound notes) 


最後我會寫轉換音符字符串 - > [和絃]。這將只需要功能:

parseNoteFileText :: String -> [Chord] 
parseNoteFileText noteText = undefined 


main = do 
    putStrLn "Enter the name of the file: " 
    fileN <- getLine 
    noteText <- readFile fileN 
    chordsToWAVFile (parseNoteFileText noteText)