2011-04-28 59 views



protected void grdActivities_RowDataBound(Object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) 
     DataRowView dr = e.Row.DataItem as DataRowView; 

     if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) 

      Label lblPerson = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblPerson"); 
      if (dr["Name"] != DBNull.Value) 
       lblPerson.Text = dr["Name"].ToString(); 

      Label lblDate = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblDate"); 
      if (dr["service_outcome_date"] != DBNull.Value) 
       lblDate.Text = dr["service_outcome_date"].ToString(); 

      Label lblReasonforContact = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblReasonforContact"); 
      if (lblReasonforContact != null) 
       if (dr["reason_for_contact_desc"] != DBNull.Value) 
        lblReasonforContact.Text = dr["reason_for_contact_desc"].ToString(); 

       if (dr["service_desc"] != DBNull.Value) 
        lblReasonforContact.Text = dr["service_desc"].ToString(); 

       if (dr["health_screening_recommendations_desc"] != DBNull.Value) 
        lblReasonforContact.Text = dr["health_screening_recommendations_desc"].ToString(); 

      Label lblServiceDeliveryTime = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblServiceDeliveryTime"); 
      if (dr["service_delivery_time"] != DBNull.Value) 
       lblServiceDeliveryTime.Text = dr["service_delivery_time_desc"].ToString(); 

      Label lblcreatedby = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblcreatedby"); 
      if (dr["createdby"] != DBNull.Value) 
       lblcreatedby.Text = dr["createdby"].ToString(); 

      Label lblServiceType = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblServiceType"); 
      if (lblServiceType != null) 
       if (dr["contact_desc"] != DBNull.Value) 
        lblServiceType.Text = dr["contact_desc"].ToString(); 

      string strScriptParam = ""; 
      string service_id="", psn = "", contact = "", reason = "", outcome = "", servicetraveltime = "", settingtype = "", strOtherTypeOfSetting = ""; 
      string dtmonth = "", dtday = "", dtyear = "", createby = "", note = ""; 

      string dtservicemonth = "", dtserviceday = "", dtserviceyear = "", dtfollowupbymonth = "", dtfollowupbyday = "", dtfollowupbyyear = "", service = "", HealthScreening = "", service_completed = ""; 

      if (dr["service_outcome_id"] != DBNull.Value) 
       service_id = dr["service_outcome_id"].ToString(); 
      if (dr["PSN"] != DBNull.Value) 
       psn = dr["PSN"].ToString(); 
      if (dr["dtDay"] != DBNull.Value) 
       dtday = dr["dtDay"].ToString(); 
      if (dr["dtMonth"] != DBNull.Value) 
       dtmonth = dr["dtMonth"].ToString(); 
      if (dr["dtYear"] != DBNull.Value) 
       dtyear = dr["dtYear"].ToString(); 
      if (dr["mode_of_contact"] != DBNull.Value) 
       settingtype = dr["mode_of_contact"].ToString(); 
      if (dr["other_mode_of_contact"] != DBNull.Value) 
       strOtherTypeOfSetting = dr["other_mode_of_contact"].ToString(); 
      if (dr["contact"] != DBNull.Value) 
       contact = dr["contact"].ToString(); 
      if (dr["reason_for_contact"] != DBNull.Value) 
       reason = dr["reason_for_contact"].ToString(); 
      if (dr["outcome"] != DBNull.Value) 
       outcome = dr["outcome"].ToString().Replace("'", "''"); 
      if (dr["service_delivery_time"] != DBNull.Value) 
       servicetraveltime = dr["service_delivery_time"].ToString(); 
      if (dr["comment"] != DBNull.Value) 
       note = dr["comment"].ToString(); 

      if (dr["health_screening_recommendations"] != DBNull.Value) 
       HealthScreening = dr["health_screening_recommendations"].ToString(); 

      if (dr["service_completed"] != DBNull.Value) 
       service_completed = (string)dr["service_completed"].ToString(); 
      if (dr["service_complete_date"] != DBNull.Value) 
       DateTime dtServicedate = (DateTime) dr["service_complete_date"]; 
       dtservicemonth = dtServicedate.Month.ToString(); 
       dtserviceday = dtServicedate.Day.ToString(); 
       dtserviceyear = dtServicedate.Year.ToString(); 

      if (dr["followup_by_date"] != DBNull.Value) 
       DateTime dtfollowupdate = (DateTime)dr["followup_by_date"]; 
       dtfollowupbymonth = dtfollowupdate.Month.ToString(); 
       dtfollowupbyday = dtfollowupdate.Day.ToString(); 
       dtfollowupbyyear = dtfollowupdate.Year.ToString(); 

      if (dr["service"] != DBNull.Value) 
       service = dr["service"].ToString(); 

      strScriptParam = "'" + service_id + 
          "','" + psn + 
          "','" + dtmonth + 
          "','" + dtday + 
          "','" + dtyear + 
          "','" + settingtype + 
          "','" + contact + 
          "','" + reason + 
          "','" + servicetraveltime + 
          "','" + outcome.Replace("'", "Å").Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\\n")+ 
          "','" + note.Replace("'", "Å").Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\\n") + 
          "','" + strOtherTypeOfSetting.Replace("'", "Å").Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\\n") + 
          "','" + HealthScreening + 
          "','" + service_completed + 
          "','" + dtservicemonth + 
          "','" + dtserviceday + 
          "','" + dtserviceyear + 
          "','" + dtfollowupbymonth + 
          "','" + dtfollowupbyday + 
          "','" + dtfollowupbyyear + 
          "', '" + service + "'";       

      e.Row.Attributes.Add("style", "cursor:hand"); 
      e.Row.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:return ShowGridRow(" + strScriptParam + ");"); 

      ImageButton lnkDel = (ImageButton)e.Row.FindControl("lnkDel"); 
      if (lnkDel != null) 
       lnkDel.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:ShowGridRow(" + strScriptParam + "); DeleteService('" + dr["service_outcome_id"].ToString() + "');"); 


消息:預計 ')'


"','" + outcome.Replace("'", "Å").Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\\n")+ 
          "','" + note.Replace("'", "Å").Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\\n") + 
          "','" + strOtherTypeOfSetting.Replace("'", "Å").Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\\n") + 



該消息來自哪裏? (請轉義嵌入在JavaScript中的文字,我懷疑生成的Javascript是無效的 - 看看/執行結果,因爲有可能*垃圾*傳遞給'ShowGridRow'。) – 2011-04-28 16:13:59




using System.Linq; 

// for each param, encode it as 'xyz', where xyz is properly escaped 
// e.g. if the source was foo'bar then xyz is foo\x27bar for a final 
// result of 'foo\x27bar' in the output. This is a valid JS literal 
// which evaluates to the string foo'bar 
var params = (new string[] { service_id, psn, dtmonth, ..., service }) 
    .Select(p => "'" + JsEncoder.EncodeString(p) + "'"); 

// Then join all the 'xyz' with commas so result is 'a','b',...'c' 
var strScriptParam = string.join(",", params.ToArray()); 

// note no "javascript:" protocol for onclick 
e.Row.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ShowGridRow(" + strScriptParam + ");"); 



using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 

namespace foobar 
     public class JsEncoder 
      static Regex EncodeLiteralRegex; 

      // Format a bunch of literals. 
      public static string Format (string format, params object[] items) 
       return string.Format(format, 
        items.Select(item => EncodeString("" + item)).ToArray()); 

      // Given a string, return a string suitable for safe 
      // use within a Javascript literal inside a <script> block. 
      // This approach errs on the side of "ugly" escaping. 
      public static string EncodeString (string value) 
       if (EncodeLiteralRegex == null) { 
        // initial accept "space to ~" in ASCII then reject quotes 
        // and some XML chars (this avoids `</script>`, `<![CDATA[..]]>>`, and XML vs HTML issues) 
        // "/" is not allowed because it requires an escape in JSON 
        var accepted = Enumerable.Range(32, 127 - 32) 
         .Except(new int[] { '"', '\'', '\\', '&', '<', '>', '/' }); 
        // pattern matches everything but accepted 
        EncodeLiteralRegex = new Regex("[^" + 
         string.Join("", accepted.Select(c => @"\x" + c.ToString("x2")).ToArray()) 
         + "]"); 
       return EncodeLiteralRegex.Replace(value ?? "", (match) => 
        var ch = (int)match.Value[0]; // only matches a character at a time 
        return ch <= 127 
         ? @"\x" + ch.ToString("x2") // not JSON 
         : @"\u" + ch.ToString("x4"); 

