2014-12-02 79 views


Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click 
    Dim Month As String = comboMonth.Text() + "_" + comboYear.Text() 
    Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo("K:\SMT\Metrics\" + Month) 
    Dim diar1 As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles() 
    Dim dra As IO.FileInfo 

    Label1.Text = "Displaying All Files in K:\SMT\Metrics\" + Month + "\" 
    For Each dra In diar1 

    Dim n As Integer = ListBox1.Items.Count 'Counter for loop 
    Dim f As String 'name of document for opening and loop progress 
    Dim XL As Excel.Application 'just for opening master 
    Dim BK As Excel.Workbook 'just for opening master 
    Dim SHT As Excel.Worksheet 'just for opening master 
    Dim BK2 As Excel.Workbook 'just for opening spreadsheets 
    Dim SHT2 As Excel.Worksheet 'just for opening spreadsheets 
    Dim Name As String = comboMonth.Text() + "_" + comboYear.Text() 
    Dim Document As String = "K:\SMT\Metrics\" + Name + "\" + Name + "_Metrics.xlsx" 
    Dim Location As String = "K:\SMT\Metrics\" + Name 
    XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
    XL.Visible = True 'Only true for troubleshooting 
    XL.UserControl = True 'Only true for troubleshooting 
    BK = XL.Workbooks.Add 'New Spreadsheet 
    SHT = BK.ActiveSheet 
    BK.Sheets("Sheet2").Delete() 'Format 
    BK.Sheets("Sheet3").Delete() 'Format 
    Dim d = Convert.ToChar(n + 65) 

    Do While n > 0 
     d = Convert.ToChar(n + 65) 
     ListBox1.SetSelected(n - 1, True) 'Highlite last item in list 
     f = ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() 'save the name of the file 
     BK2 = XL.Workbooks.Open("K:\SMT\Metrics\" + Month + "\" + f) 'Open the file highlited 
     SHT2 = BK2.ActiveSheet 'focus on opend sheet 
     SHT2.Copy(SHT) 'Copy focused sheet into "new" Spreadsheet 
     BK2.Close() 'kill 
     BK2 = Nothing 'kill 
     SHT = BK.ActiveSheet 'Focus on copied sheet 
     SHT.Name = f 'renamed focused sheet 
     SHT2 = BK.Sheets("Sheet1") 'Dim for the sheet being built The next long bit is the main report being built 
     SHT2.Cells(2, 1) = "Components Placed" 
     SHT2.Cells(3, 1) = "Good Placements" 
     SHT2.Cells(4, 1) = "False Call (Determined good)" 
     SHT2.Cells(5, 1) = "Bad Parts/Placements" 
     SHT2.Cells(6, 1) = "Pass Rate" 
     SHT2.Cells(6, n + 1) = "=(" + d + "3+" + d + "4)/(" + d + "2)" 
     'BK.Worksheets("Sheet1").Row(6).NumberFormat = "#.##%" 
     SHT2.Cells(1, n + 1) = f 
     SHT2.Cells(2, n + 1) = SHT.Cells(9, 44) 
     SHT2.Cells(3, n + 1) = SHT.Cells(11, 44) 
     SHT2.Cells(4, n + 1) = SHT.Cells(13, 44) 
     SHT2.Cells(5, n + 1) = SHT.Cells(15, 44) 
     ListBox1.Items.RemoveAt(n - 1) 'delete list item just process 
     ListBox2.Items.Add(f) 'write processed file in done list 
     n = ListBox1.Items.Count 'update count 'exit loop at 0 
    n = ListBox2.Items.Count 'get a good count for determining Math Column 
    d = Convert.ToChar(n + 65) 
    SHT2.Cells(1, n + 2) = "Total" 
    SHT2.Cells(2, n + 2) = "=SUM(B2:" + d + "2)" 
    SHT2.Cells(3, n + 2) = "=SUM(B3:" + d + "3)" 
    SHT2.Cells(4, n + 2) = "=SUM(B4:" + d + "4)" 
    SHT2.Cells(5, n + 2) = "=SUM(B5:" + d + "5)" 
    SHT2.Cells(6, n + 2) = "=(" + d + "3+" + d + "4)/(" + d + "2)" 

    SHT2 = Nothing 
    BK.Sheets("Sheet1").name = Name 'name blank page as the monthly report 
    SHT = BK.Sheets(Name) 'Because 
    SHT.Activate() 'leave the document on the finished report 

    XL.Visible = True 
    XL.UserControl = True 

    'SHT = Nothing 
    'BK = Nothing 
    'XL = Nothing 
End Sub 





Sub copySheet() 
Dim BK2 As Workbook 
Dim SHT2 As Worksheet 

Set BK2 = Workbooks.Open("C:\Data\VBA\SO\Test2.xlsx") 
Set SHT2 = BK2.ActiveSheet 
SHT2.Copy After:=Workbooks("Book1").Sheets("Data1") 
End Sub 

感謝您花時間幫助。我在上面添加了更多代碼以幫助澄清。除了儲蓄之外,一切都在運作。另外,如果我打開所有打開的文檔,我可以保存並重新打開文件而不會損壞文件。 – Vojens 2014-12-03 12:54:27


@Vojens - 如果您嘗試在代碼底部保存註釋行,它看起來像是在嘗試保存一個Worksheet。這不應該是BK.SaveAs(Document)? – barryleajo 2014-12-03 14:13:27


是的,但是這個問題延伸到我停止代碼並手動保存文檔以及...我一直在交換BK和SHT變暗作爲我的故障排除的一部分。 – Vojens 2014-12-03 16:10:18