2012-04-26 82 views

我已經定義了一個代表一棵樹的新數據類型。我還實現了一個函數walk來遍歷樹的所有元素,函數的功能版本是正確的,但不是他的monadic版本walkM如何遍歷具有Haskell monadic函數的樹的元素?

module Hdot where 
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B 
import qualified Data.Map as Map 

data RDoll a = Null | RDoll a [RDoll a] deriving (Show)  

test :: RDoll Int 
test = RDoll 1 [RDoll 2 [Null], RDoll 3 [RDoll 4 [Null]]] 

walk :: (a -> b) -> RDoll a -> [b] 

walk f Null   = [] 
walk f (RDoll x rds) = ((f x): (concatMap (\x -> walk f x) rds)) 

walkM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> RDoll a -> m [b] 
walkM f Null   = return [] 
walkM f (RDoll rd rdss) = do 
    x <- f rd 
    xs <- concatMap (walkM f) rdss 
    return (x:xs) 


Couldn't match type `b' with `[b]' 






    Could not deduce (m ~ []) 
    from the context (Monad m) 
     bound by the type signature for 
       walkM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> RDoll a -> m [b] 
     at A.hs:(16,1)-(20,15) 
     `m' is a rigid type variable bound by 
      the type signature for 
      walkM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> RDoll a -> m [b] 
      at A.hs:16:1 
    Expected type: [b] 
     Actual type: m b 
    Expected type: a -> [b] 
     Actual type: a -> m b 
    In the first argument of `walkM', namely `f' 
    In the first argument of `concatMap', namely `(walkM f)' 

因此,有值[b]和行動m b的列表之間有些混亂。


walkM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> RDoll a -> m [b] 
walkM f Null   = return [] 
walkM f (RDoll rd rdss) = do 
    x <- f rd 
    xs <- mapM (walkM f) rdss 
    return (x:concat xs) 

由於風格上的說明,我想嘗試寫的東西有點不同。看看rose tree in the base library。特別是,不要定義walkwalkM,爲Functor,Monad定義實例並重用現有的庫函數。


非常感謝Don Stewart! – 2012-04-26 12:04:34


再次感謝你,對於我在'RDolld'上做的事情,這真的很有幫助。 – 2012-04-26 12:15:57