2017-03-31 118 views

我想在Android上使用fanotify,並想用可執行文件(用ndk編譯)將其歸檔。我正在使用fsmon(調用fanotify systemcall的小應用程序)啓動顯示器。但在執行(一個植根設備作爲根上)的文件我收到以下錯誤:Android fanotify_init:功能未執行

generic_x86:/data/local/tmp # ./fsmon -B fanotify /storage/emulated/0/ 
fanotify_init: Function not implemented 

fanotify是在內核版本> 2.6.37(這是出貨的Android 5+)。

我曾嘗試過在x86仿真器(Android 7)和三星I9300 armeabi-v7a(Android 6)上使用CM13(均爲root)。 內核版本的x86模擬器的:3.4.67+三星設備和:3.0.101-CM-g9c98896


config FANOTIFY 
    bool "Filesystem wide access notification" 
    select FSNOTIFY 
    select ANON_INODES 
    default n 
     Say Y here to enable fanotify suport. fanotify is a file access 
     notification system which differs from inotify in that it sends 
     an open file descriptor to the userspace listener along with 
     the event. 

     If unsure, say Y. 

    bool "fanotify permissions checking" 
    depends on FANOTIFY 
    depends on SECURITY 
    default n 
     Say Y here is you want fanotify listeners to be able to make permissions 
     decisions concerning filesystem events. This is used by some fanotify 
     listeners which need to scan files before allowing the system access to 
     use those files. This is used by some anti-malware vendors and by some 
     hierarchical storage managent systems. 

     If unsure, say N. 

所以,我都設置爲Y ,make clean並重新編譯內核 - 但像以前一樣的問題..我忽略了什麼?


