2011-04-03 95 views


EDIT2:我已經更新了代碼以包含垂直模糊。使用不同的設置產生的樣本輸出:Blur comparison images.jpg

的模糊操作的另一個參考(JAVA):Blurring for Beginners


我想了解基本的圖像處理和重複這個簡單Blur method在python(在「重用結果」第二功能BlurHorizo​​ntal)。我知道PIL中已經有模糊函數,但我想自己嘗試基本的像素操作。


模糊半徑爲2時,平均方法將以輸入像素爲中心的5個像素的RGB值相加。它使用「滑動窗口」,以保持一個運行總計,減去傳出像素(左側)以及將所述新的輸入像素(窗口的右側)。 Blur method explained here

樣品:Blur test image output.jpg




import Image, numpy, ImageFilter 
img = Image.open('testimage.jpg') 

imgArr = numpy.asarray(img) # readonly 

# blur radius in pixels 
radius = 2 

# blur window length in pixels 
windowLen = radius*2+1 

# columns (x) image width in pixels 
imgWidth = imgArr.shape[1] 

# rows (y) image height in pixels 
imgHeight = imgArr.shape[0] 

#simple box/window blur 
def doblur(imgArr): 
    # create array for processed image based on input image dimensions 
    imgB = numpy.zeros((imgHeight,imgWidth,3),numpy.uint8) 
    imgC = numpy.zeros((imgHeight,imgWidth,3),numpy.uint8) 

    # blur horizontal row by row 
    for ro in range(imgHeight): 
     # RGB color values 
     totalR = 0 
     totalG = 0 
     totalB = 0 

     # calculate blurred value of first pixel in each row 
     for rads in range(-radius, radius+1): 
      if (rads) >= 0 and (rads) <= imgWidth-1: 
       totalR += imgArr[ro,rads][0]/windowLen 
       totalG += imgArr[ro,rads][1]/windowLen 
       totalB += imgArr[ro,rads][2]/windowLen 

     imgB[ro,0] = [totalR,totalG,totalB] 

     # calculate blurred value of the rest of the row based on 
     # unweighted average of surrounding pixels within blur radius 
     # using sliding window totals (add incoming, subtract outgoing pixels) 
     for co in range(1,imgWidth): 
      if (co-radius-1) >= 0: 
       totalR -= imgArr[ro,co-radius-1][0]/windowLen 
       totalG -= imgArr[ro,co-radius-1][1]/windowLen 
       totalB -= imgArr[ro,co-radius-1][2]/windowLen 
      if (co+radius) <= imgWidth-1: 
       totalR += imgArr[ro,co+radius][0]/windowLen 
       totalG += imgArr[ro,co+radius][1]/windowLen 
       totalB += imgArr[ro,co+radius][2]/windowLen 

      # put average color value into imgB pixel 

      imgB[ro,co] = [totalR,totalG,totalB] 

    # blur vertical 

    for co in range(imgWidth): 
     totalR = 0 
     totalG = 0 
     totalB = 0 

     for rads in range(-radius, radius+1): 
      if (rads) >= 0 and (rads) <= imgHeight-1: 
       totalR += imgB[rads,co][0]/windowLen 
       totalG += imgB[rads,co][1]/windowLen 
       totalB += imgB[rads,co][2]/windowLen 

     imgC[0,co] = [totalR,totalG,totalB] 

     for ro in range(1,imgHeight): 
      if (ro-radius-1) >= 0: 
       totalR -= imgB[ro-radius-1,co][0]/windowLen 
       totalG -= imgB[ro-radius-1,co][1]/windowLen 
       totalB -= imgB[ro-radius-1,co][2]/windowLen 
      if (ro+radius) <= imgHeight-1: 
       totalR += imgB[ro+radius,co][0]/windowLen 
       totalG += imgB[ro+radius,co][1]/windowLen 
       totalB += imgB[ro+radius,co][2]/windowLen 

      imgC[ro,co] = [totalR,totalG,totalB] 

    return imgC 

# number of times to run blur operation 
blurPasses = 3 

# temporary image array for multiple passes 
imgTmp = imgArr 

for k in range(blurPasses): 
    imgTmp = doblur(imgTmp) 
    print "pass #",k,"done." 

imgOut = Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(imgTmp)) 

imgOut.save('testimage-processed.png', 'PNG') 

你可以張貼一些樣品輸入/輸出? – Blender 2011-04-03 05:46:21


當我看到'a-b-c'時,我總是很擔心。我從來沒有記得任何語言的運算符的關聯性,以便知道它是否會被解釋爲'a-(bc)'或'(ab)-c' – sarnold 2011-04-03 06:05:33


在我使用的每種語言中,加法,減法,乘法,和師從左到右,如數學。冪指數是唯一經常將右向左聯繫起來的常見現象。 – 2011-04-03 06:08:49




for rads in range(-radius, radius): 



if (co-radius-1) > 0: 


if (co-radius-1) >= 0: 

感謝您的所有意見。我嘗試了霍華德的建議,並改爲以下行: '對於拉德在範圍內(-radius,半徑+ 1)': 但我仍然必須有另一個問題的地方。 下面是一個示例圖像,顯示圖像之前和之後。第二張圖片由我的原始代碼處理。霍華德改變後,第三張圖像被處理。 [模糊測試圖像輸出.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/U16Bf.jpg) – moski 2011-04-03 12:19:39


@moski還有一個小問題:if(co-radius-1)> 0:should if if(co -radius-1)> = 0. – Howard 2011-04-03 12:32:45


非常感謝!我認爲這兩項修改已經解決了我的錯誤。我傾向於錯過所有的小東西,>對>> =和+1,-1來計算從0開始計數。1.感謝第二組眼睛。我會嘗試一些不同的圖像,而不是發佈更新。 [Blur FIXED output.png](http://i.imgur.com/2ECNM.png) – moski 2011-04-03 12:39:03



def blur_image(image_data, blur_horizontal=True, blur_vertical=True, height=256, width=256, radius=1): 
    #TODO: Modify to support partial pixel blending 

    # blur window length in pixels 
    blur_window = radius*2+1 

    out_image_data = image_data 

    # blur horizontal row by row, and wrap around edges 
    if blur_horizontal: 
     for row in range(height): 
      for column in range(0, width): 
       total_red = 0 
       total_green = 0 
       total_blue = 0 

       for rads in range(-radius, radius+1): 
        pixel = (row*width) + ((column+rads) % width) 
        total_red += image_data[pixel][0]/blur_window 
        total_green += image_data[pixel][1]/blur_window 
        total_blue += image_data[pixel][2]/blur_window 

       out_image_data[row*width + column] = (total_red, total_green, total_blue, 255) 
     image_data = out_image_data 

    # blur vertical, but no wrapping 
    if blur_vertical: 
     for column in range(width): 
      for row in range(0, height): 
       total_red = 0 
       total_green = 0 
       total_blue = 0 

       blur_window = 0 
       for rads in range(-radius, radius+1): 
        if rads in range(0, height): 
         blur_window += 1 

       for rads in range(-radius, radius+1): 
        row_mod = row+rads 
        if row_mod in range(0, height): 
         pixel = (row_mod*width) + column 
         total_red += image_data[pixel][0]/blur_window 
         total_green += image_data[pixel][1]/blur_window 
         total_blue += image_data[pixel][2]/blur_window 

       out_image_data[row*width + column] = (total_red, total_green, total_blue, 255) 
     image_data = out_image_data 

    return image_data 


image_data = blur_image(image_data, height=height, width=width, radius=2) 

im = Image.new('RGB', (width, height)) 