2012-04-28 76 views

我試圖讓ckeditor工作。編輯器顯示並顯示textarea內容,但提交時表單不會在編輯器中提交文本。CKEDITOR - 無法修改數據


<body onload="load_ck_editor();"> 


echo '<form action="' . URL . '/admin/editlistings.php?id=' . intval($_GET['id']) . '" method="POST" name="form"> 

<table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0">'; 

echo ' 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="' . URL . '/includes/ckeditor/ckeditor.js">/script> 
    <script type="text/javascript"> 
    function load_ck_editor() { 
    document.form.description.value = document.form.description.value.replace(/\n/g,"<br>"); 
    CKEDITOR.basePath = "' . URL . '/includes/ckeditor/"; 
    CKEDITOR.config.MaxLength = 99999; 
    CKEDITOR.config.width = "600";     
    CKEDITOR.config.height = "350"; 
    CKEDITOR.instances.description.setData(\''.str_replace('"', '\"', stripslashes($form['description'])).'\'); 


// If the Submit button was pressed we start this routine 
if (isset($_POST['submit_listing']) && $_POST['submit_listing'] == $lang['Listing_Submit']) { 
$form = array(); 
// safehtml() all the POST variables to insert into the database 
// or print the form again if errors found 
$form = array_map('safehtml', $_POST); 
// Cut the description size to the one set in the configuration 
// just in case the java Script is disabled in user browser 
$form['description'] = substr ($form['description'], 0, $conf['listing_description_size']); 

// Create a mysql query 
$sql = 'UPDATE '. PROPERTIES_TABLE . ' SET description = "' . $form['description'] . '" WHERE id = "' . intval($_GET['id']) . '"'; 

$db->query($sql) or error ('Critical Error', mysql_error()); 
