2017-02-10 67 views



文章 「Symbolic links in snapshot views」 提供一些背景的錯誤消息:

You cannot check out a file element from a symbolic link path; you must check out the link target.

你會發現更多的 「About checking out Symbolic Link (symlink) Targets in dynamic views

In a snapshot view, the symbolic link target must be loaded in your view also, in order for the Symlink Target Operations to appear.
However, these options are limited, such as the checkout does not work, and the alternatives are to either Warp To Symlink Target or use a dynamic view.


I want to check whether the file is symlink before checkout.

考慮cleartool lncleartool describefmt_ccase,我想結帳之前做:

cleartool describe -fmt "%[slink_text]p" myFile 

這將顯示ARGET符號鏈接的,由cleartool ls所顯示的。



謝謝。我把那個命令寫成了powershell函數並且工作 – Samselvaprabu
