2016-09-16 75 views

假設我們有一個商店管理應用程序。它有Customer s並且可以chargeFee()。它應該這樣做,但只適用於活動的Customer使用類型來強制正確性

我已經看到這種情況(Java /僞代碼)的常用方法是這樣的:

class Customer { 
    String name 
    StatusEnum status // 1=active, 2=inactive 

// and this is how the customers are charged 
for (c:Customer.listByStatus(StatusEnum.1)) { 



data CustomerDetails = CustomerDetails { name :: String } 
data Customer a = Active a | Inactive a 

chargeFee :: Active a -> Int -- this doesn't work, do I need DataKinds? 

在這種類型下,'chargeFee'會更準確地命名爲'computeFee'(您實際上並未從賬戶中扣除任何資金),因此您可以僅爲非活動客戶返回0。 – chepner




chargeFee :: Customer a -> Maybe Int 
chargeFee (Inactive _) = Nothing 
chargeFee (Active cust) = ... 

我知道我可以,但如果有人試圖向非活動客戶收費,我希望能夠收到編譯錯誤。 – zoran119


但編譯器應該如何知道哪些客戶是活動的?這不會在運行時纔會決定,是嗎? – leftaroundabout


比方說,我有專門的功能,返回活動和非活動客戶(每個使用合適的where子句是SQL)。 – zoran119



module Customer 
    (CustomerKind(..), Customer, {- note: MkCustomer is not exported -}  
    makeCustomer, activate, chargeFee) where 

data CustomerKind = Active | Inactive 
data Customer (x :: CustomerKind) = MkCustomer String 

mkCustomer :: String -> Customer Inactive 
mkCustomer = MkCustomer 

-- perhaps `IO (Customer Active)' or something else 
activate :: Customer Inactive -> Maybe (Customer Active) 
activate = ... 

chargeFee :: Customer Active -> Int 
chargeFee = ... 

這裏activate會以某種方式確保給定的客戶可以是m積極(並且這樣做),生產所述活躍的客戶。但試圖撥打chargeFee (mkCustomer ...)是一種類型錯誤。

注意DataKinds沒有嚴格要求 - 以下是等價的:

data Active 
data Inactive 
-- everything else unchanged 

同樣可以在不幻象類型通過簡單的聲明兩種類型來完成, - ActiveCustomerInactiveCustomer - 但幻象類型的方法可以讓你寫不關心客戶的類型功能:

customerName :: Customer a -> String 
customerName (MkCustomer a) = ... 


data ActiveCustomer = AC String -- etc. 
data InactiveCustomer = IC String -- etc. 
data Customer = Active ActiveCustomer | Inactive InactiveCustomer 

-- only works on active 
chargeFee :: ActiveCustomer -> IO() 
chargeFee (AC n) = putStrLn ("charged: " ++ n) 

-- works on anyone 
getName :: Customer -> String 
getName (Active (AC n)) = n 
getName (Inctive (IC n)) = n 



更高級的方法是使用GADT。 DataKinds是可選的,但更好,恕我直言。(警告:未經測試)

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds #-} 

data CustomerType = Active | Inactive 
data Customer (t :: CustomerType) where 
    AC :: String -> Customer Active 
    IC :: String -> Customer Inactive 

-- only works on active 
chargeFee :: Customer Active -> IO() 
chargeFee (AC n) = putStrLn ("charged: " ++ n) 

-- works on anyone 
getName :: Customer any -> String 
getName (AC n) = n 
getName (IC n) = n 


data CustomerType = Active | Inactive 
data CustomerTypeSing (t :: CustomerType) where 
    AC :: CustomerTypeSing Active 
    IC :: CustomerTypeSing Active 
data Customer (t :: CustomerType) where 
    C :: CustomerTypeSing t -> String -> Customer t 

-- only works on active 
chargeFee :: Customer Active -> IO() 
chargeFee (C _ n) = putStrLn ("charged: " ++ n) 

-- works on anyone 
getName :: Customer any -> String 
getName (C _ n) = n 

-- how to build a new customer 
makeActive :: String -> Customer Active 
makeActive n = C AC n 

編寫一個適用於任何人的函數(比如'getName')時,我總是必須在'AC n'和'IC n'上進行模式匹配嗎? – zoran119


@ zoran119不一定,如果你把它分解 - 看看最後的編輯。不過,類型定義變得稍微微妙一些。 – chi




data Active = Active 
data Inactive = Inactive 

data Customer a where 
    Customer :: String -> Int -> Customer a 


所以Customer Active代表和「主動」客戶,同樣Customer Inactive代表「不活躍」客戶。

然後,我們可以 「創造」 的客戶,像這樣:

create :: String -> Int -> Customer a 
create = Customer 

createByStatus :: a -> String -> Int -> Customer a 
createByStatus _ = Customer 


createActive :: String -> Int -> Customer Active 
createActive = create 
createInactive :: String -> Int -> Customer Inactive 
createInactive = create 

注意,使用create直接可以創建傻類型,如Customer Int。你有幾個選項來阻止這個,

  1. 只露出方便的方法給你的用戶
  2. 將約束上acreate型類。



getName :: Customer a -> String 
getName (Customer name _) = name 

getCredit :: Customer a -> Int 
getCredit (Customer _ credit) = credit 

chargeCustomer :: Customer Active -> Int -> Customer Active 
chargeCustomer (Customer name credit) charge = Customer name (credit - charge) 



castCustomer :: Customer a -> Customer b 
castCustomer (Customer name credit) = Customer name credit 


setActiveStatus :: statusToCheck -> Customer currentStatus -> Customer statusToCheck 
setActiveStatus _ = castCustomer 

所以,你可以做setActiveStatus Inactive customer,你會回來customer但無效。它只使用castCustomer,適用於所有演員,但setActiveStatus的自己的類型適當限制castCustomer



setActive :: (LegalStatus a) => Customer a -> Customer Active 
setActive = castCustomer 

setInactive :: (LegalStatus a) => Customer a -> Customer Inactive 
setInactive = castCustomer 


getByStatus :: b -> Customer a -> Maybe (Customer b) 



我們可以編寫一個類如class GetByStatus a b,但問題是使用此類的任何函數在其類型簽名約束子句中必須有一個醜陋的GetByStatus a b


class LegalStatus a where ... 


instance LegalStatus Active where ... 
instance LegalStatus Inactive where ... 


class LegalStatus a where 
    get :: (LegalStatus b) => Customer b -> Maybe (Customer a) 
    getActive :: Customer a -> Maybe (Customer Active) 
    getInactive :: Customer a -> Maybe (Customer Inactive) 


instance LegalStatus Active where 
    get = getActive 
    getActive = Just . castCustomer 
    getInactive _ = Nothing 

instance LegalStatus Inactive where 
    get = getInactive 
    getActive _ = Nothing 
    getInactive = Just . castCustomer 


getByStatus :: (LegalStatus a, LegalStatus b) => a -> Customer b -> Maybe (Customer a) 
getByStatus _ = get 


getAll :: (LegalStatus a, LegalStatus b) => [Customer a] -> [Customer b] 
getAll = catMaybes . map get 

getAllByStatus :: (LegalStatus a, LegalStatus b) => a -> [Customer b] -> [Customer a] 
getAllByStatus _ = getAll 

getAllActive :: (LegalStatus a) => [Customer a] -> [Customer Active] 
getAllActive = getAll 

getAllInactive :: (LegalStatus a) => [Customer a] -> [Customer Inactive] 
getAllInactive = getAll 

值得指出了神奇getAll是如何的(事實上,Haskell中的許多其他類似功能)。執行getAll list,如果您將活動客戶列入活動客戶列表,則只會獲得列表中的活躍客戶,同樣,如果您將其列入非活動客戶列表中,您將只在列表中獲得非活動客戶。


splitCustomers :: (LegalStatus a) => [Customer a] -> ([Customer Active], [Customer Inactive]) 
splitCustomers l = (getAll l, getAll l) 



instance LegalStatus Int where ... 


{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} 

type family RestrictLegalStatus a where 
    RestrictLegalStatus Active =() 
    RestrictLegalStatus Inactive =() 

type IsLegalStatus a = (RestrictLegalStatus a ~()) 

class (IsLegalStatus a) => LegalStatus a where ... 




{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} 

module Main where 

import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) 

main = return() 

data Active = Active 
data Inactive = Inactive 

type family RestrictLegalStatus a where 
    RestrictLegalStatus Active =() 
    RestrictLegalStatus Inactive =() 

type IsLegalStatus a = (RestrictLegalStatus a ~()) 

data Customer a where 
    Customer :: String -> Int -> Customer a 

class (IsLegalStatus a) => LegalStatus a where 
    get :: (LegalStatus b) => Customer b -> Maybe (Customer a) 
    getActive :: Customer a -> Maybe (Customer Active) 
    getInactive :: Customer a -> Maybe (Customer Inactive) 

instance LegalStatus Active where 
    get = getActive 
    getActive = Just . castCustomer 
    getInactive _ = Nothing 

instance LegalStatus Inactive where 
    get = getInactive 
    getActive _ = Nothing 
    getInactive = Just . castCustomer 

getByStatus :: (LegalStatus a, LegalStatus b) => a -> Customer b -> Maybe (Customer a) 
getByStatus _ = get 

create :: String -> Int -> Customer a 
create = Customer 

createByStatus :: a -> String -> Int -> Customer a 
createByStatus _ = Customer 

createActive :: String -> Int -> Customer Active 
createActive = Customer 

createInactive :: String -> Int -> Customer Inactive 
createInactive = Customer 

getName :: Customer a -> String 
getName (Customer name _) = name 

getCredit :: Customer a -> Int 
getCredit (Customer _ credit) = credit 

chargeCustomer :: Customer Active -> Int -> Customer Active 
chargeCustomer (Customer name credit) charge = Customer name (credit - charge) 

castCustomer :: Customer a -> Customer b 
castCustomer (Customer name credit) = Customer name credit 

setActiveStatus :: (LegalStatus statusToCheck, LegalStatus currentStatus) => statusToCheck -> Customer currentStatus -> Customer statusToCheck 
setActiveStatus _ = castCustomer 

setActive :: (LegalStatus a) => Customer a -> Customer Active 
setActive = castCustomer 

setInactive :: (LegalStatus a) => Customer a -> Customer Inactive 
setInactive = castCustomer 

getAll :: (LegalStatus a, LegalStatus b) => [Customer a] -> [Customer b] 
getAll = catMaybes . map get 

getAllByStatus :: (LegalStatus a, LegalStatus b) => a -> [Customer b] -> [Customer a] 
getAllByStatus _ = getAll 

getAllActive :: (LegalStatus a) => [Customer a] -> [Customer Active] 
getAllActive = getAll 

getAllInactive :: (LegalStatus a) => [Customer a] -> [Customer Inactive] 
getAllInactive = getAll 

splitCustomers :: (LegalStatus a) => [Customer a] -> ([Customer Active], [Customer Inactive]) 
splitCustomers l = (getAll l, getAll l) 



與DataKind方法注意你不能再稱之爲getByStatus Active ...因爲Active不再是一個值,你需要做的:

getByStatus (Proxy :: Proxy Active) ... 


active :: Proxy Active 
active = Proxy 


getByStatus active 


{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} 

module Main where 

import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) 
import Data.Proxy (Proxy) 

main = return() 

data LegalStatusKind = Active | Inactive 

data Customer (a :: LegalStatusKind) where 
    Customer :: String -> Int -> Customer a 

class LegalStatus (a :: LegalStatusKind) where 
    get :: (LegalStatus b) => Customer b -> Maybe (Customer a) 
    getActive :: Customer a -> Maybe (Customer Active) 
    getInactive :: Customer a -> Maybe (Customer Inactive) 

instance LegalStatus Active where 
    get = getActive 
    getActive = Just . castCustomer 
    getInactive _ = Nothing 

instance LegalStatus Inactive where 
    get = getInactive 
    getActive _ = Nothing 
    getInactive = Just . castCustomer 

getByStatus :: (LegalStatus a, LegalStatus b) => Proxy a -> Customer b -> Maybe (Customer a) 
getByStatus _ = get 

create :: String -> Int -> Customer a 
create = Customer 

createByStatus :: Proxy a -> String -> Int -> Customer a 
createByStatus _ = Customer 

createActive :: String -> Int -> Customer Active 
createActive = Customer 

createInactive :: String -> Int -> Customer Inactive 
createInactive = Customer 

getName :: Customer a -> String 
getName (Customer name _) = name 

getCredit :: Customer a -> Int 
getCredit (Customer _ credit) = credit 

chargeCustomer :: Customer Active -> Int -> Customer Active 
chargeCustomer (Customer name credit) charge = Customer name (credit - charge) 

castCustomer :: Customer a -> Customer b 
castCustomer (Customer name credit) = Customer name credit 

setActiveStatus :: (LegalStatus statusToCheck, LegalStatus currentStatus) => Proxy statusToCheck -> Customer currentStatus -> Customer statusToCheck 
setActiveStatus _ = castCustomer 

setActive :: (LegalStatus a) => Customer a -> Customer Active 
setActive = castCustomer 

setInactive :: (LegalStatus a) => Customer a -> Customer Inactive 
setInactive = castCustomer 

getAll :: (LegalStatus a, LegalStatus b) => [Customer a] -> [Customer b] 
getAll = catMaybes . map get 

getAllByStatus :: (LegalStatus a, LegalStatus b) => Proxy a -> [Customer b] -> [Customer a] 
getAllByStatus _ = getAll 

getAllActive :: (LegalStatus a) => [Customer a] -> [Customer Active] 
getAllActive = getAll 

getAllInactive :: (LegalStatus a) => [Customer a] -> [Customer Inactive] 
getAllInactive = getAll 

splitCustomers :: (LegalStatus a) => [Customer a] -> ([Customer Active], [Customer Inactive]) 
splitCustomers l = (getAll l, getAll l)